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Everything posted by firkraag888
I think chanters are like the baldurs gate bard. "Jack of all trades and master of none" hence why people get the feeling that they aren't really contributing to the party the way specialists are I personally have tried numerous times to roll a chanter and I have never been able to make them work for the following reasons: FRONT LINE TANKS : they are inferior to fighters, paladins, CASTERS: inferior to mages, druids, priests, ciphers MELEE DAMAGE DEALERS: inferior to fighters, rogues, barbs, ciphers RANGED DAMAGE DEALERS: inferior to rangers, ciphers, rogues As you can see no need to pick a chanter. One could argue a cipher is a "jack of all trades and master of none " but they seem to be far more capable IMO I think because you don't have to wait around for phrases to accumalate Activating dragon thrashed at high level IMO doesn't make up for all of this.
I get exactly what you mean haven't you noticed that. Kaylon tested and proved that you can reach zero recovery with a greatsword by having no armor, using a haste potion, speed gauntlets and having 20 Dex. Now if my dual weilder also had no armor used a haste potion, speed gauntlets and 20 Dex then that would be apples for apples. Not apples and oranges .
clearly if you take into consideration factors like frenzy, potions or whatever other buffs you can think off you would have to apply that to the dual wielder aswell. No need to make up big long multiple paragraphs ethier that are nothing to do with it. Kaylon kept it Perfectly accurate, short, sweet and very easy to understand in one simple short sentence.
Your question: "how is that possible"? The answer is: That's the answer. If you attack as fast as a dual wielder (meaning you strike as often in a given timespan) you will have "out dpsed" a dual wielder bwecause your damage er hit will be higher. So there is a way - and it's not that quirky or weird. Quite simple. I don't see the need for shadowboxing. I'm not in favor of two handers or dual wielding. Both have their pros and cons. Simply saying "X is better than Y" or "Hours of St. Rumbalt is not suitable for a rogue" doesn't work in this game and you can see why. There are too many ifs (build, enemy's DR, actual attack speed, buffs, damage types, unique enchantments, party composition and so on). cmon !!!! obvisouly using a haste potion makes things a little bit different!!!!!! If you have knowledge about this game it is great that you share it but you shouldn't make it personal and mislead for the sake of winning an argument.
He couldn't have said it more plainly. He is the guru on this forum for mathematics and speed is he not??? or is that Maxquest?? He clearly said this: "I did a little test with Tidefall - with 20dex (not sure where is the break point), Gauntlets of Swift Action, durgan enchantment and DAoM you have no recovery (without armor of course) - which means you can attack just as fast as a dual wielder." A haste potion absolutely cannot be used to compare to dual wielding with a 1 hander. You would have to compare that to a dual weilder using a haste potion aswell if that is the case
Anyone no what is going on with rangers in deadfire? I personally would like to see them more of a melee / ranged hybrid instead of a ranged specialist. If they dumped the pet I would be happy to. It was annoying at level up having a lot of the abilities focused on the pet instead of furthering your own abilities. They where quite boring to use overall with there " fire and forget " play style.
What an excellent example of how difficult is it to find out simple facts like the amount of damage weapons do. No one would even be able to understand what is getting said on this thread (or want to put in the hours of research to understand it) I love the combat system but it needs to be more transparent in terms of how it is implemented.
Yeah, I'm definitely not arguing from the stance of power in PoE1. They aren't weak by any stretch. I just think I need to clarify that. They are just a bit of a one trick pony. Max Strenth, Intellect, Res. Dump Dex, leave Con at 10, rest of points in Perception. Give heavy armor and a 1 handed weapon with shield. Pick Talents for defence and select Sdionc of FLame or equivalent. Select Dragons Thrashed when available, or build your Chillfog Chanter.Yeah and that is a seriously boring way to play the game. And yes would rate chanters in the bottom three classes for power.
@OP I agree chanters need an overhaul. I hardly ever found a need for chanters in my party and when I did try and roll one I became frustrated with them kicked them out. Maybe post smaller posts next time. A lot of people wouldn't read through all that because it's to big. And yes one high level ability (dragon thrashed) does not IMO turn a bad class into a good class. I hope they get overhauled.
Why on earth would you want to be play pillars of eternity 2 with the same magic items that pillars of eternity 1 had? Me and 99% of the other users on this forum would be devestated if obsidian didn't create a whole range of completely new magic items to discover and use. That's why it's called pillars of eternity 2 and not pillars 1 reloaded. You no new maps, monsters, classes, spells, adventures, magic items.......... I understand that you went through a lot of work in pillars 1 and you wouldnt want to lose all that stuff but trust me your going to want new gear
Excellent post by OP couldn't agree more. This topic has been discussed numerous times in the other forum where posters where complaining about lackluster special items. What really pissed me off in pillars 1 was the merchants in the elmshore area came right at the end of the game so you had hardly any time to use the items you could purchase from there anyway. But you are 100% correct. Nearly all the items you could purchase at merchants made virtually no difference at all to your overall gameplay effectiveness so there was no point buying them. Les hope the devs are reading this thread because it is a really popular one with all the likes. Well said OP
I've never done TCS but I've seen a frost wizard absolutely wreck the game doing it on YouTube. You should watch the videos. He used the tactic where he used that frost spell called bitter mooring (I think it's called that) and wore boots of speed so he could run away from enemies while it was anchored on them while killing everything in between while at the same time dropping chillfog to slow them down. Things got nasty when he got the maegfolc skull and abydons hammer (+8 might)
I can understand why this poll is being run but it is not going to come within a bulls roar of convincing the devs to re-introduce pre-buffing. They have already stated there opinion on this and rightly so. Pre- buffing makes the game far less real eg just creep up on the fog of war or re-load a save from where you died last time so you can hide out of site and buff yourself then enter combat.. I mean cmon really? The pillars team are trying to move forward from stuff like that and create more of a seamless experience. If you could prebuff you would just keep reloading saves right before a encounter and then buff your way out of it. This poll is going no where and rightly so.
yeah but you attack twice with the sabre in the same time the greatsword does if you are dual wielding (actually I think it is even quicker then twice because of the dual weild talent) so times the sabre damage 2.2 and you are right that's 128.48 Dual wielding bittercut to 68 damage with above greatsword