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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. I'm awaiting the epicness
  2. Witcher 3 is epic
  3. Less Geralt, more Ciri
  4. Attacking higher level enemies is hard, even on easiest difficulty
  5. Is it possible to go to the Skellige section early?
  6. I delete that Nvidia GE stuff too; I already know what my card is capable of, I don't need software telling me what to run things as. Witcher 3 is the official GTX 970 showcase game, and runs great on mine with everything ultra. I get some lag when I zoom into Geralts hair physics though...
  7. I hope they include the content restoration mod http://toucharcade.com/2015/05/18/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-2-mobile/
  8. I think that video is the loading screen
  9. Do the world borders eventually disappear? Because I was reading all these reviews and previews saying how this is the biggest open world ever Edit: nvm I found this on reddit. Apparently the area in bottom right corner is your starting place, and then you get transferred to the big world
  10. I preloaded with GOG
  11. Witcher 3 is all preloaded
  12. I think it's accurate for certain games
  13. Filled it out
  14. Awesome! Logging on in a few minutes
  15. Ok so it's me, sorophx, jazou-maybe, and need one more...
  16. 10am in Los Angeles time is good?
  17. I'm down for heist setups on Saturday morning PST, which translates to evening hours in Europe. Need three others to make some cash, who's down?
  18. Rockstar just patched the game to disable trainer cheats, so online should be good until the haxxors figure how to crack it again
  19. mkreku you need to complete online tutorial first, we can't join your games until you do
  20. Lol this thing turns a lot of heads, it's been a real crowd pleaser today It's not supposed to replace a smartphone, it's more of a companion to one; for looking at information quickly
  21. Future is now
  22. I'll send you an add mkreku
  23. Apple Watch coming later today, yay for smartphone on your wrist lol
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