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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Is that in 1.1? Because I didn't run into that before.
  2. Is that a Canada thing? Because I've never heard of that here.
  3. I don't remember how I solved this problem on the previous dlc. But nothing is working now. Also, this is with my main steam account. It's the same with the last DLC too and same solution, just exit back out of PoEII and restart Steam.
  4. You could do the same for unlabelled CDs or any other storage medium.
  5. Melania Trump 'triggering the libs/cons/media' or complete optics fail? you decide. http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/393525-melania-trump-spokeswoman-rips-media-over-jacket-there-was-no Seriously, given how aware she is of optics, you'd think she would know better? Funny that she chose a cheap (by her standards anyway, $39) jacket though.
  6. Having the latest post (or maybe the original post as well) marked as unread when it's edited might help towards that, if part of the problem is not knowing when theres changes to the thread.
  7. Just edited my post after I saw that post while you posted.
  8. Maybe these should be consolidated into 'no partial hair with head item'? Unless stuff like tricorn caps and regular hats don't have the problem. Oh, nvm, I looked in another thread of yours and saw that cdiaz requested each instance of it with the different types.
  9. My guess is that's way too much of a moving target to be reliable, which means people would ultimately complain when something missed, which means they won't do it. Not to mention potential spoilers, and yeah, things would be too in flux.
  10. Hi guys - could you give me a little more detail please? Is this in regards to the in-game popup image or the link from the news article? Thanks! I'm talking about the download button on the Steam store page for the free DLC.
  11. Clicking the download button for the new DLC launches the game instead of downloading the DLC, have to exit game and restart steam to get it to download. Might be a Steam issue that you can't really do much about though.
  12. Also, clicking the download button for the new DLC launches the game instead of downloading the DLC, have to exit game and restart steam to get it to download.
  13. No problems here, I'm using windows 8.1. Also, the ingame news thing needs updating to announce the new free DLC.
  14. Yeah, I can't reach the download page, just times out/loads forever. I'm having trouble even loading the store page for it, PoEII store page too. Still, this is a problem with Steam anyway, not Obsidian.
  15. 'Store and Ship results now handle Scaling Text size better and layering of UI has been fixed in a few places.' What does this mean exactly? Item comparison mouseovers won't go offscreen anymore?
  16. Your brand of libertarianism isn't of the anarchist type, I get that, however, there are libertarians who do subscribe to the 'reduce government to nonexistence or near nonexistence', like Rand Paul. Unless I'm misunderstanding Rand Paul and his positions are more like yours. As for the counting one hand all the times one political party controlled everything to the point there could be no resistance, the only time I know of is when the US briefly became a one party state in the early 19th century. However, it got that way because the other opposing party had collapsed and even then, that one party wasn't stable, it quickly split into two camps.
  17. I did get what zoraptor was saying and not that it was literally masturbatory.
  18. Something more realistic would be an EU style thing, probably a Pan-American type deal since it's not much fun with just Mexico, USA, and Canada. I know it still wouldn't be particularily realistic, but it's far more realistic than a straight up nation-state of North America.
  19. Uh...what? Just thought it was a bit funny to use the term for a woman giving the speech. not in a HA HA way, more of a 'pfft, heh' way.
  20. Given that Haley is a woman, pretty funny you saying she gave a 'masturbatory' speech, though I get what you mean. And yeah, there's plenty of hypocrisy to go around, and some countries suffered human rights abuses under their colonial overlords. Given all the hypocrisy to go around, seems like it would be better to just include every single country on Earth in it, yes, including NK despite them being pretty much the worst offender. The US would still complain about 'Israel bias', but given that in such a situation, even the smallest countries would be able to hold states like Venezuela or China accountable. There will still be complaints against the US, but that's the entire point, everybody should hold everybody else accountable whether they like it or not.
  21. Rather than anything against Israel, the final straw seems to have been UN criticism at the current immigration crisis with separating children from parents. https://www.vox.com/2018/6/19/17479356/nikki-haley-un-human-rights-council-us-out While she does have a point about the other members like China and Russia and not considering a resolution on Venezuela (she doesn't give specifics), which is also a member, it seems a bit rich to use 'Israel bias' as a reason to exit that council.
  22. The UN Human Rights council could use some integrity itself since it has countries like Saudi Arabia on it.
  23. It's like one of those types of trolls who intentionally troll with the intent to get banned because they desire the lulz or whatever and they even state that. On one hand, you don't want to give the troll what they want (the ban), on the other, they'll just keep going until the inevitable happens. I imagine that this is a similar no-win situation. Of course the Academy doesn't want to empower the troll, but at the same time, they can't let the behavior continue.
  24. Oh, I thought you were referring to the branches of the military. Sorry to burst your bubble, but methodists are a branch of the Protestants.
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