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Everything posted by PatrioticChief

  1. Anyone else having trouble with this? I basically drove my ship around for days without water or food and injured crew to force mutineers because I wanted the berath points. Yet after massacring my crew and surviving the attempt I got nothing. I want to know if I did it wrong before I call it a bug.
  2. Any idea how I get out? I rescued the one dude and kill the giant monster grub but cannot figure out how to leave.
  3. I agree it's disappointing some companions get unique subclasses and some do not. Though in the case of Xoti monk I'd kind of prefer there wasn't a unique subclass lol.
  4. Love it so far. The voice acting adds a ton of value and the environments are such an enormous improvement. I really liked the relationship ui but I am a little worried that you lose and gain relationship too easily. We will just have to see as it goes.
  5. I completely disagree. I really enjoyed the narrators voice. If you have any reading capability you should be able to skip it after she has spoken a couple of words anyways. Not hating on your opinion, because you certainly have a right to it, just not how I feel.
  6. Won't post a full review until I'm done with the game but my early impression is very positive. Lots of dialogue, great voice acting, fantastic environments, and much improved graphics. So far so good!
  7. Installing season pass seemed to speed up the process for me, for some reason.
  8. Thanks for the responses. Seems like there is nothing to be concerned about.
  9. Mine is at 99% but isn't downloading anything? Anyone know what is going on? I got disc usage but nothing else. Has nothing at time remaining.
  10. I plan on making the orlan companion a dual pistols monsters
  11. Are you sure? Steam seems to indicate otherwise. That's the only indication I have from Steam about specific time and it seems to be in agreement. I concur. Carry on.
  12. Are you sure? Steam seems to indicate otherwise.
  13. I actually think this theory is fascinating but as it applies to a fantasy video game I don't see the point.
  14. These are good posts but I was still hoping a more experienced theorycrafter could indicate whether that was a wise strategy to build a monk (getting critcs to proc all their abilities built around it) and if that was the best (or even decent) way to do it?
  15. Should I be stacking perception on monk? Seems like a lot of abilities proc on criticals. Also how do I check my recovery rate when I am using fists?
  16. Seems like a lot of abilities proc after critical, so it would make sense to max perception despite it not being a preferred stat by the game?
  17. Do stats even max out? I think they do but its a pretty obscene number that would be difficult to get to.
  18. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question and adding to the opinion for those who did. Won't add anything else because as was rightfully pointed out it is extremely off topic.
  19. Just want to say thanks to the people who are putting in the effort to find these so the rest of us can benefit.
  20. I have a ton of respect for his honesty. Yeah it's not ideal but I'm glad he's got some stones to just admit it is what it is instead of giving us the PR corporate BS.
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