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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. COD is always so random to me. One game I'm owning everyone, and the next game everyone else owns me. I guess that's what keeps it from being boring
  2. Cannot believe I missed this stack of leaked concept art for Force Awakens! http://www.blastr.com/2014-10-15/check-out-load-leaked-star-wars-episode-vii-concept-art-31-pics
  3. I got a 1 bar lag maybe one time. Is your nat settings open?
  4. If all the jumping around throws you off, you can play classic playlists, and disable that exo suit
  5. Finally received my iPhone 6 Plus. Really nice screen size
  6. I'm so tempted to buy it, but at the same time I don't know how long I'll actually play it. Especially because no one I know plays it on the PS4. Well i'm having a blast with Advanced Warfare. It has the double XP day, so I'm almost about to hit level 20. The exo suit is cool, with the special abilities and super punches, but Titanfall was doing double jumping 8 months ago. I don't have much friends on the Xone either, they all still play on 360. And this game looks really fugly on the 360
  7. Getting ready for COD Advanced Warfare, already preloaded on the Xbone. Lol I know I sound lame
  8. They updated Destiny a few weeks ago to make purple engrams be purple or exotic, and not blue
  9. Nice, I had an issue with the Fume Knight as all of my summons kept getting killed. Finally I spawned some good players and he went down. I heard if you kill the samurai dude without taking damage, he commits sepuku at the end
  10. Did you kill the Fume Knight yet? He's pretty macho
  11. Zelda: Ocarina of Time ; I never finished it lol
  12. I'm looking to get an Oculus Rift, just for Alien Isolation
  13. FEAR 2 took out lean and ninja kicks. Enemy squads were less tactical and levels were more linear. Art design was nicer in FEAR 2 tho. FEAR 1 felt like a PC shooter, and FEAR 2 felt like a console port IMO
  14. FEAR is still my favorite fps. The sequels sucked tho
  15. You play as a cop, yes? Are you tasked with actual investigations and clue solving, or is you being a cop just an excuse to explain why you're at this place and now it's just survival horror in dark corridors? Just an excuse. You do one 30-second investigation at the beginning before being kidnapped and sent to a meat locker
  16. All I have left to do in my first play through of DS2 is kill the Ancient Dragon, so I become powerful enough to kill King Venrick. Then tackle the Ivory King DLC, so I can unite the lost crowns which grants the ability to stay human forever. Then I'll kill probably about 4 optional bosses I missed. Then I'll be free to start NG+. I already have 105 hours on record in this play through, not bad
  17. Evil Within, not as tense as Alien, just a gore fest
  18. I usually spend all my revolver ammo taking down one android, and the rest I need to run away from
  19. Got the next mini-boss down. Some slow guy with a hellebarde. He was quite easy with blocking and waiting till he attacks me. Much easier than the puruser in any case. Though even he doesn't seem to be that impossible anymore now. It's just that I find it very hard to dodge him. Everyone writes about using the balliste to get him down, but in reality that really isn't so easy. Guess I will have to figure out how to party his attack to stun him... Should be L2 on PS3, hit it right when his slash is about to hit you
  20. People play Borderlands to wander around and shoot endless monsters and loot guns. I mainly just solo it myself. I originally thought the first big boss in Pre-Sequel needed co-op to kill because he was so op, but all I needed to find was a decent sniper gun and he went down easy. I just wish it was more like Destiny where you can run into other players wandering the wasteland
  21. Does it still only have multiplayer coop. No deathmatch ? All borderlands have arenas where pvp can happen, they're just scattered around and you have to find them
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