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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Scandal infused EPA director Pruitt resigns. About time!
  2. This probably fits in both this thread and the funny thread, but it's not actually a joke, so... Facebook algorithm marks part of the US Independence document as 'racist: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-44722728 The part that triggered it was a section that said 'merciless indian savages'. Basically, the algorithm didn't recognize it as being part of a historical document.
  3. Maybe those who complain about copyright misuse should resort to watermarks or something rather than trying to brute force it this way. I can see all kinds of unintended stuff happening with that. Anways, there's a new twist in the whole Novichok agent on the Russian ex-spy back in March. A couple somehow came into contact with the agent, but authorities haven't figured out yet if it's the same batch. I've also heard something about the house that they were in, was newly rented or something, but that hasn't been confirmed yet seemingly. Not much information right now.
  4. Only problem is that Obsidian is based in the US, does the law even apply to entities outside the US? The first excerpt says 'member states', which implies EU only. Sure, servers within the EU and international corporations that are in the EU could logically be held responsible, but how will they enforce it outside the EU? This is part of the problem, the EU may think it only affects them, but it raises questions for literally everybody in the world. Also, if someone outside the EU posts an image of a WH40K guardsman in a EU based forum or a forum on that server, can the person be charged, will it actually work because sovereignity comes into play and you're going to clash with the US constitution as well. Seriously, the whole thing sounds like it was made by politicians who don't understand how the internet works.
  5. By taxes, you mean the tariffs, right?
  6. I find it funny that both members of ENF, in the comitee, supported it and both members of ECR, in the comitee, voted null. As it was aproved with 14-9 vote, if anti-EU pro nationalist people would have actually voted according to what they preach it would have been rejected with 13-12 vote. I don't think there are any memes that are copyrighted, though I guess some people could try to copyright them. Only problem is that some memes are so old that nobody remembers who first created it and even now, once a meme appears, it mutates and spreads faster than lightning. Sounds like something that would be impossible to actually manage properly.
  7. Isn't it a 'reserve currency' in the sense that there really isn't anything better?
  8. You should be seeing a mod manager button in the options menu. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/954083319071457565/5EDCCBA601339D0F496C6F5F8529E8C74EAFF596/ Might be a better idea to put the button for it outside the options menu, more visible that way. im totally not seeing it there after installing the patch BETA Version at the top right says LAXABCE, what does yours say?
  9. You should be seeing a mod manager button in the options menu. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/954083319071457565/5EDCCBA601339D0F496C6F5F8529E8C74EAFF596/ Might be a better idea to put the button for it outside the options menu, more visible that way.
  10. @yougottawanna: I don't get the price increase of the Galleon and Junk ships either. Steam is moving through the patch update extremely slowly
  11. I'd say you've probably got a bug. Do a cache check maybe? Gonna check this out for myself though.
  12. It's a new feature in the patch, It's not even in 1.1.1 "Prices of Galleon and Junk ships have been doubled." Why? there's no point to doubling it....
  13. Is this the one that's going to be concurrent with the 'Beast of Winter' DLC? Your announcement about it made it sound like you wanted to pair the two together.
  14. Can someone explain what the TCS/TSC achievement is? It's not a Steam achievement and attempting to do a forum search for TCS yielded nothing, probably because it's too short of a string.
  15. OOOH, Justice Kennedy just announced his retirement, http://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/393357-kennedy-announces-retirement-from-supreme-court MASSIVE SCOTUS nominee fight coming up and the Democrats will definetly rally in order to take the Senate to try and control SCOTUS.
  16. You'd have to get the second cornett anyway, and you're forced to fight there. Two others are: Coming to Terms: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Coming_to_Terms Possible with either decent diplomacy skill or you can try using stealth. and this one which there is basically no info about: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Refined_Arrangement I've looked at the stringtables and it doesn't look like combat is involved at all. Only problem is that the dialogue to start the quest doesn't seem to exist and I have no idea how it's supposed to start.
  17. Opening the side chamber will break stealth and make you fight the giant worm, just to note.
  18. TCS achievement? I don't see that in the list of possible Steam achievements. Additionally, there's the A Sinking Feeling and A Bigger Fish quests, both of which are possible without fighting. A Sinking Feeling can be completed by just having your companion (or you) with highest stealth eavesdrop. A Bigger Fish can be completed by telling them to swing by Zili Valera that requires no skill checks. Not sure if you have to talk to Zili Valera first for that option to show up. You'll also get a decent hull and sail out of those two for free. Also, make sure you do the reconcillation between the two soon after (not sure how many days) or you'll be forced to choose a side and fight.
  19. The only place I've ever seen primal water drop is the sirens at Sentinel Hill https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/The_Burning_Shoals . Locations where it can be pickpocketed off of others or are in locked containers will have to be confirmed by others though.
  20. Socialists rejoice! (lol), Rep. Joe Crowley (the #4 top Dem in the House) just got booted out by a card carrying member of Democratic Socialists of America, https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/6/26/17506970/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-joe-crowley-primary-new-york His major missteps like sending a surrogate to a debate and even skipping some, certainly didn't help though. While she sounds about as socialist as Bernie Sanders, I don't think she's 'European Socialist' as while the ones mentioned there are pretty up there, they don't sound like they'd be far left by any measure, except the US anyway.
  21. Which isle are you talking about with 'the opening isles'? The one that Port Maje is on?
  22. I already did the Paradise of the Mind quest, so, it's possible that's why.
  23. No problem. Also, I don't know if Maia is in the ocean due to my attempt to bypass Maia leaving when she should have (which worked for a time, and very well could have broken something) or if it happens regardless, which is why I was trying to ask in the other thread whether that person who was also experiencing the spam, also had Maia in the ocean.
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