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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Win 10 is better than 7. In what way? For me, VR has less judder, and you can play Ashes of Singularity in DX12 mode
  2. Preordered the Oculus myself...not too sold yet on the Vive, and its room space requirements
  3. VR with 8K per eye and running Unreal Engine 5, can probably rival reality
  4. I agree competition is a good thing. Back 10 years ago when the green and red were always head to head, high end graphics card performance was doubling every year. Right now it's like, every 5 years?
  5. Yeah just a few years ago, these would be considered high end pc graphics. Been playing more Xbox lately since I got a new TV
  6. Potentially 17 billion transistors, 32gb vram, 1tb/s bandwidth, 12 tflops this thing is going to be a beast among beasts
  7. My favorite so far, it makes the most use of the setting, being back to nature and all.
  8. Can't wait for the the Robot maker DLC next month!
  9. Far Cry Primal and was on Division beta
  10. We need a faster video card now! 980ti too weak for most new games at max settings 4K... http://wccftech.com/nvidia-pascal-debut-gtc-2016-launch-june/
  11. The epic sight of 200+ hours about to be sucked from you...
  12. Well Intel is ditching the tick tock schedule with Kaby Lake and Canonlake, so that could mean big improvements (or none at all!) from Skylake. A 6-8 core Skylake I expect coming in the next few months also sounds enticing. But I do agree we might be at the point where substantial performance boosts from processor upgrades are over. A far cry from Pentium 4 ---> Core 2 or Nehalem ---> Sandy
  13. I guess I be waiting for Intel Kaby Lake and Nvidia Pascal for next year then. Pascal is said to be an epic gpu jump that's 10x faster than anything that's out now, but we shall see
  14. Really digging my new x52 Hotas, along with the 1tb Samsung Evo SSD + 6tb mechanical NAS drive (currently at almost 20tb storage now). Debating a Skylake upgrade in the fall, although I'm not sure how such an upgrade would benefit games running in VR or 4K (heavy gfx punishers), money might be better spent on another 980ti. Decisions decisions #firstworldproblems
  15. Steam has the Mordor ultra-HD textures hidden in its DLC section, it's a must download if your videocard has over 6GB vram http://store.steampowered.com/app/311670/
  16. It's a cool feature, but I'm glad they have an option to turn it off. I kept triggering it by accident during combat, so I just turned it off. I'd much rather have uninterrupted gameplay rather than cool screenies. To each his own....I think Monolith's in-house gfx engine has come a long way since FEAR
  17. Yes. Really digging the screenshot editor in Mordor; so many options and you can get some movie quality stills
  18. I'll wait until drivers mature more. I hear Oculus on Win 10 is a mess
  19. Well first impressions for me so far are that the game graphics look awesome (textures and lighting are great), and combat / mechanics are similar enough to Elder Scrolls. I can see this holding me over until Elder Scrolls 6 maybe
  20. I just bought ESO during the steam deal last night, just got Old Blood today for $11
  21. Z170 Mobo + Skylake 6700K + 32GB DDR4 + NVME SSD = Probably my next build
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