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Everything posted by Ryz009

  1. I'm going to have a hard time using Tekehu, because I never really use druids. I just can't get comfortable with any druid character. And while I don't have any problem with Chanters, they always feel like a luxury to any party rather than a critical, must-have class. And with only 5 character parties (4 if you discount the PC), it just doesn't feel like there's room for a "luxury character" which is a shame because I would otherwise be quite willing to give him a shot. I might just have to wait for a second run-through to try him out. But right now, I'm more comfortable using characters of classes that feel more reliable to my play style. I'm only playing on Vet but I used him as a pure druid in a party with Pallegina, Aloth, Eder and my wizard PC. He's usually decent as an emergency healer. Once he gets his summons though things get a little silly easy. Ryz, I never played pure Druids even back in the BG or IWD games. Oh, I'd play Jahiera who was a Fighter/Druid, but to me, she was more fighter than druid, almost a pseudo-ranger. I've just never gotten into the entire (pure) druid concept. It just doesn't click with me. Plus I tend to trend more towards a more physical, less magical play style. Different strokes, and all that. Ah fair enough. I main wizards so druid wasn't that different for me.
  2. It really doesn't help that just telling someone the truth or completing a quest gives benevolent points. My cruel/aggressive dude is also honest/benevolent because of that which is a nuisance. Thankfully he's a wizard so it's not like he loses powers or anything but it's still a bother.
  3. I'm going to have a hard time using Tekehu, because I never really use druids. I just can't get comfortable with any druid character. And while I don't have any problem with Chanters, they always feel like a luxury to any party rather than a critical, must-have class. And with only 5 character parties (4 if you discount the PC), it just doesn't feel like there's room for a "luxury character" which is a shame because I would otherwise be quite willing to give him a shot. I might just have to wait for a second run-through to try him out. But right now, I'm more comfortable using characters of classes that feel more reliable to my play style. I'm only playing on Vet but I used him as a pure druid in a party with Pallegina, Aloth, Eder and my wizard PC. He's usually decent as an emergency healer. Once he gets his summons though things get a little silly easy.
  4. Same. Any options that are good/no violence/respectful approach work well with him. He has a good heart under all that fidgeting. I think he doesn't like jokes, seeing it being irresponsible. Unfortunately his disapproval of that is rarely shown by a tooltip. Ahh I see. I thought it depended on the joke and the situation, but you may be right. I'll have to try being more stoic. That would mean Eder will be stuck at 0 though This is so contra-intuitive. I wish Eder, Aloth, and Pallegina had some bonuses with the Watcher. It makes no sense that they would be so neutral to you after all you've been through together. It also would be a cool POE throwback if they didn't give you crap for the dispositions you already had. (Unless obviously it was cruel/aggressive).
  5. I've just managed to finally move Aloth from zero... to -1. Yay I guess. At least now I know he is not bugged for me. But honestly, why does he hate everything and everyone this time around? lmao I managed that too but I'm sure he's still bugged because I did like 5 stewardship options in a row and he didn't move. I swear to god if he's coded to disapprove of every snarky comment I might strangle him. My Watcher has been snarky from the start this isn't new to him. I don't wanna play boring PC though T_T I mean at the very least they could show him disapproving of the clever options. I don't even get that much.
  6. Yeah affinity or whatever they call it is super bugged. I can't get Aloth above zero.
  7. LGBTs attract? Well, I guess that's why I don't have any in my social circle. But if my player character is not LGBT why should he\she be like a magnet to LGBTs? Aand we're back again to companions being player sexual . Because I agree, all the options are for you. Their background being bi is just so you can choose whomever you like with either gender. There's no need to explain or justify it, it is what it is - pandering for profit. *blinks slowly* You realize this game was kickstarted right? What the hell do you think they did for that? So many kickstarters are the definition of pandering to an audience. What did you expect?
  8. Really though I think the reason there's not a lot of character discussion is because the bugs. Like I can't even get Aloth's conversations to trigger so how can I discuss his romance?
  9. Andromeda wasn't made by BioWare merely one of those studios EA slapped the Bioware label on. They made that trash Omega dlc that was buggy as hell too why EA decided to give them a game to work on when they couldn't handle a dlc is anyone's guess. Agreed on Solas romance though. Makes the PC a doormat. I stick to Bull and Cullen rarely. Mostly Bull though because unnnf that size difference between him and femelf PC.
  10. Uh most people don't even finish the game once let alone replay it. Hell I replay games and I don't replay them for a romance that I was restricted from. If I don't want to play a certain character a romance (which usually is about half an hour of content) is not going to make me replay a 40+ hour game as a PC I don't wanna play. That argument always was iffy at best to me. Like if I want to see the romance that badly I'll watch it on youtube. I'm more likely to replay to side with another faction, or play another personality type, bring around other companions, different class, so on. I tend to romance the same exact characters if anything. I remember rolling my elf for Solas and then going straight to Bull xD well I tried.
  11. The demonization of pandering bothers me because at the end of the day the game is made to sell. Pandering to an extent only helps that. Now no one is saying something should pander so much it's nothing but fanservice but fan service being in a product isn't some strange alien concept. A vast majority of products want their audience to like it and buy more of it that's just how marketing works. Its why you get but sex sells. and so on. Romance is just one facet of that. Putting in improbable armor but it looks good and players like it is another. It like most things are fine in moderation. It's not like the whole game is nothing but fanservice.
  12. Well, I did? Or all those discussions about lore I've read and participated in were figments of my imaginations. One would also think that if people love to talk about companions so much it just means that those companions are actually good. My god the debates I had about the Geth/Quarians *shudder* though all 3 games too my god. Then there was Cerberus though that died in ME3 for obvious reasons. Or even in so called pandering heaven about Templars/Mages (my god the wars waged over the ending decision). Actually I remember more discussions involving actual plot about DA2 than DAO lol. Though most of us could come together to call Hawke a ****ty protagonist.
  13. Their dense concentration in one place is what's jarring. It's a very tired argument in all recent BW games - why are there so many bi & gay people in your party? You can try arguing that it's a fantasy game, but actually it's not normal for any fantasy world, just for player party, it seems . Because recent BW games resemble pandering date sims wrapped in fantasy settings more than anything else. Too bad POE2 went the same way and it's not because of lack of money, it's because they chose to: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/173771124776/before-deadfires-release-you-said-that-every The party that's filled with 2 godlikes (these are supposed to be rare), freed slaves, a priestess that captures souls in her lantern? Like you do realize your PCs party is made of exceptions to the rule right? So all these rare people on the boat is fine...til they're sexualities aren't straight. *Then* its an issue? Also judging from the brothels it doesn't look like there's any stigmatizing of sexuality so why wouldn't people be more open about it in the Deadfire? Godlikes, priestesses and all the other unique stuff of that world doesn't bother me as much because it is truly fantastical, without any parallels in the real world, so it is easy to suspend my disbelief about that. Everybody being LGBT around meis not, because in the real world it is not and I can't help by make parallels when I play. That's why it breaks the suspension of disbelief. Also, brothel is a poor example because it's a brothel - a place where people satiate any kinds of sexual desires for money. It doesn't mean hosts there are LGBT, it's just their job. But whatever, as I've said before, it's a very tired argument with no resolution. If you're ok with all that then good for you, I'm certainly not gonna judge your preferences. How is a brothel in the middle of the city a bad example? It's not hidden in the least. And of course there's other NPCs that express various sexualities without anyone bating an eye. And everyone *isn't* LGBT. Eder is straight and tells you so if you hit on him, there's plenty of NPCs in straight relationships just because your companions (who are all young and single for the most part) are all hitting on each other isn't a big deal and certainly didn't break my suspension of disbelief. Uh, how does roughly 20-30 minutes of companion cutscenes and dialogues (which include not only romance, for that matter) out of 50-80 hour games translate into a datesim, I wonder? They make good "candy wrappers". But if you've ever looked at their forums and social media the most talked about thing are no "candy wrappers", but "candies" themselves. Wait are you seriously saying just because someone discusses one facet of a game the most that's all the game is about? You are aware of how ludicrous that argument is right? According to that logic the only reason Crisis was made was to stress test PCs.
  14. I got Eder to ask me about how he can diplomatically tell Xoti to never talk to him again. I told him to be honest and if she can't deal with it, tough. It was amusing when he told her not to talk to him anymore... until he started another banter with her ten minutes later like none of that had happened. Yeah its hard to judge character relationships because of the bugs. It's maddening.
  15. Their dense concentration in one place is what's jarring. It's a very tired argument in all recent BW games - why are there so many bi & gay people in your party? You can try arguing that it's a fantasy game, but actually it's not normal for any fantasy world, just for player party, it seems . Because recent BW games resemble pandering date sims wrapped in fantasy settings more than anything else. Too bad POE2 went the same way and it's not because of lack of money, it's because they chose to: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/173771124776/before-deadfires-release-you-said-that-every The party that's filled with at least 2 godlikes (these are supposed to be rare), freed slave pirate Orlan, a watcher that's been revived by Berath herself, an awakened Elf, A spy, and a priestess that captures souls in her lantern for her god? Like you do realize your PCs party is made of exceptions to the rule right? So all these rare people on the boat is fine...til they're sexualities aren't straight. *Then* its an issue? Also judging from the brothels it doesn't look like there's any stigmatizing of sexuality so why wouldn't people be more open about it in the Deadfire? Also lol dating sim. You've never played a dating sim to compare BW games to one. They're not. For one thing there's no mission failed if you can't get Eothas to fall in love with you enough Like seriously as in most rpg games your party is a circus troupe. It's a bunch of people that have little logical reason to have been anywhere near each other but for the sake of the plot band together to beat the big bad. There's only a sheer handful of rpgs if any that defy that trope too. Well that's fair enough and I'm glad of it.
  16. The correct term is "player sexual", because they also don't care about your race. Just imagine an aumaua sized Tekehu and an orlan...At least there's no awkwardly cringy animations of this stuff like it was with dwarves and tall companions in Dragon Age I'm so tired of people using playersexual improperly. Takehu isn't playersexual. He very blatantly tells you he's down for anything (as is Serafan for that matter). Aloth is Aloth ((hell does he even show attraction to anyone?) and Xoti hits on every single person in the party just about that's not Pallegina. How are they playersexual? Not caring about the PCs race does not equal playersexual. Being playersexual requires they show no attraction to anyone of the PCs race/gender other than the PC. They are because they all want player character regardless of race or gender. What they say in the background are just blurbs that are the for you to stop questioning devs lazy writing. They could have wrote them more nuanced - some female specific, some male specific, some race specific. But instead it's all the same for them whom to bang which not only smells of pandering but also destroys any suspense of disbelief even for a fantasy game. It's like DAO2 all over again, but even worse. That's not what playersexual means. Like at all. You can consider it lazy writing but playersexual has a very distinct meaning and you trying to claim it here is just invalid. And of course they could've wrote them more nuanced but that also takes resources and they decided to put those resources other places and I can't blame them for it. Destroys any sense of disbelief for the characters that express attraction to multiple races to be attracted to a PC of multiple races? Really? How does that work? Especially given one of them's an Orlan to begin with and the other's a godlike? (Also I will never get the fantasy races can't be attracted to one another because 90% of the time they're humans that are smaller/larger with pointy ears and other minor crap like being blue. Oh noes someone that looks just like a human woman with pointy ears. The ears are totally the dealbreaker! Let me get my angst of most fantasy races being lazily done off my chest. Man the only game fantasy race I liked were the Geth. Least they felt original...until ME3 T_T)
  17. And I think it's nice I don't have to play through the entire game as an elven female to see the Solas romance. I'd rather be able to romance him with a dwarf male as well. It's fiction. Let the fictional people be without sexual preferences. There are more interesting things about them than who they bang. Also Solas wasn't bi because they didn't want to do the evil bi dude again. (which huh considering Bull). Cullen's race restrictions were because of animating issues he was a bonus romance like Solas was. Hell Bull was originally not going to be with dwarves either but the animator working on his scenes did overtime because for Bull it really wasn't handwaveable. He was always supposed to be restricted to elves though which makes a lot of sense given his grandpa racism.
  18. The correct term is "player sexual", because they also don't care about your race. Just imagine an aumaua sized Tekehu and an orlan...At least there's no awkwardly cringy animations of this stuff like it was with dwarves and tall companions in Dragon Age I'm so tired of people using playersexual improperly. Takehu isn't playersexual. He very blatantly tells you he's down for anything (as is Serafan for that matter). Aloth is Aloth ((hell does he even show attraction to anyone?) and Xoti hits on every single person in the party just about that's not Pallegina. How are they playersexual? Not caring about the PCs race does not equal playersexual. Being playersexual requires they show no attraction to anyone of the PCs race/gender other than the PC.
  19. So do I... He approves of a lot of things in my game, like being diplomatic with the two families in Neketaka, agreeing to help them etc. His conversation with 1 approval triggered in Fort Deadfire (i go there straight from Port Maje) after conversation with Serafen about Remaro, when you find his chest. I basically chose not to pry into Serafen's personal affairs and respect his privacy. Same with Aloth, didn't push him with the Insight options. I don't know if it matters or not. It's the same for me, I have Aloth at +1 and Eder is still sitting pretty at 0. I should probably crack a joke, but then I'd lose allegiance with Aloth... Darn. The joys of metagaming Doesn't he disapprove more of chaotic/irresponsible behavior than jokes? I did all of that and got nothing D: > bugs are killing me with this game.
  20. Takehu is the kind of person who'd hit on anyone though As for how it'd work ask Serafan. He probably knows by first hand experience. (That said why the hell is everyone so quick to get approval but Aloth? Aloth please. I just want your quest!) Really? Aloth is quicker than Eder for me, even though I am being as nice to everyone as I could. I have them both as well as Serafen and Xoti, and they are all at 1. I still don't fully understand how the approval system works. It feels like aside from the obvious "Aloth rolls his eyes at Tekehu's every word" there are some hidden approvals and/or triggers in the conversations. That is when its an alignment-free response. Maybe it's because I have Leaden Key Aloth. He approves of pretty much nothing D:
  21. Takehu is the kind of person who'd hit on anyone though As for how it'd work ask Serafan. He probably knows by first hand experience. (That said why the hell is everyone so quick to get approval but Aloth? Aloth please. I just want your quest!)
  22. I don't mind sappy love stories when they fit the characters, but turning Bishop from Chaotic evil **** to a doormat wasn't the best of choices. You may be right about the gods. I didn't mind it as much as was surprised by all the attention, especially since the gods didn't meddle much in the first game. But I guess since our Watcher opened that can of worms he/she now has to live with the consequences. Its like a personal god retinue around them in addition to all those spirits. Yeah it really wasn't. Sadly. Plus the scenes where they're all together they do come across as squabbling children save Berath whose mom trying to get everyone to calm down. Same. Though it was nice to see they had Serafen call Eder out on "fooling" the Watcher about his feelings. Yas that's perfect. It's going to be be so delicious when my more petty Watcher reaches that point. They'll probably replace poor Eder with Rikke. And yeah it's pretty trolly for him to be the friendzone option XD
  23. Yeah I'm getting some crazy ctds now. But I expected this. People want to give Bethesda crap but I've always found Obsidian just as bad if not worse with bugs and performance issues.
  24. To each their own of course, but I'd rather have original writers add more lines, than modders pick that up. While it worked great (imho) for BG games, NWN2 romance pack was.... very out of character. Again personal opinion. I do like the romances/relationships in this game. Not as deep or nuanced as promised, but way more interesting than other stuff I played. Edit: What I found weird were conversations with Ngati and Hylea during Maia and Tekehu romances. As if the gods had nothing better to do than monitor who you jump in the sack with. I get that Tekehu is a special fish, but still. oh god that romance mod. Then there's a Skyrim romance mod that pretty much ripped off that which *shudders* Bishop as a romance could work...but not that way good grief. I was fine with it because the gods are ridiculously petty creatures with few exceptions. Them nosing themselves into the Watcher's business fits them perfectly.
  25. Yeah that and I've never been fond of Paladin like character romances. Too zealous. It's such a tease XD
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