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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. The pace of the story gets better after the initial info dump. Though, the main quest becomes clear (as "This is the biggest baddie, this is how we beat them and we are doing it now") rather late. On protagonist's personality. Some dialogue options have follow ups, which allow you to express your opinion about the topic and define your alignment.
  2. Wandersong I don't know what else I could expect, but the game is a collection of QTEs without any player's agenda. Turning off sound and trying to ignore the plot made the game less irritating, but if nothing changes, I'm going to refund it.
  3. Sea of Solitude has been released. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2019/07/05/sea-of-solitude-review It's unusual to see EA supporting indie developers. Ironically, at the moment Sea of Solitude is the only Origin game that interests me (it doesn't seem to have MTX or any online features).
  4. The Surge Completed the game, despite frequent crashes in the last area and its boss battle. "Nanite Mass uses Crash to the Desktop".
  5. The Surge, "A Walk in the Park" Defeated the Carbon Cat as Iron Maus. The implants available in the DLC made the battle significantly easier - I could tank several hits in the second phase, while normally most bosses could 1-shoot me. The DLC itself is much more colorful (literally, it's an amusement park, and metaphorically, as there are sane and alive people around), than the original game. I was overlevelled for the first half, but the second half was on par with the area I was going through in the main game. And there was some lore about CREO and the MC's background. The latter was interesting, but I prefer silent story-free avatars, if I can't customize them. The former was rather surprising as I hadn't progressed that far in the main game.
  6. The Surge Defeated the third boss and upgraded my weapon to Mk.III. Unlocked several short-cuts to the hub in the second area. The level of interconnectivity is impressive, though the map is hard to memorize. I'm quite sure that there's some commentary on social issues, such as data privacy, climate change and affordable healthcare, but I can't tell what exactly the devs are trying to express.
  7. The Surge Started the game. It is a Souls-like in a more dystopian setting (not a bad thing). The only issue so far is that I can't tell if an enemy is going to attack me or not yet when I enter its aggro range. The intro movie had very detailed animations and was slightly off-putting.
  8. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate Spoilers for the last part of the campaign.
  9. Artifacts with stories of the people who wielded them before were essential to world-building in BG (and Baldur's Shield was essential for that dungeon with beholders in BG2). They were making the game more immersive. Dropping a randomized magic hammer +3 to STR every level or so would not be "fun" by any standard, so there's no reason to implement it. Right?
  10. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate I'm quite sure that I'm getting near the ending (reached the second hideout of the Night Masks and got stuck at the altar). Though, so far there was little information on the item that started the story, the cursed domino mask.
  11. If one considers it from the out-of-the-setting perspective (including CDRP's previous statements), then yes, as Malcador said, this seem derisive. From the in-universe perspective, the ad may fit. It's still 10 months to wait. Edit. I've read an interview with the designer. It seems to be social commentary on corporations using hypersexualization in marketing. I'm afraid that the discussion is moving away from news. Does anyone know, if Code Vein is a PS4 exclusive?
  12. CDPR. They could go with just "Chrom-something", but putting a (theoretically, as the game hasn't been released yet) non-binary/trans person and "Manticore" together is an odd choice. Also another game in cyberpank setting was announced: I guess, it's going to be something like Remember Me, but VN/adventure. I find it ironic that messing with people's memories and basically destroying a large part of the city was never addressed in Remember Me.
  13. They spelled "flavours" with U (i.e. used British English), while the game takes place in the US. Might be immersion-breaking, if you're paying attention or live in the US. The other issue with the ad seem to be just poor taste.
  14. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate I'm pretty sure that it was because of the remains of the physical edition (MoW was saved in username\Documents and the root directory).
  15. There should be tooltips, showing effects from the stats or equipment on skills or saves. I miss them now in NWN2. Though, there also might be some minor bugs. Reloading until you roll 20 is recommended for the Kingdom management part, by the way. --- Neverwinter Night 2: Mysteries of Westgate Ate mysterious (failed the Lore check) berries and took a quest from a giant Rashemi hamster (not Bloo, the stalwart companion of Minx, another one) to investigate the Ferret Brotherhood. It seems that I can't use my companions' stats for dialogues, unlike SoZ, so it is possible that I'm going to miss some quests or the best outcomes.
  16. Elden Ring trailer, as no one has posted it yet. I care little about the writer FromSoftware hired, but the bosses in the trailer look interesting.
  17. Furi Completed the game. The Star, the optional boss with melee combat disabled, was just as difficult as the first time - semi-transparent floor and many semi-transparent projectiles did not improve my survivability. By the last phase (traditionally, a bullet-hell sequence) I was counting the rhythm of attacks with the 1-syllable f-words. I guess, the victory would be less satisfying, if the battle was easier. I'm thinking about starting NWN2: Mysteries of Westgate. Should I create a new PC or import the one from Storm of Zehir?
  18. Guacamelee 2 Somehow depressing. So subtle attempt to sell DLC. Not exactly immersion-breaking (as there's very little immersion to begin with), but somehow disappointing. Is the cat a reference to anything?
  19. Guacamelee 2 Completed the game (10h 38m 33s). Still unsure, if some of the optional challenges were buggy (the Double Pollo Shot temple in particular) or I was just bad with timing. Turned off the music at the above-mentioned temple and watched the credits in silence as it was the only moment when I noticed the lack of soundtrack. In general, Guacamelee 2 was an interesting, but occasionally infuriating platformer/Metroidvania. And the game didn't register my achievements in offline mode. Bloodborne?
  20. I just hope it will be a single-player focused game with RTwP combat and without randomized color-coded loot or Larian's writing style. I didn't finish either D:OS, but completed and liked both BG games and their expansions (including SoD). They are focused on completely different aspects of RP and I don't see how a game developed by Larian can be anyhow close to what BG is.
  21. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir One of the Greycloaks wields only a sword, the other only a shield. I can't guess why. Neverwinter at night. Only one district was open in the expansion, though. Zacarian defeated. Somehow the battle was much harder, than the final boss of the expansion. The dead companion is my paladin. Very glad that there was an infiltration mission, where I could use all abilities of my MC. The Herald of Zehir and the other yuan-ti (forgot his name) defeated. The warlock kept damaging himself for some reason after the battle ended. On an unrelated note, is the quality of the first two images different from the rest (uploaded to the forum vs imgur)?
  22. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir Reached the northern part of Chult. There were 4 quests left (1 main, 3 "collect X of Y"). Found a tower in the middle of the jungle and went to explore it. The party was greeted by a giant floating skull. It did not attack us, but it was rather distracting. At the upper floor there was an undead illithid, Zecorian, with two vampire lords. I managed to aggro them one by one, and (after several attempts) they were defeated. Somehow the illithid kept "removing the brain" (literally, it was shown in the log) of my paladin, so I had to spend coins of life to revive him. Volo followed our party to the Viper Temple. I had forgotten that he was an adventurer and was pleasantly surprised to see him. In the Temple of the World Serpent our party reached the throne room without alerting the local yuan-ti, and the Herald of Zehir and the other snake-guy (forgot his name, the red-scaled one) were slain on the second attempt, when the party focused attacks on the latter first. I think, there's one quest to go (to see the results of Akila's investigation) and I should hit the epilogue. I take it, it is triggered manually? Like, talking to Volo and choosing to retire?
  23. Dauntless After several attempts to log in, I succeeded. Comparing the game to Monster Hunter: World, I like the graphics (I can see things clearly) and the controls more. But there are lags and Dauntless is an "online only" game (MH:W can be played offline, but there are no NPCs to team up with and it can't be paused mid-session), so I'm not sure, if I should continue. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir Reached Port Llast. Found a cabin in the woods with the Luskan wizards (Arcane Brotherhood, I think). It took four or five attempts to defeat them and the general strategy was "beeline to the casters and hope for the best". Considering that in the second battle (the cabin consisted of two areas) the party started at the stairs and a summoned creature (i.e. I couldn't control it directly, thus I had to reload and unsummon it before entering the second floor) blocked the way, there was less skill and control required, than I would like. Built trading posts in 3 towns. No option to build one in Neverwinter, though. Z didn't work to highlight interactive objects. I've checked the settings, it isn't used anywhere nor there's anything similar (might have been removed in one of the patches?).
  24. Furi This is the semi-secret ending, which was achieved accidentally by many. I've lost to her twice and it is going to eat me up inside for several hours.
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