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Everything posted by 'JN

  1. Did you just copy and paste that off of some website? It doesn't matter what it promises to deliver, because promises are often broken. I highly doubt that you have read as many previews as you say and haven't seen one that wasn't all that colorful. No one has said the game is bad, but I haven't seen anyone honestly say that it's that great either. The weapons used in the preview build were all the same, the sound effects were exactly the same, and the gameplay was very similar to the original. Basically, nothing new. The graphics have been the one thing that have had people talking from the beginning. You cannot judge the Xbox version by the PC version. They're like two different games. The game looks and plays better on the Xbox, and multiplayer is very unbalanced on the PC.
  2. HL2 has been described as just more of the same, and Doom 3 lost its main attraction, normal mapping (or at least the idea behind it), to Starbreeze when they released Riddick earlier this year. No one really knows what to think of HL2 at this point, and Doom 3 has, for the most part, underwhelmed those who have played it. Halo 2 on the other hand, while not in development as long HL2 or Doom 3, has had people drooling ever since that video at last year's E3. To quote a Game Informer staff member who tested the incredible multiplayer at E3, "Everything we've seen is even better than we had hoped." I reserved my copy months ago, and expect to be playing it long after HL2 and Doom 3 are forgotten.
  3. If they are going to leave, then they can leave. Had they taken their operations there seriously, and they clearly didn't, the Sand People would have to be neutralized.
  4. An ambush is a wise tactic for people who are outnumbered and outgunned, yet have what it takes to get the better of their enemies under the right circumstances. Czerka may have the bulk necessary to eradicate the Sand People, but that doesn't mean they know how to use it. Personally, I think they should have just hired mercenaries or hunters to kill the sand people tribes tied to the raids, and given them the hardware needed to do so. The Sand People are an awful culture, and I have never seen anything in any of the movies or the games that would suggest that they are even remotely worthwhile. Needless to say, I killed them all.
  5. Knights of the Old Republic III: The Knights who say nie
  6. The difference between Vice City and GTA III is that Rockstar had more money to spend on VC, and knew that it was going to fly off the shelves anyway. I thought the city was a bit more immersive and that the gameplay offered more in GTA III, but VC actually had a story, and the licensed music was a lot of fun, so it was sort of a tradeoff. Doom II was just a Doom mod made by the developers. Not that that's a bad thing, but you will find mods in the community that differ more from the original in terms of gameplay than Doom II did. That's exactly what they did. Halo 2 uses a completely different graphics engine than the original. I'm as upset over the false release dates and broken promises as anyone, but I think the wait will be worth it. Unlike Half-Life 2 and Doom 3, Halo 2 has blown away everyone who has actually had the chance to play it. The game I am looking forward to most, on PC anyway, is Stalker. The game is pretty much under the radar right now, but its spooky atmosphere and incredibly open-ended gameplay (not to mention graphics that border on photorealism) should make it a force to be reckoned with when it finally comes out.
  7. I can't think of any reason why you would need to shoot a snake in the first place.
  8. Civilians are secured the right to own firearms by the second amendment. You don't need a reason to own one, you don't have to use it for any given purpose, you just need the desire to own one. It's foolish of anyone to tell me that the only purpose my gun serves is to kill someone, or for target practice or for self defense, because I can use it for WHATEVER I WANT.
  9. Really? If the only purpose a gun serves is to kill, I am definitely not getting my money's worth out of mine. You people have no clue what a gun is meant for or what it is used for, and until you get one, you have no business speaking on the subject like an authority. Automatic rifles are almost never used in domestic crime. I can only think of one instance in the United States where a legally obtained automatic weapon has ever been involved in a crime. Your petty laws are not what is responsible for your low murder rate. Murder is often a crime of passion, and almost always has a strong motive behind it. You said that hunting is a strong tradition in Sweden. What kind of moron tries murdering someone with a hunting rifle? Most gun related murder involves a handgun. That's what your boy Moore and his buddies are always complaining about in the first place. Guns, once again, are not responsible for the crime, they are a just a tool that a criminal uses to commit it.
  10. Libetarian is not a word. If you are going to use stereotypes to make up for your lack of solid reasoning, at least give yourself the dignity of spelling them right. Survivalist compound? K-rations? Hunting rifle? Got anything else you want to throw in there, or did Al Franken's show just go off the air? Here is what you said: How am I supposed to help them, aside from what I already said? Why is it my job to in the first place? Someone else was supposed to help them, probably long before they even knew what porn was, and they obviously didn't. Porn doesn't turn anyone into a sex offender. It's just one step on a road that started long before it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that these people have bigger problems than just porn addiction, and that they are the driving force behind their perversions. If there was a way to know who would turn out well and who would become a criminal, we'd be using it every chance we got. There isn't. The problem originates long before we have any control over it. All it comes down to now is us and them, and I choose to protect myself. Maybe you can scratch their eyeballs out or spray them with mace, just don't lecture me on the "real" world.
  11. Well, I use the term loosely. There is plenty of pent-up anger and hostility on this forum though, and when it seeps out, it's always toned down to a playground level. It's a shame things always go from one extreme to other. A little balance would be great.
  12. Flaming on forums like this just doesn't work...
  13. I think I am in the negatives on that one...
  14. Malak was thinking the same thing when he bombed Taris.
  15. If he comes near my house, I will help him by putting a bullet in his head. Until then, stop putting limits on what I can and can't do based on his actions.
  16. I don't get it. Are they hiding under the rug?
  17. We are talking about Jedi here, and Malak should already know that they aren't easy to kill from the air. Direct confrontation is a much more reliable way of neutralizing them. A few more pictures would be nice for verification, but I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that that's Dantooine.
  18. I would have liked an ejection seat, so I could jettison Carth...
  19. People need to stop equating modern music to rap. I've seen a thousand carbon copies of this thread. They're all about how rap is the root of all evil in our society, and how it's corrupting our youngins. Go to a music store. You see the section entitled "rap"? That's where rap is. There are plenty of genres out there that are modern, yet not rap. Hard to believe isn't it? I hate rap as much as anyone, but that doesn't mean I hate all modern music. I stick mostly to classic rock as well as some of the new alternative rock. If rap is what burns you up inside like a week-old burrito, fine, but stop acting like it represents the music industry as a whole.
  20. Heh...if that means what I think it means, then it's REALLY funny...
  21. There is a certain pace that leveling moves at that you have to stick to, or else the game feels rushed and the experience is cheapened. Think of a MMO. If KotoR 2 is anything like that, the advancement time for characters in the hypothetical 20-30 level range will be almost exponentially greater than those below it...
  22. How? If you have an ethernet cable to spare, you might as well just transfer the files to your computer.
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