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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. The Outer Worlds. Completed the game. In general, the ending was reasonably satisfying, except that awkward moment when Now I going to try one option, which I was unsure of and which is likely to take about 3 hours. Less, if I just run and ignore terminals. Somehow the open-world (or just very large locations with very imprecise maps) structure, a lot of small interactive mostly-useless objects and the first-person view (with my preference for melee combat) do not inspire me for another full completionist run.
  2. https://store.steampowered.com/app/950670/Gothic_Playable_Teaser/ Gothic. I am unsure, if it is possible to recreate the original game and make it accessible for wider audience, but it does look interesting.
  3. I remember uninstalling most of the pre-installed apps via CMD and disabling telemetry when I upgraded to Win10, but I can't remember how nor find the commands I used. Soon I will have to upgrade my PC (it is old) and reinstall the OS, so any advice is welcome.
  4. God of Collecting Unique Equipment and Potions. At least, that's what I was doing in BG. I would add "Adventuring", but it is in Tymora's portfolio.
  5. Do quest items and enemies appear only after I've taken the related quest or they are presented on the map from the start and I can grab the item/kill the boss first and receive the quest reward later?
  6. As any companion can wear any piece of gear, is there a reason not to give them the heaviest armor and the biggest guns, regardless of their "class" or personality? I did not see weapon-specific skills on the character page, thus I assume that the default value is used to calculate damage.
  7. A city is a hub with merchants, taverns, quest lines, a something to return to, that changes and grows (and, occasionally, burns). Kirkwall was unique as it changed over time, more than any other city (excluding Baldur's Gate and its DLC) could due to the structure of the game. I appreciated that. Also there was the capital in Fable III, but I don't remember much about it. A town is a something to get a few unimportant quests to turn in, loot everything lootable, kill everything killable, then move on and forget that it ever existed. Though, I did like Majula from Dark Souls II, but it was a hub with merchants and all NPCs ended up there, so it fits the definition of "a city in an RPG" above.
  8. The Outer Worlds. I came to the conclusion that it is a horror game. I almost cried when I talked to the Moonman mascot, Martin Callahan. On the bright side, now I am becoming more sympathetic to the publishers who use DRM, while appreciating that Obsidian does not do so. Does anyone know, do quest items and enemies spawn only after I've taken the quest? Because I had cleared an outpost on Terra 2 before accepting the related quest, "A Fistful of Digits", and when I returned, the camp was populated again with my target (who had not been there before) sitting on the top of a container. Edit. Companions seem rather bland in terms of gameplay (as they have 1 unique skill and can use any piece of equipment regardless of their background, class or personality), and considering that we fight alongside more often than we talk, it is quite disheartening.
  9. Looks promising. Though I do hope that there will be no rolls for out-of-combat skill checks. Timers are fine. I am very skeptical about it, but purchasing games at launch is a bad idea in general, unless you want to support the developers.
  10. I agree with the OP. From in-universe perspective, employees are assets, assets' gender is irrelevant as long as they perform their function. Thus NBs should be able to change their legal and social gender, because it would be just one record in a database, nothing more. Though, it would not work with trans*people, because if "medical treatment is a privilege, not a right" and HRT and surgeries are not cheap (just like IRL), it would mean that low-level employees are unable to afford them (and can eventually succumb to depression), high-level employees can get through transition fast and issue-free enough to not consider "trans" as an identity. From out-of-universe perspective (technical), as gender identity =/= gender expression, just adding the pronoun "they" would be sufficient. There are not many instances, where the avatar's gender is mentioned. For NPCs it's pretty much the same. There was one NB character in an Obsidian game (DLC) and the player could not misgender them anyhow (could murder, but for unrelated reasons), so it is definitely possible to implement. And the protagonist of the Saints Row series could count as a good example, though "good" as "fun to play as", not "close to actual experience of the social group".
  11. I use only KB&M with PC (and would use them with PS3, if I knew how). For DS too. The Outer Worlds. I successfully reached Edgewater. The town was terrifying. I can't quite explain why. The graphics are amazing, in terms of technology and style both. Somehow the open-world maps discourage me from exploring them (too large, too hard to determine quickly if something is relevant or just part of the scenery) and I just try to beeline to the next objective.
  12. I've read about the presentation of information in Pathologic 2 and I think it could be applied to cRPGs (at least, the "Put info on the map" part). https://gameworldobserver.com/2019/08/12/pathologic-2-narrative-design/
  13. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin To the Frigid Outskirts. Zallen (and Lud) defeated.
  14. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Completed the game. Frozen Eleum Loyce was an amazing area, the interconnectivity and general design reminded of the original Dark Souls. I successfully found the knights of Eleum Loyce and challenged the Ivory King. Then I returned to the Expulsion Chamber bonfire and traveled to the Frigid Outskirts via the most appropriate means, a casket. I did not explore the area, just ran in the general direction of the fog gate (could not see much, because of the blizzard). The deer started to spawn pretty soon and they pushed one of the phantoms from the cliff before we reached Lud and Zallen, the King's pets. The pets took much more time, than their former master, but I managed to finish off Zallen as he was about to go berserk. Then I used a Bonfire Ascetic on the Throne of Want/King's Gate bonfire and went through three boss battles again to see, if anything was changed in SotFS. Somehow having played DSII several times makes it harder to appreciate the plot and not combat mechanics of the game.
  15. It would be nice, though the basics seemed reasonably easy to understand. Certainly, easier, than in D:OS, at least. I suppose, putting it into the in-game encyclopedia, while explicitly informing the player that reviewing the information is highly recommended, would be preferable, as long tutorials at the beginning are hard to get through without context. So, when the player encountered a new ability or a combat situation, they were unfamiliar with, the information would be accessible. Though, there were tool-tips/contextual information already and the encyclopedia covered some subjects.
  16. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
  17. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Shulva, the Sunken City. I explored the place, the interconnectivity reminded of DS1. Some of the rooms required a bow to access them. The invulnerable ghosts were quite interesting and, fortunately, not hard-hitting - I found and destroyed their corpses and did not die in the process. I successfully reached the first boss, Elana, the Squalid Queen, and defeated her with Benhart of Jugo. She summoned Velstadt twice during battle. The Slumbering Dragon took several attempts, the first was with two phantoms (I returned to the bonfire when they were vanquished), the others solo. Somehow, Sinh was easier and more predictable when I faced him alone. Also cutting his tail did not grant me a sword, though it did not happen in the vanilla either. The Cave of the Dead, a co-op area, felt better than the Iron Passage - there was no opponent who could slow me down (literally). One NPC phantom made it with me to the boss room and survived a few minutes there, allowing me to defeat the archer. The other two, Alva and Havel, took more time. I used poison arrows and falchion (which almost broke) for Havel, who was able to use Estus. It seemed that weapon durability is lower or depletes faster, than in DSII. I almost broke 3 swords (the Fume straight sword, the Mirrah greatsword and the falchion) between the first and the second bonfires in Frozen Eleum Loyce.
  18. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. The Iron Passage. It was a co-op area and I attempted to complete it with two NPC phantoms. They survived the first room, then I BC'ed them and went alone, dodging attacks, instead of fighting (except the priests, poison arrows were quite effective against them). I made it to the fog gate and successfully defeated the Blue Smelter Demon, though it took several attempts.
  19. Attempted to play Shenmue III. I had low expectations for the game, but I did expect it to run. Now it either shows me black screen (and so helpfully tells that I can activate Ansel by pressing Alt+F2) when run from the *.exe or just crashes immediately when launched via EGS. I am unsure how to proceed, there are no links to technical support anywhere, neither on the devs' site (shenmue.link) nor on the publisher's (Deep Silver). Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Defeated Sir Alonne.
  20. The fragment should be on the wooden catwalk that led to the Godhammer at Dusk, if I remember correctly.
  21. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Raime, the Fume Knight.
  22. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. I traversed the Dark Chasm of Old and defeated the Darklurker, though the second part (after the boss split) was more random than I would like. The second (?) DLC, the Brume Tower, seemed to be the same as it was in DSII. I successfully reached the bottom of the tower and defeated the Fume Knight, surprisingly, on the first attempt (Raime was the most difficult boss in DSII for me).
  23. I liked it. The main campaign was linear, side missions were random, but somehow it worked. The combat provided enough tactical depth, character and 'Mech builds were diverse, animations were skippable, GUI was easy-to-read. Also there are a rogue-like mode and PvP. I have not played them, so can't say anything else.
  24. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Defeated Aldia, the Scholar of the First Sin on the first try, though I did return to the bonfire right after Nashandra to restock and change equipment. Now I'm going for the Darklurker and the Fume Knight, not sure about the other two DLC. It is a bit ironic that I use the same falchion I started with (it was the first thing I bought). The Chaos Blade would be ideal for a dex build, but it causes too much HP damage per hit and its moveset is somehow worse, than falchion's, as I can't strike repeatedly - there's a delay after 2 hits.
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