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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. Decay of Logos. Defeated the first boss, Prince Pathos, the Alchemist, after farming for an hour.
  2. About Chancellor Wellager. You might be right, I have not tried to purchase spells from him, but Bonfire Ascetics worked for the armor merchant in Majula (as the wiki says). I'd recommend to avoid DS1: Prepare to Die Edition (the port is terrible) and go for the remaster (stable FPS and good PC controls). It has one of the best boss and location designs I've seen in games. DS2 felt easier, than DS1, but it might be because I was already familiar with the gameplay systems (combat, weapon upgrades, general area design, etc.). While there were several directions to choose from at the beginning, locations were reasonably easy to navigate (not counting the DLC). PvP and PvE were completely optional (as they were for the other games in the series). DS3 was very friendly for new players - the hub already had a smith available, who explained mechanics. Though, the areas were more linear than in DS1. If the choice is between DS1:PtDE and DS2 on PC, then I suggest DS2.
  3. You could use 2 Bonfire Ascetics on the castle bonfire to get his NG++ stock (it would require defeating NG+ Throne Watcher and Defender, Nashandra and Aldia, though). Edit. 1 Bonfire Ascetic, if the bosses are already dead and you are in NG+. ---- Completed Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of Underdark. It was great. ---- Started Decay of Logos. It somehow manages to be much more punishing than Dark Souls 2 with its health decrease (all stats are decreasing on death, weapon and armor durability does not restore on rest and I don't know where I can find a smith; chests and levers are impossible to interact with if there are enemies nearby). The first boss keeps one-shooting me. But the game has customizable controls and well-optimized. I am trying to find a way increase the PC's stats to "dies-from-5-hits-from-the-first-boss" by editing save files (unsuccessfully; additional information would be most welcome). If I try farming, the armor and the sword will break (anything requires 10+ hits to die; I require 2) and I'd prefer not to fight the first boss, the Alchemist, naked and unarmed.
  4. Played SWTOR 2-3 years ago (Jedi Knight). It reminded me of SWKOTOR, but with lags. --- Observation. Seems to be a puzzle-adventure. So far, so good (graphics, VA, controls, story).
  5. Hollow Knight, Timespinner. Tried both. When a boss' entire body is a hitbox and it does not have a health bar, it is very discouraging.
  6. Jeanette, yes. I couldn't find anything more similar to her outfit, though.
  7. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Completed the game. It holds very well despite the age (used the Unofficial Patch). I am going to replay it soon and look forward to VtMB2. Code Vein. Completed the game. For what it's worth, it was well optimized, the PC controls were comfortable and customizable, the AI companions were adequate (i.e. could play about 70% of the game by themselves), the combat was pretty decent (Souls-like, but I could not feel the impact of the weapon), build variety was impressive. The level design, story, lore and everything role-play related were plainly terrible or non-existent. How this got "Very Positive" rating on Steam I fail to understand. Some of the achievements did not trigger, so now I am running solo with my OP PC (same NG) cycle to collect them and skipping all cut-scenes. About Dark Souls 2 DLC. They must be experienced. Also some sections are meant to be played in coop. They are solo-able and there are summons, though.
  8. Code Vein. Spoilers for the final boss and the ending. I could not create Shrek (the most relatable protagonist ever), I am sorry. Apparently, Louis disliked my most glorious beard.
  9. Prey. Completed the game, then replayed the last few hours, when I realized that I had failed one of the requirements for the "I and Thou" achievement (dragging an unconscious person into ethereal phantom's remains does not count as a kill, but killing the same person with a wrench does). Red Embrace: Hollywood. It is an excellent VtMB-inspired visual novel (RE1 was awful, though). I wholeheartedly recommend it.
  10. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. The final battle.
  11. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. I've completed the original campaign and defeated Morag. Discovering that my build was not exactly the best to face an opponent who was immune to sneak attacks and critical hits at the end of the last chapter was unpleasant. Fortunately, my companion was able to kill the final boss almost by himself.
  12. I used a bow (Hunter's Blackbow aka the Black Bow of Pharis) for this area and summoned the NPC phantom for the NPC invader, banishing her before going for the boss (the boss was easy to take on solo). The usual strategy of going slowly and killing things one by one was mostly effective here as well. Considering that you are playing a sorcerer, it should be less difficult, than it would be for a melee fighter. Also there are worse areas in the series. The Shrine at least does not have FPS drops, poison or blizzards with respawning deer.
  13. There is something else in the room, if you return there after resting at the nearest bonfire (though, it would be more useful for a melee build).
  14. Sea of Solitude. An adventure game. Very lovely graphics and almost no settings for it, only resolution, AA and V-Sync. The controls are customizable, though. I get what the game was trying to express, but the only thing I could think of was "How can anyone go to such great lengths to make themselves so miserable?". The design of monsters was interesting (the black dog was too obvious), but the game lacked combat*. I guess, I should have waited for 75%+ discount. *I had hoped for something more like Shadow of the Colossus. So, I look forward for Prey for Gods, which is in Early Access now and certainly has enough combat.
  15. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. I've completed the second chapter. The boss was rather disappointing lore-wise - just some random lizardfolk with a large party (2 mages, 2 archers, 6+ fighters). I was able to aggro them by smaller groups. On the other hand, now I think that 6-level-deep troll cave was somehow related to the final (?) boss.
  16. The Soul Reaver series and Tyranny on GOG. The ability to switch between versions is worth repurchasing. Titanfall on Origin. It is finally in the "it is fine if I don't like it" price range, but it also has giant robots so I am quite optimistic. Dragon Age II on Steam. I'd prefer GOG, though. Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality on Itch.io. Self-explanatory and there were several games I was interested in. Edit. Refunded Titanfall and bought The Sea of Solitude. The former required to be online in order to be able play the campaign (and I had forgotten about it), the latter is a single-player only indie.
  17. Yes. But it is possible (and preferable) to add the Origin versions to Steam as non-Steam games* - launches much faster than the Steam versions and free from Steam "social" features (the user base being what it is). I've tested it with Dragon Age II (re-purchased and generally recommend it, though maybe not the Steam version). On the other hand, having all DLC in one might be convenient. The launch delay might have something to do with my anti-virus. The DA/Origin folder is whitelisted, the Steam library folders are not (Steam does not check its products for viruses or being able to run at all). *Steam Overlay offers the best free function for taking screenshots - uncompressed, but not too space-consuming. GOG Galaxy does not or I could not find it. FRAPS uses BMP by default. DA itself saves in JPEG. Edit. The Steam version of Dragon Age: Inquisition also does not seem to feature the infamous "You are a pirate, aren't you" language lock for certain regions. So, I suppose, if/when Titanfall comes to Steam I might consider purchasing it, with the other option being Kinguin or another key reseller.
  18. Previously Origin-exclusive EA games are available on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/sale/electronicarts?snr=1_4_4__118
  19. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. The party found a random cave with trolls. The cave was larger (7 maps) than most of the main story dungeons. Though, I acquired a +2 fire kukri (the Cutting Star), so it is not too bad.
  20. The final chapter is optional. You can try to let Nyrissa use her artifact/magic cup. Something interesting might happen (depends on a side quest).
  21. Lucatiel of Mirrah, mostly. She appears often enough, her story is relatable, she is a decent tank (not an excellent one, but able to survive long enough). There are also Ornifex the weaponsmith and the (potential) settlers of Majula, but they have shorter story lines. Except for the armor merchant, whose name I forgot, but he gives a unique armor set for free at some point.
  22. Very good. By the way, there are several quest chains that require to defeat certain bosses with an NPC companion being summoned and alive by the end. Nothing major, but might be interesting. Also you can challenge the NG+ version of the boss if you have a bonfire ascetic, which also drops Old Witch Soul (though, it would be more useful for dex and pyromancy builds).
  23. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. I've completed the first chapter. For some reason, the boss gave up at "Barely Injured". The battle could have been more difficult, if I had not kited most of the zombies from the boss room to the corridor, killing them one by one. The second chapter takes place in Port Llast. The goal is to investigate four leads and find the headquarters of the cult that had caused the plague in the city.
  24. The Pursuer does require either good timing for parries or patience. Still, it is a victory and I look forward to your next video.
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