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Everything posted by 'JN

  1. There are too many possibilities to start ruling out who could be in the game and who couldn't. The amount of voicework done in KOTOR was unbelievable, so I think they could afford to cut a few characters to make room for a male Revan and a female Revan. I will say this though...if they have raised the level cap (presumably to around 30), then we will probably be looking at a significantly longer game than KotoR, which wasn't exactly the kind of game you could beat in a day, even if all you did was play. So basically, they're going to need a ton of media storage space either way. KOTOR 2 is under different development than the original, though. Nothing is certain.
  2. If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. (Whole Chapter: Matthew 18 In context: Matthew 18:7-9) No thanks, I think I'll take my chances. They wonder why people become atheists? Yeah, let's not deal with the problem itself, let's just physically harm those involved, or else they're going to hell...
  3. I wouldn't trade my Xbox in for 10 PS2's.
  4. 'JN

    Brando dead

    Likewise. People hail Apocalypse Now as his best work. Did he even know where he was? He slept through the entire movie.
  5. If he starts singing "if I only had a brain" just to get a laugh, I'll be putting my drink on the game disc shortly thereafter...
  6. There are a lot of things about the Ebon Hawk that don't make sense. Take Jolee's quarters for example. Why is he the only one that gets his own quarters, and why do they look like a medical examination room?
  7. I guess, but it has to be less focal and spiced up a little instead of just reheated. HK is really a one-trick pony, and I don't think people who played the original will be laughing the 10,000th time he says "meatbag"...
  8. From this month's Game Informer: "'There will certainly be others (besides T3), but we can't reveal those until a later date'. That date turned out to be five minutes later when we hounded him about the return of HK-47. Giving in to our persuasive Jedi ways, Parker eventually blurted out, 'He will be returning, but that's all I can say right now'." I liked HK, but I don't think he's as great as a lot of people say he is. Maybe I was expecting more because so many people were hailing him as the "best" character before I even played the game.
  9. DarkBlizzard Hosting Solutions Excellent host. Good deals, low prices, excellent support and extremely reliable service. I use them and I have never had a problem (at least none that their tech support didn't handle immediately).
  10. My PC was a soldier/guardian, so persuasion wasn't his strongest suit. Not that it mattered, because I wouldn't have thought that redeeming an instructor at the Sith Academy would be possible in the first place. Still though, I think she had a lot of depth. My lightsaber went in real deep...
  11. The developers have said that the storyline is the thing that made KOTOR 1 great. So if they screw it up, and that one guy doesn't buy the game because he read a review saying it sucked, they are definitely going to care.
  12. What is the point of having level 1-5 enemies if you are always going to be more powerful than they are? The level system must be relative to the player. Level 1 is where you start out, and the enemies you fight at the beginning are near or around there. Like alan said, Carth was one of the Republic's best soldiers, but he was only at level 3 when you first got him. For the sake of gameplay consistency, your party members must always be in the same level range as both you and your enemies.
  13. So what? The story itself is cliche. Evil empire seeking domination slaughters the innocent and cannot be stopped, one person must determine the fate of the galaxy and uncover his true identity, blah blah blah...it's never been about who else has done it, it's about who can do it WELL.
  14. How about the guy in the kalto plant on Manaan? He can distract your enemies by hiding in a locker and singing the Goldfish song...
  15. The law dictates that we must punish every criminal. If we are to be global policemen, then we cannot pick and choose. Some Iraqis want Saddam freed, and the majority of them want America to leave. I do not blame them for the latter. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/20...oll-cover_x.htm Whether or not our presence there is keeping them safer is irrelevant, because it isn't our country. You cannot move into someone else's house without their consent, even if you are trying to help them. Really? The Hutus and Tutsis in Africa have been killing each other for decades. Millions of innocent people have died. Why haven't we intervened there? Ethnic cleansing is practiced in eastern Europe and various other places in the world. North Koreans are dying because of their corrupt and oppressive government. Women are treated like slaves all throughout the Middle East. These are just a few humanitarian issues in a world that is full of them. Trying to solve these problems is a noble cause, but it's also a futile one. We are throwing away American lives trying to solve problems that are either hopeless or far more complex than we could have imagined.
  16. The Republic is the underdog in this war. Most of those soldiers will probably be fighting on one side or the other in any given war within the next few decades, so it's a simple question of where their loyalties are. Think of any situation where people are forced to choose between two warring powers. Most flock to the stronger of the two, simply because "they're going to win, and I don't want to be in their way when they do". That logic is pretty much universal, and anything that the Sith have to offer in the way of Dark Side power is probably secondary, at least for the average non-force user.
  17. There are hundreds of petty dictators out there who we could remove from power, so why don't we? Saddam has been a punk for as long as anyone can remember, and to suggest that we were required to remove him now is just plain silly. It's a good thing that Saddam is gone, but his displacement came at a great cost. The ends do not justify the means in this case, and the losses far outweigh the accomplishments.
  18. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if Canderous isn't capable of crying at all. He's probably conditioned not to, kind of like how rednecks can cut their fingers off and still reach for a cold one...
  19. There are bigger bullies than Canderous out there. I'm not saying he's the kind of guy that you'd want as a role model, just that he is solid and a lot of fun to talk to. It just didn't seem to fit his character very well, that's all. I can understand how the experience would change him, but for a moment I thought he was about to burst into tears.
  20. This is a moot point that is raised far too often. If I give someone a gun so that they can defend themselves, and later on down the road they use it to commit a murder, am I to be held responsible? We aid foreign governments and partisan groups when it is in our best interests to do so. This is what all governments do, and that's why it's impossible to know exactly who you can trust. How were the hijackers so successful? They didn't secretly infiltrate our borders, they were given visas without any trouble. Under Clinton's reign, Bin Laden himself could have immigrated here without a problem. How do you think the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993? Why wasn't there an investigation into that? The war in Iraq was a failure. Aside from the loss of one of countless tyrannical dictators in the world, we haven't accomplished anything. A lot of soldiers have died nonetheless, and I doubt anyone can tell their families that their deaths were justified. Not that it matters, since people are generally for or against the war no matter what, and will keep making up more arguments to support their case.
  21. Canderous is instantly likeable because everything is cut and dry with him. It's hard to call him downright evil, but he's pretty unsympathetic and very gruff. Just listening to his war stories was a lot of fun, mainly because of the way he tells them. The only time I got sick of him was when he got all emotional about killing Jagi.
  22. I think her best attack will be turning enemies into stone...
  23. If they did that, it wouldn't be exclusive. Check out some of the "rumor control" portions of many gaming sites, and you'll find that a good chunk of information regarding games originates from forums just like these. I come to forums like this as an alternative to reading gaming sites, partly because it's interactive and partly because the information is more cohesive. I would never expect any "forum only" spoilers though.
  24. When did Sandra Bernhard get involved with video games?
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