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Everything posted by 'JN

  1. Let's just hope it doesn't end up as ridiculous as BF1942 did.
  2. 'JN

    I, Robot

    I saw this last night. It was definitely worth six dollars. I know a lot of people have been complaining about the movie (long before any of them saw it) because it's not "faithful" to Asimov's work. Not having read much Asimov, I can't comment, but I can say that based purely on its own merits, the movie is good. Excellent CGI work, good writing, and lots of satisfying action. It's one of the better sci-fi movies of late. Like Troy, this movie may get hammered by critics and bookworms alike because of its departure from its origins, but pretty much everyone else will appreciate it for what it is: fun.
  3. Gnomes of the Illuminati? You mean those garden gnomes with the lights on them?
  4. Achilles' issue with Agamemnon taking away Briseis had less to do with his attachment to her and more to do with the fact that she was simply being taken away. Love never seemed to be central in Homeric epics, it was usually used as more of a backdrop - something that either sets up the story or concludes. The love story in the movie was just typical Hollywood tripe. A lot of people think of Achilles as a big baby, who hates not getting what he wants and will inconvenience everyone else when he doesn't. I did however think it was wise of him to allow Briseis to be taken away, and was a little surprised by Achilles' reaction in the movie. I guess that sort of fit the image that the movie painted a little better though.
  5. Or being able to catch a grain of rice with chopsticks. Imagine what the folks at PETA would pay to have skills like that...
  6. Bruce Lee would have easily become one of the greatest icons of the 20th century had he lived on to continue his career. The things that guy was capable of weren't just unbelievable, some would argue that they were scientifically impossible.
  7. You can have his lower half after I'm "through" with him...
  8. That actually sounds pretty interesting. It'd be nice to meet an enemy worth killing, because Malak and his cronies were complete pushovers.
  9. Come on now, if you are going to troll, at least do it better than that.
  10. I would need the bag so I could throw up in it...
  11. It looks like Ender is in the process of dealing with the Ctrl+C Commando here, so I won't touch any of that. This Moore praise has got to stop though. Moore is a fat, narcissistic idiot who uses lies and crackpot conspiracy theories to get attention and to demonize an establishment that he clearly hates. Someone should put him on a treadmill and dangle a mirror in front of him...
  12. Here is the picture: This is a very, very old shot, probably taken from an early build. I remember seeing it in Game Informer ages ago, and I would be willing to bet that they were just experimenting with different enemies. It wouldn't surprise me if nothing like this ever appears in the game.
  13. That's exactly what you did. Everyone else did too, but they didn't seem to mind. Hollywood always caters to the masses.
  14. Why would they include them?
  15. A game that sticks with the bare minimum would suck. You can't just have the vital aspects of a game, you need to do more. Easter eggs are fun. Like everything else, they can be overdone, but you have to trust the developers to know when to make the call. If you can't do that, then you shouldn't be here. "We shouldn't try because we might not do it right" is a line for those who are afraid of failure, and will never succeed as a result.
  16. There was no such thing as a war crime during that time period. The victor could do as he pleased with those he captured or defeated. Violation of tradition was deemed far worse than things like murder or rape.
  17. Actually, it makes a lot of sense. What better way to keep the player confined to one area?
  18. Games also run the risk of having bad voicework, bad writing and bad gameplay. Why don't we just get rid of all those things? Good games are good games because they take risks.
  19. They removed the gods and the supernatural from the movie because they wanted to present the war as a human conflict. Movies that have divine powers in the background moving things along often come across as ridiculous and poorly written. Here, what you see is what you get, and for the movie at least, that was nice. Achilles being an average mortal is a bit of a stretch. It's hard to believe anyone could be that good, but then again, people said the same thing about Secretariat. I'm sure Brad Pitt would have no trouble playing a homosexual, but I don't think the audience would respond to it all that well.
  20. Why do people love antagonizing this movie? Read a review next time before you go to the theaters. I did, and that's why I knew it wasn't going to be a spot-on recreation of the events in the book (movie adaptations of epic novels generally aren't). The movie was pure Hollywood, but that's fine, because as long as it's entertaining, I get my money's worth.
  21. KotoR really felt like it was made for the Xbox. Not just in its presentation, but in the controls and the way that the menu is set up. If KotoR 2 is anything like it, the Xbox version is probably a safe bet - I know I'm counting on it...
  22. This thread has more definitions in it than the Starr report...
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