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Everything posted by Ryz009

  1. I set sail for the first time and there was no sign of Vela. I thought we forgot her in Vilario's Rest, but on the following day I found her talking with Xerafen. Least you saw her as far as the game's concerned I have no baby at all
  2. Yeah my PC wizard started with a spellbook with it but other than that I haven't seen it. It's really odd.
  3. Wait is that why he's permanently at 0 with me? It explains so much. It really really doesn't help that my Eder is bugged to be religious and anti-religious at the same time making him look like he really can't make his mind up. XD I suspect so, although I haven't yet seen a comprehensive confirmation of the extent of the bugs. I also noticed that the description on his 'Painted Masks' quest (I've only it as far as him saying he'll give details later cause I've been side-questin' in Neketawa) says something about him struggling to turn the Leaden Key to good use, but the save I imported had him dismantling them, and the first few convos with him were about how difficult it was to track down their agents. So I wonder if he's weirdly stuck between his two endgame states from the first game Plus his reputation section on him says something about liking benevolent authority or something. I dunno seems a bit off? Edit: Just checked my game, and his Likes list both "Autonomy: Aloth believes that kith should have the freedom to determine their own futures..." as well as "Stewardship: Aloth believes in benevolent authoritarianism." I mean... those sound pretty opposite to me? Yeah that's pretty much exactly what happened to me with Eder. Major bummer. Hm my Leaden Key Aloth has the same thing with autonomy and stewardshipness. Which is weird because the whole point of him leading the Leaden Key was to keep the secret of the gods but without being a douchecanoe about it. Basically seems like one of them should be red if he's one or the other but they're blue instead.
  4. Wait is that why he's permanently at 0 with me? It explains so much. It really really doesn't help that my Eder is bugged to be religious and anti-religious at the same time making him look like he really can't make his mind up. XD :D
  5. Only thing I feel betrayed about is bugged Orlan baby. I was promised to be a mommy damnit *cries*
  6. Huh Tekehu's being rather fast made sense to me though I hope it's not tweaked too much.
  7. Yeah my only issue with the spells is in a long battle (since you can only use one empower per fight) I tended to run out. =/ at least let me use 2 empowers per battle.
  8. See, I'm kind of the opposite on that. Iselmyr is what she is. She's chaotic neutral, and she wants to get Aloth laid because he's lonely and repressed and desperately wants friends. I gave Aloth the choice in PoE and he chose not to suppress her, and he does seem to enjoy her company and get along with her pretty well otherwise. But Eder should know better. If he was attracted to Aloth too (and Aloth was enthusiastically into this arrangement) then it would be fine. But encouraging Iselmyr instead of shutting that down immediately shows that he just doesn't really think about Aloth's feelings very much - which he demonstrated in my least favourite banter in the original game (the one where he basically forgot Aloth existed and invited Iselmyr out for a drink). That is not ok on so many levels, but especially when Aloth really needs friends he can trust. Yeah I'm of the mind that she goes a bit far for it to just not want him being lonely. Plus its not her body at best she's an useful parasite. As for giving him a choice I didn't force him merely gave a suggestion he agreed. In POE1 I never got the impression he enjoyed her around maybe that changes in 2. That said my Aloth also ended up being a big authority cheerleader so there's that ;P He should really plus why would you want to be with someone who thinks its funny to randomly force you to kiss someone else? What if she did that at an even more inopportune time? Just ick. It's a giant mish mash of all my least favorite things.
  9. Yeah I do hate the need to hide who the romances are. I loved so much that DA2 didn't drag it out until release. But I know how utterly insane some people can get and why the devs would want to stave that off as much as possible especially when they're trying to work on the game. I read some comments that had me cringing in embarrassment. I have to agree really. Aloth's clearly uncomfortable with it and to be blunt Iselmyr had her chance to live her life. That said thankfully for me this is easily solved by Aloth suppressing her to begin with but the fact that Eder goes along with that as you said makes him look pretty inconsiderate. I never really liked Iselmyr though so this just makes me dislike her more sadly.
  10. Yeah I'm the biggest yay romance in games cheerleader but Obsidian made sure to focus on character relationships not romance with that update. I backed it expecting some romances but hoping it was for the characters I was interested in. And they did put improved character relationships like rivalry and other characters getting together in the game. Is it what I'd prefer? Some yes some no. But they didn't break their word. That said screw everything about who Eder actually gets with. Poor Aloth. I didn't think it was possible but I found a ship I hate more than JokerxEDI.
  11. Yep. They were very careful to say it was about character relationships and not romances. And I think they did the character relationships pretty well. (Though why Aloth hates everyone is anyone's guess. He wasn't that surly in POE).
  12. ? It wasn't difficult in the original either. Just took longer.
  13. Well, this is sort of revolting, but not for the reasons you stated. By "Aloth is rather unenthused about this and talks to you about it" I can only surmise that he is an unwilling participant in this little threesome, which is obviously not okay. yeah pretty happy my canon and default option is to suppress her. Poor Aloth can't catch a break.
  14. Eh I made him the leader of the Leaden Key and he seems fine to me?
  15. Whaa? How the heck is that supposed to even kinda, sorta work? Seriously wtf. Guess I'll never see it because I always have Aloth suppress her.
  16. Huh so much for that theory. Well in that case he's just done with romance and can you really blame him?
  17. It's great right up until the ending slide, at which point Aloth goes one way, the Watcher goes another, and it's not clear if they'll ever see each other again, which I found anticlimactic and disappointing. Well, that's a bummer. Thank you for clarifying. Is he, though? Do they actually end up together, or is it just speculation of the outraged fans? So far I only saw Xoti awkwardly hit on him, and he was kinda meh on the idea. I'm pretty sure his interest in Xoti seems based on whether he's pro or anti Eothas.
  18. I can't download from gog? Good grief I'm never getting a new release off GOG again. Edit: So I have to go to the actual site instead of using the client? Brilliance. Edit2: wait...some people are getting galaxy to work? Then why won't it work for me
  19. Tekehu seems to to be fine with any gender judging by Cohh's stream. I saw flirt options for both Serafan and Eder but Cohh didn't pick them so I'm not sure how that works out.
  20. No thanks, I don't need either Bender or Joker's sloppy seconds. Poor EDI
  21. Looks like if Eder has a romance it at least fits the latter scenario
  22. You sweet summer child. Nah I've been a member of the husbando/waifu wars. It won't get that bad here because we lack the base for true embittered venom. I mean there will be some but not the hair pulling you see on other fandoms. That stuff is the result of years of arguing and bitterness. I've seen this said of other fanbases before. It always ends the same. The cycle cannot be broken. Oh they'll be wars but I was in the trenches it won't be nearly as bad On another note I think I see were Eder's romance might start. So there's that :D
  23. You sweet summer child. Nah I've been a member of the husbando/waifu wars. It won't get that bad here because we lack the base for true embittered venom. I mean there will be some but not the hair pulling you see on other fandoms. That stuff is the result of years of arguing and bitterness.
  24. Does anyone know at what point he shows the map? I watched very little of his videos, just enough to check the graphics and a little bit of the boat. But I would like to see the map. He spends quite a lot of time just wandering around and check whatever he finds on the way. So if you are more focused on the story, you probably won't explore as much places as him in your first 15 hours. Also he made only a little progress on the major quest line, and didn't met all the companions yet, let alone recruit them. QQ图片20180506114205.png Oh, I'm gonna do a lot of exploration. I'll travel in random directions and see what the world has to offer. Hopefully find plenty of targets for piracy. ;p Yeah there's some merchant ships it looks like you can attack which'll be good when I import my raider douchecanoe.
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