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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Were you using a dev provided timeline, an imported one, or one made with the creator? There may or may not be a connection to it.
  2. I'm trying to do the 'Upon New Shores' (this thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102989-111-capt-lofell-not-showing-up-upon-new-shores-quest/ ) and 'Refined Arrangement' quests before I go to Ukaizo, but according to the wiki (what little documentation there is of it anyway), Ganor (proprietor and owner of the bathhouse) is supposed to have the Refined Arrangement quest and he doesn't have it available. However, from what I've seen on the stringtables, it looks like Cortina (the adminstrator at the luminous adra mill) is supposed to start it. I've tried doing a forum search and it doesn't seem like anybody is aware of the quest, if it is broken. Current save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yb0ue0cqpl67tsq/Charos%20%28SerpentsCrown%29%20%285f48e7c1-5c2b-4e7d-9969-f4697ae311f4%29%20%28780465846%29.savegame?dl=0
  3. I'm trying to do the 'Upon New Shores' and 'Refined Arrangement' (this thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102991-111-refined-arrangement-quest-not-available/ ) quests before I go to Ukaizo, but I can't find the person who is supposed to start the 'Upon New Shores' quest. The thing is that this quest is poorly documented (next to undocumented, really) on the wiki and the only thread or post about the quest or Captain Lofell is a thread in the PoEII: Deadfire stories section asking where he is. Plus from the stringtables, it seems like he might be the contact to start it, but I'm not sure. However, this is after Ashen Maw and I've looked all over Serpent's Crown at all hours and he isn't there. Current save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yb0ue0cqpl67tsq/Charos%20%28SerpentsCrown%29%20%285f48e7c1-5c2b-4e7d-9969-f4697ae311f4%29%20%28780465846%29.savegame?dl=0 Someone else mentioned in the thread I mentioned that it might be because I already did the 'A Paradise of the Mind' quest, which is possible, but given the lack of documentation on it, I don't know if it got blocked off.
  4. I can't find him either, and this is after Ashen Maw.
  5. *spots Sharp_One* He's probably gonna raeg about the Poland tri-partition there on that map.
  6. Those only show up in that one quest AFAIK.
  7. SCOTUS just upheld the travel ban in a 5-4 decision, http://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/394143-supreme-court-upholds-trump-travel-ban Also, NUUUUUUU! Justice Kennedy voted to uphold the decision! /drama
  8. I had plenty of random events in the player timelines I did before the 1.1 patch, two were imported and one was custom made using the timeline editor thing. However, this run, I'm doing a dev provided player timeline, the Berath one. Before the patch though, I could sometimes go long periods without a random event, but they were there. @everybody having problems: Were you using an imported timeline, a custom made one using the creator, or using a dev provided timeline? If it happens with a dev created timeline, that could help them narrow it down some.
  9. It's hard to see in the above screenshot, but theres bits of shadow left over from the coral near the bottom of the screen, more easily seen in this screenshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/954083064338678837/8C741C2E2215FBC86A07ECE22C94BDE22D7DE4C1/
  10. It does seem a bit like something is blocking them because I got a sudden flood of them after a while. No idea what unblocked it up. @devs: Do you guys want a save where it's working?
  11. I got one after a pretty long time, but I've usually had several more random encounters in Neketaka by now. Maybe the chance rate was accidentially set too low? edit: And another one after returning from doing a quick bounty.
  12. Dropbox works fine for here. I use it for the savegames which don't compress well.
  13. Here's what it does. I don't think nature godlikes can get by without having it unless they are druids or rangers. I recieved it as a death godlike druid and got nothing. I was confused when nothing showed up in the passives or in the character sheet.
  14. How did you find a list of quests? Anyways, crossreferencing the POE wiki, you're also missing at least three from there, one is 'Refined Arrangement' which is connected to Ganor (the proprietor and owner of the bath house), but it's not clear how to start that. The other two are 'Upon New Shores' and 'Final Voyage' which, from what I can tell looking at the stringtable and the PoE wiki, are connected to each other, but I don't know how to start those.
  15. 8bunp* Moving this for visibility for Caleb as he said in a similar thread that it should be fixed in 1.1, but this shows it as not fixed as it happens with map transitions. Sometimes on a delay, but it did keep happening.
  16. Does she show up on the map for you as well? Her name shows up on the map when embarked on the ship in a save that has this same issue. Also, I made a newer thread that connects to this https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102218-11-maia-in-ocean-bug-possible-connection-to-farewell-spam/ Actually, given that one is in 1.1 as well, it shows it as not fixed for 1.1. I wonder if Caleb saw my thread.
  17. Does she show up on the map for you as well? Her name shows up on the map when embarked on the ship in a save that has this same issue. Also, I made a newer thread that connects to this https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102218-11-maia-in-ocean-bug-possible-connection-to-farewell-spam/
  18. @raithe: Shouldn't the fear be that they're way more competent than stormtroopers who couldn't even hit the side of a barn? heh Not surprising given psychological studies. There's also this, Trump wanted to go and use Executive orders to pass immigration reform as part of a bill WaPo article with a bit more filled in detail than The Hill, but advisers and staff told him that he can't do it unilaterally by fiat via Executive order. However, the irony here is that, didn't Obama do exactly that with DACA? I'm pretty sure Obama went down that route (though it wasn't alongside legislation as Trump's idea was) of changing immigration laws via Executive Order, but Trump's idea was to go even further than Obama ever did.
  19. I don't know if this requires a new game, but it's most noticeable on a new game. It's purely an UI issue as they're functioning like they should, just that the lock icon is missing. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/954083064328939437/320E60D2AEEF7C03007ABD8C15DEE7D486E63388/
  20. After the god cutscene (and the cinematic after exiting the sublevel), I had a crash when trying to exit the digsite to the map. I wasn't able to reproduce it, so, it might have been a one-off fluke. 2018-06-23_085924.zip
  21. No irony, if Muharrim Ince wins it would certainly be a revolution given how entrenched the AKP is. If they go to a 2nd round he has a decent chance too since every candidate who isn't Erdogan seems to hate Erdogan, including the islamists and conservatives who should be his allies. A narrow first round victory would still mean 50% of the vote for Erdogan, and it's all he needs for his program. I'm sure he'd like Putin numbers for bragging rights, but a win is a win. I think that smjames thought that you meant incel (involuntary celibates) revolution Yeah, I misunderstood it as that rather than his opponents last name.
  22. What are you talking about? The forum section this thread is in, isn't locked to new threads and the usual tech issues section is open.
  23. Theres also some people talking about it in the dev update #50 thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102735-update-50-new-patch-and-whats-coming-in-july/ , though you guys may have noticed already.
  24. Incel Revolution? Not sure if you're trying to be ironic there Zoraptor. A narrow victory would still be a defeat for Erdogan (since it shows that the opposition still has teeth) and his ego (much like Trumps) won't settle for anything less than an absolute landslide.
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