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Everything posted by 'JN

  1. (Score: 107 out of 200) 53.5% Fairly Evil You are definitely doing some fine work for us, you evil thing you! We're proud of your efforts to corrupt the world in which we exist. We can only hope that you will continue in your efforts to be destructive and cruel in the future. While you are certainly considered an asset to us, you will find that there is still room for improvement. If you can refrain from killing them, some of the other evil people around you may give you some inspiration or ideas on how you can continue to grow in your state of being evil. At this stage you are certainly prospering sufficiently to be one of our honored friends. Come to the dark side, you know you want to!
  2. I don't know why, but every time I see that masked figure, I always think of Revan. On a side note, nice name.
  3. I chose Canderous the first time around. I'm pretty sure that he leads the crew to secure the Ebon Hawk no matter who you choose to break you out. It does kind of make sense, since he has the most combat experience of all the remaining party members.
  4. I love the sound the guy makes when he's getting choked about 1:05 into it...
  5. It took me about five seconds, maybe a little more. The nose completely gives it away. What is Vin Diesel doing in there anyway?
  6. Episodes I and II certainly could have been a lot better. I do not equate them with the original movies, because they lacked its depth and gave the impression that they were cash cows more than an expansion upon the story itself. If done right, Episode III could save the trilogy. I think they could salvage Episode II's image, but as long as people associate Jar Jar with the first episode, I'm afraid it's beyond redemption. KotoR was the first SW property in a long time that really did justice to its source material. The Jedi Knight series was good, but that focused more on action than storyline. KotoR blended all the elements of a good game and a good story together, and I would personally like to slap every last person who thought that it didn't deserve GOTY.
  7. 'JN

    for SW fans

    Actually, the only reason I brought it up is because that post reminded me of an episode of Whose Line where they were trying to come up with the worst possible Presidential candidates, and Jar Jar was one of them...
  8. 'JN

    for SW fans

    How the hell would Jar Jar get elected anyway? I can't think of anyone who I would want to be running against more than that blabbering idiot.
  9. I find it rather amusing that so many Europeans read American publications. Whatever happened to the Scandinavian times? I subscribed to Volvo weekly a while back, but I haven't gotten any new issues in months. Maybe their printing press is frozen.
  10. For some reason, I have high hopes for the third prequel. I guess I just don't see Lucas striking out with his most famous property. The name is cool, but most people probably know little or nothing about the Sith, so the movie will have to explain a lot. I hope the Sith are portrayed as well as they are in the game(s)...
  11. If you support this idea because you like big breasts, just come out and say it, don't make lame excuses up to try to make it look reasonable. All "perks" aside, the idea is pretty ludicrous. Breast enhancement is a cosmetic surgery. It serves no logical purpose other than to boost someone's self-esteem. The military isn't about that. It's supposed to be about breaking people down and building them back up to be an efficient soldier. Plastic surgery doesn't fit into that equation. If people want plastic surgery, that's fine. I personally don't see the logic behind it, but it's their choice. They'll just have to come up with the money themselves, because using my tax dollar to fund this sort of thing is just ridiculous. What next? Plastic surgery for postal workers?
  12. That's what pretty much everyone who saw it said. If you have an Xbox, get the game. That is definitely worth your money.
  13. I've found that forums are generally the best place to go to stay informed. Sometimes I find something new when I'm browsing through GameSpot though.
  14. This one has been brought up a lot. It's not just limited to SW though. 2001? Star Trek? Space food must be extremely nutritious, so nutritious that there's nothing left when your body is finished with it. Considering the kind of space food we have now, it's not all that surprising..
  15. Digging up ancient threads isn't going to get your fan club a whole lot of new memberships. Why don't you go dig a bomb shelter with a tin can instead?
  16. It's funny you should say that. People love to slam that movie, but I actually liked it. Sure it was cheesy as hell, but it was still a fun movie and I thought the parodies of the WWII propaganda reels were pretty clever. I had never really heard of it though, maybe other people had higher expectations for it.
  17. Yeah, I had an opinion of Moore before I read this thread. I thought he was an obnoxious, arrogant fatass who thrives off of attention. I still do. As for the links, good finds overall, but you forgot one of the better anti-Moore sites, Bowling for truth. I was going to use that as a source to disprove anyone who actually tried backing up their arguments supporting BFC, but no one really tried to do that. Another good link for anyone who doesn't see Moore for the scumbag that he is would be this one. The bottom line is that Moore is just another loud-mouthed liberal with an agenda. He clearly hates America, which isn't surprisng considering how full of himself he really is. His movies are entertaining and very easy to agree with, but it doesn't take much research or independent thought to see that he is wrong.
  18. O'Reilly is a moron. Give me a TV show, put him on as a guest for about thirty seconds and we'll see who needs the spin "doctor". He's almost as bad as that Maddox retard. The funny thing is, if we did this long enough, you would end up flaming just as ferociously as me or anyone else. People love to pretend that they are superior to others because they are more courteous and have more self "control". EVERYONE has their breaking point.
  19. This is what I do. If you don't like it, don't reply. Most people don't. There are people out there far more crude and insulting than I am. If you don't think I'm intelligent, that's fine, it'll just be even funnier when I win. My opinions aren't always right. I just tend to stick to arguing about the ones I know I can back up. That's how you do it. You strike at the right moment, and keep your mouth shut the rest of the time. Don't complain if I burn you a little in the process. Life is rarely kind, the same goes for reality.
  20. If I lose, all you have to do is stop replying. You can't do that here though, because you haven't won. Am I an ass hole? Sure, but at least I am RIGHT, so there is a method to my madness. Besides, the stork thing wasn't THAT bad. I throw that stuff in there because I think that even the most brilliant of posts is still crap if it's boring. If people are going to read my posts, I should at least make it worthwhile for them.
  21. Argued? You mean got your ass handed to you because you were lying? Yeah I remember that. Now go back to posting one liners.
  22. They would have been fine if they hadn't put the hype machine into overdrive and insulted our intelligence with their shameless advertising. "You didn't like the movie? Well that's OK, go see it again, and it will grow on you. In the meantime, drink some more Powerade"
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