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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. It sounds like your graphics card to me. Anything to do with 3D crashing or display driver BSOD points to graphics card. Do you have an old graphics card to test it in?
  2. Only in your opinion. lol wise as in no more SLI headaches. Those glutton days may be gone for now, but maybe not forever
  3. I heard it's really close to 980 performance, for $200 less, and it's superclocked version. Oculus currently doesn't need more than 3.5GB vram
  4. Just got my GTX 970, should be good with the Oculus >75 fps requirement
  5. Been replaying FONV with a VR hack (along with Bioshock), and it's pretty immersive.
  6. FEAR Extraction Point wasn't made by Monolith, and is deemed non-canon
  7. Source Engine 2 announced = HL3????? http://www.polygon.com/2015/3/3/8145273/valve-source-2-announcement-free-developers
  8. Also free is Unity 5 and the newly announced Source Engine 2! http://www.polygon.com/2015/3/3/8145273/valve-source-2-announcement-free-developers
  9. Yeah I been playing with it, trying to rebuild my house. A few clicks and I can test in oculus vr mode to make sure the scale feels right. It's an awesome engine and the lighting makes everything look "real". Still have tons to learn though
  10. Halo on Xbox One. New system update lets you finally take screenshots
  11. KOTOR is still awesome on the iPhone
  12. The twist was awesome
  13. Replaying this classic, so I can remember why I want a third one
  14. Medieval Engineers plays great, but pretty bare bones in features compared to Space Engineers
  15. Tarna was a good man, and his forum was great
  16. It's free because Ubi cancelled the season pass
  17. Better Call Saul!
  18. If you have an android device, you can play Jedi Academy on that, just get this app and copy your PC files over https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.beloko.jk3&hl=en
  19. Someone remade Manny's Grim Fandango office in VR
  20. Bundle needs more Jedi Knight games and less Force Unleashed games
  21. I like the atmosphere in AC Unity, it's always bustling with tons of people everywhere; although it's all probably exaggerated and more populated than real 18th century Paris
  22. Lol I hated BF4 rubber banding, it made me uninstall
  23. Everything's saturated, looks like it's the post-iPad era now http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150202005241/en/Worldwide-Tablet-Shipments-Experience-Year-Over-Year-Decline-Fourth#.VM_8EdXF9NE
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