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Everything posted by Ryz009

  1. Well, for my girl with Aloth, Maia immediately turned that conversation into a romantic one, saying it was too bad my Watcher was already attached. If you don't cut her off with "let's keep it professional", she keeps hinting in a romantic direction otherwise. She doesn't outright say, "Let's bang," or anything. Wait so she's just as thirsty as Xoti? Awwww.
  2. Wait which dialogue? I really hate rangers And my 3 ranged slots are usually filled with my PC, Aloth and Xoti. It was an awkward question-conversation about captain/subordinate relationship. I picked the "lets keep this professional", but nothing about the whole thing was necessarily "I wannabe more than friend". Ooooh. Reminds me of that Fenris conversation where he's giving you a compliment and you can either shut it down, make it flirty or keep it friendly. I love those awkward convos
  3. I can answer that one . Joining the Principal is like joining a faction . Beside loot reward and such , the ending sliders will be determined by who did you side with and the fate of your companions will change depanding on that also . I'm guessing going solo..will also give a different slider . Although , I can say that they are also bugged . So beware ( as in , give them time to fix this stuff and try again :D) If i do the Principal questline up until i get the ghostship, but i dont hand the ghostship in and i just carry on with the rest of the game as normal, would that be considered going solo still? Or would you still be considered as being a member of the Principal? It's solo. You don't get locked into the pirates til you return with the ship.
  4. Understood and fair. I was trying to address criticism from the first game that combat music was too in your face, too repetitive, too attention grabbing. It's a process, maybe next game will strike the right balance. The shanties were excellent though :D And yeah hopefully it'll be more balanced in the next games (or even in the dlcs if there's different music there).
  5. I like the white match combat music D: I have to agree about deadfire's combat music being meh though. At least it wasn't offensive to the ear but it could've been much better.
  6. Wait which dialogue? I really hate rangers And my 3 ranged slots are usually filled with my PC, Aloth and Xoti.
  7. Yeah both approval and disapproval are triggering waaay to fast. I got aloth to -2 in like 2 conversations which is absurd. I finally realized why he was at zero all the time though. His stewardship and autonomy were cancelling each other out on my first game .
  8. The only thing I didn't like about Hoth was it was too much mindless driving. Also that snow shader gave me a headache. Old Vailia would work for my woodelf at least. Though since he was a slave he's more inclined to burn the place down XD I know it's a bit odd. Of course deadfire origin got the most mentions I've been seeing a lot more people playing Pale Elves this time around ;D I'm pretty excited since in the Season Pass it seems like something Rymrgand related, so hopefully get some more Pale Elf related lore (In the first we just got that tiny smidge from the elves at Noonfrost) I look forward to companion reactions to being dragged somewhere cold again I finally found a portrait of one I liked so I went with it :D Hopefully. And yessss companions complaining about the cold gets me. My poor SW had half her crew going naaaah to going to Hoth again. Think Pierce and DS Jaesa are the only ones who are cool with it.
  9. I really hope we go there in the next game. Well if there's a POE3. Booring and too many aumaua again. Better go to the Living Lands with crazy geography and fantastical things to explore. wait I meant the living lands cause that's how the pale elves are. xD Aren't Pale Elves from The White that Wends? *facepalms at self* Wait no I got the two mixed up. Thankfully my pale elf's origin is right
  10. I really hope we go there in the next game. Well if there's a POE3. Booring and too many aumaua again. Better go to the Living Lands with crazy geography and fantastical things to explore. wait I meant the living lands cause that's how the pale elves are. xD Edit: and I've been corrected that's white that wends. Yeah I rather go to that frost dump
  11. Wilting Wind seems like it should be increased a tier tbh. It's a bit ridiculous.
  12. I really hope we go there in the next game. Well if there's a POE3. (Pale elf home I mean not Rautai)
  13. Get Konstanten, he's a hoot with that over-the-top voice of his. Also, his big hands may be his only character trait, but at least he's honest about it. Where does he live? I haven't found any sidekicks. Upper floor of the Wild Mare in Queen's Berth district in Neketaka. He's uh, one of the entertainment facilities there. He's the masseuse pretty much.
  14. She only leave if she is in the party when you are going to do it from what I've read. Huh that's odd. Surely she'd learned what the PC did via the other companions? Would think it'd be a forced ship conversation and she'd leave then. That said if it works it works XD
  15. Yes I'm triggered by people using terms improperly and spewing their uniformed views all over the place that they regurgitated from some other uniformed person. It's extremely tiresome to see that constantly repeated by people who don't even know what they're talking about go on and on about it. That said you did admit you were wrong so thank you for that. That bit wasn't even directed towards you if it was I'd specified you instead of saying people. Cause you can't seriously believe you're the only one using that term on these boards. You have agreed with posts using that term so you know it's not just you. Like what sense would it make for me to say people in general if I meant you in particular? As for power fantasy it's a video game. Power fantasy is part of their bread and butter. If an RPG was to be realistic your PC wouldn't have nearly the amount of influence over how the factions win/lose as they do. Like the bs excuses are so tiresome. You don't like it. That's fine. (General you to make this clear)That doesn't mean it's not immersive or its some extreme outlier in all the other crap that's in the game. Why can't people just say they don't like something and leave it at that? Why all the bs justifications? Like if they had did this with established characters and you're like "that's not how they were before." I'd get it. But they used new characters for a reason. Regarding the OP I also get the aggravation on NPCs hitting on the PC first. But I really haven't experienced that? Even Xoti despite the clear thirst hasn't openly hit on my character in this play-through so I'm wondering if it's a dialogue trigger.
  16. Pretty sure none of the romances are long-lasting. I'd expect Aloth to stick with the PC actually. But only him. Yeah Aloth is the only one that makes sense to stick around. Others are more temporary. I guess it opens room for new stuff if the devs wanted implement it in the future. But to be honest I would not put too much stock into companion end-game slides. They look more like placeholders to me, just to see which way companions' personalities swung after traveling with the watcher. I mean everyone goes their separate ways after POE1 but then Eder is there sitting by your corpse from the beginning of the game, and it is not really explained how he got there. I always assumed he came back after the attack found the steward and they proceeded from there.
  17. Pretty sure none of the romances are long-lasting. I'd expect Aloth to stick with the PC actually. But only him. I've not romanced him, so i do not know, but Maia doesn't stick around either. Goes off on Rauatai business but comes to visit from time to time or something To be fair she's a spy. Expecting her to stick around is unlikely.l
  18. Pretty sure none of the romances are long-lasting. I'd expect Aloth to stick with the PC actually. But only him.
  19. Yeah I wouldn't romance Tekehu expecting anything long lasting. Or Xoti to be honest.
  20. BG2 wizard doesn't start at level 1. (least it didn't in my imported save). And googled you start at level 7+ or something. BG1 wizard level 1 is garbage. You don't get decent til like...level five ish? Comparing it to BG2 isn't really fair.
  21. I have max insight, so it's not that. I think the dialogue is just bugged. I wish I knew enough about game code to work out where the actual text for that exchange is in the files. Things were so simple back in the BG2 days... Yeah that's the one thing I'll always love about Skyrim the devs really made the game so you can somewhat easily check its guts. It's a nice thing.
  22. Probably intended. In that conversation it looks like she's the one who pretty much calls him out on it. Without that push he probably suppresses it ala usual. I'm pretty sure dialogue file (companion_aloth_relationship_player) has rivalmance lines for suppressed Iselmyr aswell. Can't try it ingame though yet Hmm I wonder if its another insight check then? Yeah it looks like as long as you don't side with anyone who personally hurts the Rautai she sticks with you.
  23. Least berath gave me a cool bell. And I didn't even have to promise her first
  24. thats odd ! In my game , siding with principale , I got the leader of Ruatai showing up not the leader of Huana . Yeah that seems to have another flag that sets it. I got the Ruatai on my solo and my pirate.
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