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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. I just bought ESO during the steam deal last night, just got Old Blood today for $11
  2. Z170 Mobo + Skylake 6700K + 32GB DDR4 + NVME SSD = Probably my next build
  3. Skylake ftw, I heard it can hit 5ghz+ stable on air
  4. Even the 980ti begins to lag when graphics usage approaches 5gb vram
  5. Kotor 2 (Obs' first game) just updated on Steam, and is advertised to now run on up to 4k and 5k resolutions (it also runs great at 8k)
  6. Dark Souls 2 re-release is one of the few current games with playable fps at 8K resolution (4x 4K super-sampled)
  7. Give this a try http://m.ebay.com/itm/331528830447?_mwBanner=1
  8. And here's behind, it looks like there's mounting
  9. Here you go, right now there's a good deal on it http://www.amazon.com/Crossover-Computer-Monitor-3840x2160-version/dp/B00VA2X5EU
  10. It's made by a Korean company, but they happen to be using the exact same panels as the Philips one
  11. If you want 60hz 4K I recommend a monitor 37"-40" because any smaller and the Windows UI and websites becomes so annoyingly small and hard to read. Also windows ppi scaling is pretty shoddy compared to OS X. This thing has about the same ppi as the 30" 2560x monitor, only the extra pixels were used to make 10 more inches of screen space. Sitting at normal distance, the screen completely fills your view, sort of like an oculus rift. Typing is ok since its text is the same size as any other monitor, only there's more screen space. Games are awesome as I've never seen them this big and clear, it's like looking through a window
  12. I have recently swapped my triple monitor setup for a 4k 40-incher, and it is pretty epic
  13. I thought Fury X would be faster
  14. Game runs great for me, however this really pisses me off http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-batman-arkham-knight-pc-lacks-console-visual-features
  15. Arkham Knight PC is missing graphics features that consoles have, this is a disgrace! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-batman-arkham-knight-pc-lacks-console-visual-features
  16. Yeah batman runs great for me so far, I do not know why people are having performance issues and demanding refunds, I'm running it at max with gameworks fx and 4k res. FPS very stable
  17. A game like Shenmue can be done for much cheaper these days, especially when they use an already established game engine
  18. Backed it lol...all hail Dreamcast
  19. Game time
  20. Just ordered the 980 ti, benchmarks say it's nearly 50%-90% faster than the 970
  21. Looks like a colorful fallout 3. I wonder if it's using the skyrim engine
  22. I'm awaiting the epicness
  23. Witcher 3 is epic
  24. Less Geralt, more Ciri
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