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Everything posted by 'JN

  1. You sure you weren't just saying "Lookit me!!!"?
  2. I love how you people are pointing fingers at me demanding sources, when you are getting all of your information FROM A MOVIE. Hypocrites. Really? Facts? Documents? Where? Show me where he uses facts and documents to make a legitimate point. Also, I don't see anything in the dictionary on "documentary" about lying or toying with people's emotions to compensate for a lack of substance. Strange, isn't it? You aren't telling me anything I don't already know. If it's so easy to shoot down, shoot it down. Don't waste my time repeating what you read in a history book.
  3. When was the last time you went outside? People do that ALL THE TIME. It's part of life. I couldn't prove to a judge that your opinion comes from Bowling for Columbine, but I gathered that much from your post and assumed that you didn't really know anything about the subject at all. Seems I was right. Good, because that's probably where all your food comes from. Just remember not to put any jelly donuts in there, they will burn your mouth.
  4. Fact is no longer fact if it is presented as something else. By comparing gun related death to gun MURDER rates (the two are not one in the same), you are presenting one figure as something it as not, and are effectively lying. It doesn't matter if some democrats are more left leaning than others. They are traditionally anti-gun, and for any of them to back away from such a huge anti-gun tearjerker like this is definitely significant.
  5. Well now, let's just see about that... ^Typical Moore talking points from a typical Moore drone Further proof... You haven't said anything that suggests you've done any research that required you to look away from the TV screen. You are just regurgitating what Moore has fed you, and I am shoving it back down. How's it taste? Or maybe you shouldn't throw words around when you don't even know what they mean, or try arguing about things you know nothing about. Although I guess that's sort of like asking a retarded kid to stop hitting himself.
  6. No one is denying that Moore is a clever and talented filmmaker. He has to be, otherwise his movies wouldn't get the kind of reactions that they do. I say "movies", because that's what they are. Documentaries are based on fact. Sometimes they are even a little slanted, but they do not rely on deception or emotion to get their point across. Huh? You just got done telling me that they are based on fact. Which is it? Fact and opinion are two very separate things. Wow. Thanks for clearing that up. You know those munchkin things they have at Dunkin' Donuts? Some of them have jelly in them, others don't. It's amazing how much you can learn in one day.
  7. You don't see the background check. You just see Moore filling out a form. Have you ever bought a gun in your life? Ever even handled one? Ever had to present an ID to get one? Ever had your criminal records checked before you could walk out with one? No? I didn't think so. Now go read the Onion or something, because you'll get a more accurate account of reality there then you will from any of these other sources you have.
  8. ok thx 4 ur cncern i will be shure to remembr taht 4 futcher cnsderashun LOL!!! Really? I live about 15 minutes from them. I talk to them almost every day. I win. Don't try telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about. I've been through this many times before, and I have discussed it with people who knew far more about it than you do. They were still wrong though, so you at least have that much in common. Context? Why do I need context? Do you see me making documentaries? Do I go to Wal-Mart and pester people there? Do I lie or twist the facts around to support my case? No, because I don't NEED to. Unlike you, I don't base my opinions off of what I see on TV. Well that's not entirely true, I have seen a few movies where people have tin foil wrapped around their heads to keep the aliens from reading their minds, and that's usually the image I have of you...
  9. Common sense. It would be illegal for any business to give away guns as quickly and easily as Moore made it appear. Moore probably went through the rest of the process beforehand, so that he would only have to focus on the parts he could use to support his racist stereotypes. The man is an idiot. Even some democrats are afraid to associate with him, because his movies are so slanted and deceitful. It's easy for the moviemaker to make things appear the way he wants them to, because it's HIS MOVIE. What you have to ask yourself is if he is giving you an objective look at reality, or if he is distorting it to stack the deck in his favor. In Moore's case, it is always the latter.
  10. Personally, I would just like a more improved Force Push, sort of like what you had in JK2. I'm not sure how well it would work with KOTOR's engine, but it could be a lot of fun.
  11. The game is supposed to have a darker tone overall, but it needs to have a little humor, or it runs the risk of dragging itself down like so many other games do.
  12. 'JN

    sci-fi channel

    The ONLY sci-fi original since MST3K that was worth watching was Battlestar Galactica. I heard they were going to make a series out of it, but that hasn't materialized yet. Go figure. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which is worse, the sci-fi originals or the movies that they play during the day. Remember that Taken crap? I still can't believe I watched that. I stopped watching that ripoff of it that USA has the second I saw that they were using the same actors.
  13. I would actually have to go with The Matrix here as well. I thought it was just going to be mindless killing, throwaway entertainment at best, and it actually turned out to be the most complex, mind-boggling film I'd ever seen. It's just too bad that the sequels didn't live up to it.
  14. Yeah, too bad that entire scene was staged. I wouldn't expect you to question or even analyze anything in that movie though. Moore doesn't use facts. If he does, they are either exaggerated or put in the wrong context. He is a self-centered, manipulative moron who preys on people like you who buy into his crap without giving it any thought.
  15. Someone went on a crossbow killing spree a few years ago in Canada. These people who watch BFC and then act like they are experts on gun crime need to shut up and do some research. Canada has more than its fair share of crime, plenty of it is gun related, though not necessarily violent. Except for hockey games, Canada is a pretty docile country. Other countries think that they can get rid of crime by banning guns, and they are always proven wrong.
  16. What time is it over there? Do you ever shut up?
  17. Give the guy a break. He said he's entertaining himself, which I'm sure is nothing new for him, so he must know what he's doing.
  18. I didn't come in eighth place. I live in Vermont. We were ranked as the second best state in the US to raise a family in, and I would pit this state against your insignificant longboat factory of a country any day. Still, do you see me posting links to that survey and making fun of Louisiana? No, because unlike your pale Scandinavian ass, I don't have an inferiority complex. I don't need to establish my state or even my country as better than anyone else's. So you can go ahead and brag all you want. Hold up scorecards to my replies or even to countries themselves, because everyone knows why you need to in the first place, and that's good enough for me.
  19. If there's one thing I like about Sweden, it's the chicks. How many of them have you said that line to? How many of them knew you were lying?
  20. I figured that would be the extent of your reply. Thanks for proving my point, idiot.
  21. I remember seeing this same question posed on the BioWare forums a while back. One poster showed, quite convincingly as a matter of fact, that Darth Vader was indeed the most powerful force user EVER...just don't make me go dig it up :D
  22. YOUR thread? You don't OWN anything on this forum, just like in your country, dumbass. Prejudice cannot be strengthened, it just sort of swells and puffs up until someone pops it. That's what so great about bursting Euro bubbles. Yeah, that must be why you started right off the bat by comparing Sweden to the US. Swedes love to bring up this whole living standard issue. You guys trumpet it off every chance you get. I once saw a thread entitled "Reasons why Sweden is better than the US" with your "great" living standard as the focus of the argument. The funny part is, whenever you are confronted with facts, you fall back on the "ignorant redneck troglodyte" routine to try to belittle your opponent. So go on monkey, dance...
  23. You mean posers? Yeah I just soil my pants every time I see some white kids with their mother's jewelry on and their brand new Reeboks trying to see who can say the "f" the most in thirty seconds. Crime and poor living conditions aren't the fault of any specific race. That's the kind of crap I'd expect to hear from the KKK. Do you know why there are a lot of black thugs living in inner city slums? The same reason that there are latino thugs and white thugs living in inner city slums. Filthy urban environments are a breeding ground for TRASH. That fact holds true not just in the United States, but all over the world.
  24. I have never seen this report before. Three guesses why? It's coming from the UN. No matter what the topic is, as long as it concerns the US somehow, you can be sure that it's going to be biased. The UN is a failure. It's nothing more than an attempt at letting the world govern itself, and it should have been dissolved long ago. Now it is just a few squabbling European countries complaining about what the US does, and a bunch of pissant African countries demanding our help (I say "our" because the monetary, material and military aid almost always comes from the United States, since nobody else can get it right). I really hope that the US pulls out of the UN and tells them to get lost the next time some third world dictator with control issues goes loco.
  25. Yep, but then when I go see someone who doesn't end up being a quack, I still don't have to pay for it. Yeah, it must be great living in a country known for its medical care. Oh, and bacon too, let's not forget bacon...
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