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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Yeah, in simulations of high sea rise, Florida is just about entirely wiped out, possibly nonexistent for all practical purposes. Though it also joins a few other states that get wiped out like New Jersey and Delaware. Unless the ocean rise is a flash flood I'm pretty certain that we will move to a different state. Look forward to South Carolina becoming new Florida. Well yeah, it's not going to be so fast that people can't get to safety. Something that catastrophic probably won't happen in our lifetime unless like, the entire Greenland icecap slides into the ocean or something.
  2. Yeah, in simulations of high sea rise, Florida is just about entirely wiped out, possibly nonexistent for all practical purposes. Though it also joins a few other states that get wiped out like New Jersey and Delaware.
  3. Mirke? She's in the 'court' (more like a tavern bar or common room) of Fort Deadlight, so, you're looking in the wrong place. edit: ninja'd edit2: She is also the one who can assist you in the quest there in Fort Deadlight.
  4. BOTH parties are a facade for an elite class, also, try turning your first sentence into a slogan, that is the challenge the Dems have. Larry Kudlow, the chief economic advisor had a heart attack almost when the summit starts. I'm not religious or superstitious myself, but I could see someone who is superstitious or deeply religious interpreting that as a bad omen. To me, it's nothing other than an interesting coincidence. Hope Larry Kudlow is okay though.
  5. Heh, the Democrats are so desperate for messaging help that they are looking to Hollywood: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/11/democratic-campaign-messaging-hollywood-637364 This paragraph just about sums up the whole problem: “One of the first things we were at least talking about in the beginning meetings was how to improve upon the message as to what does the Democratic Party stand for, what does that represent,” said Andrew Marcus, who owns the television and film company Apiary Entertainment. “When the Republican Party or [President Donald] Trump is able to say ‘Make America great again’ and nobody that I know can tell you what the DNC or any of the leading candidates’ slogans [are], I think that’s a marketing problem.” While I don't think Hollywood is neccesarily the best place to look for messaging that will attract Trump voters since Hollywood has this disconnect with conservatives, the TV/movie/music/entertainment industry is certainly useful as an idea factory.
  6. Maybe because of the sarcasm? Also, what's with the diacritics there (though I've never seen that diacritic mark before)? It seems to be inconsistent.
  7. ??? edit: Referring to what Trump said?
  8. What state are you in ShadySands? Some states have pretty late primaries
  9. No, I play fullscreen and get the problem too. It never happened before the 1.1 patch.
  10. Happens every time I quit, using PC here as well and windows 8.1. Been happening since 1.1 was released. @everybody else: A thought, maybe we should mention the windows version and whether we play fullscreen or windowed. I play in fullscreen here.
  11. How far in the game are you? They don't appear often and you can go long stretches without one, there's also some that are quest triggered.
  12. I know theres already a thread related to this, but that was pre-patch and the OP there never responded back about a savegame. This is after she left the team. Actually, she left after I did the second adra portal experiment mission (forget the name offhand, starts at the roof of temple of the seers) after I made an attempt to keep her in the team. Anyways, what happed is that when I went to the map view to decide what to do next, I noticed Maia and an icon on the map, went there and she was floating in the ocean. The save doesn't compress well, so, here's the file raw, also, I saved next to her: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ur4l7wqzxm45puy/Rama%20%28DeadfireArchipelago%29%20%28802572fe-b7ef-4593-9445-9ff1914a626e%29%20%28788781864%29.savegame?dl=0 There could be a link to the Maia farewell spam bug, https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/101018-maia-farewell-spam/?hl=%2Bmaia+%2Bmap , I can't prove the link myself, but since both bugs are appearing together for me, theres a chance that they're connected.
  13. Eh? The only place I've found that has the Blessed Incense is the temple vendor in Sacred Stair, and she only has one.
  14. Looks like the bear is going ‘hmm... how do I eat this?...’
  15. Theres a confirmed one around Proxima Centauri, the red dwarf. Anyways, the detection method mentioned relies somewhat on the planet passing between line of sight of the parent sun and Earth, so, if the systems aren't aligned that way, it's harder to detect them. There are methods to detect planets that don't rely on that though.
  16. Yeah, this is just the first balance pass. I think the OP meant the general consensus post patch as far as things go. I see a lot of people complaining on the patch notes thread about the nerfs, but it's the first balance pass and it's not as big a deal for me as I like to play on relaxed.
  17. I've seen complaints about how the classes and stuff got overnerfed, but since I play on relaxed mode, it's not as big an issue as it is for some. Some classes and subclasses got nerfed HARD though.
  18. Just heard a couple min ago.
  19. Huh? Not getting the reference here.
  20. I thought that's what you were going for with the 'save money and airmiles' bit, but 'deporting' them to the churches funding missionaries going to those various countries does sound like a nice way to highlight the hypocrisy.
  21. That certainly seems like a scheme far-left liberals (though I guess could be applicable to anywhere on the spectrum) would make up, heh, make the missionaries pay for transporting those individuals back to their home countries and have them fly on the same airplane that the missionaries are on. You're the first one that I know of that has thought up that idea though. edit: No, wait, stereotypical far left liberals would probably do the exact opposite of far right conservatives and deport as few as possible. *shrug*
  22. About religion? I can imagine it coming up spontaneously on occasion.
  23. Also, I don't see anything about crew with multiple skills not having all of their skills level up completely or something like that, maybe that's still being worked on?
  24. No fixes for item comparison going off the screen? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98923-item-comparison-goes-off-the-screen-at-some-resolutions-and-text-scales/ Minor issue, but would have been nice if that got tackled.
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