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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. I'm seeing poor reviews, but ill give it a shot
  2. Cosmos is back!! Holy hell it's been a decade since we spoke man
  3. Gone SSD in 2010, no turning back (except when i need capacity)
  4. All sorts of steam sale games; Space Engineers, Planetary Annihilation, 7 Days to Die, Insurgency Also today I celebrate my 10th year at Obsidian Forums! w00t!
  5. It looks the same as base game except everything is really blurry and bloomy. PC gamers show yet again how utterly moronic they are. All it takes is making the character shortsighted and hey, it's nextgen now! It was a conspiracy too! In my mod, the bokeh blur is actually dynamic, and focuses near or far depending on what's on what's in your crosshairs, like a real video camera bro. I also have Watch Dogs on Xbone, and this looks way better. I also use Sweetfx on the pc Watch Dogs, which sharpens the edges and color
  6. Just got 7 Days to Die, and Planetary Annilation. Been wanting to try these
  7. Omg I hate this sale! I end up buying games I'll never ever ever play
  8. Still goofing around in Watch Dogs, Wolfenstien, and GTA Online. Trying to get into Murdered Soul Suspect, but I find it uninteresting, same with Battlefield Hardline Beta
  9. Watch Dogs with that new graphics unlocker, makes the game look like the original E3 2012 tech demo
  10. In rainbow six, I bet that one spot where you blow that hole in the floor, is the only spot they will let you do that. Also ME4 looks like 2 years away still, there was no gameplay at all, only unfinished concept worlds
  11. Scripted! Bet that hostage will be less animated in final game
  12. Can't wait for more fake trailers
  13. Xbone controller drivers for PC, seems you can just use a micro USB cable http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/06/05/pc-drivers-now-available-for-xbox-one-controller
  14. I think Watch Dogs looks best at night and raining
  15. It connects to a USB cord in order to charge, with that same cord you can probably play wired
  16. The Xbone controller is great for one reason. Along with the standard rumble, it vibrates in the triggers when you shoot or drive. That alone makes it feel next gen. It feels great in Watch Dogs anyway, especially when shooting the ACR. I switched over to the Xbone Watch Dogs because its more optimized. It lags too much for me on pc when I put textures in ultra. On Xbone the textures are indeed on the ultra setting and it runs smooth as silk
  17. Online Hacking in Watch Dogs is epic! I like hiding behind a pillar and watching the other guy run in circles like a chicken looking for you
  18. PC version, it activates fine, there's a quite a few other people who got their copy shipped early also
  19. This ma and pa store I went to was already selling them 11 hours early
  20. Fun little game where you get to spy and hack everything
  21. Waiting for Dark Souls 2 to unlock on steam. I know I probably won't beat it though
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