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Everything posted by Sionn

  1. i'm finally popular! (w00t)
  2. 3 words.....no more threepio and i agree w/ the t3 r2 thing lolzorz :D
  3. "you have left me an openingg!" <----That's y 4 me.
  4. outcast for Kyle Katarn (w00t) :D
  5. Um...Tavion was successful in resurecting Marka Ragnos. Tavion's body just couldn't stand the intensity of the battle. But I think I get what you mean. If he had found a suitable body...if Ragnos fell before, he would fall again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> word up
  6. I like revan withiut the mask, but thats just me.
  7. rly good point.
  8. didnt die (w00t) "
  9. My own personal style(wish i could use it " ) 8 sabers all silver floating in the air controlled by the force
  10. Star Forge Because it could just creat a bunch of incredibly strong ships and bomb the crap out of the death star. However one shot from the death star would decimate the death star with one shot.........decisions,decsions.......
  11. just screwing around with teh juhani thing (w00t)
  12. Hey don't tease! When I first played KOTOR II, I had the same problem too. :"> I was soo used to the old KOTOR I saving/loading routine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> word.
  13. kavar cuz he was an arse kicker(Entyn Katarn, Master Marauder, master of brutality, and he owns an arse-kicknig license).
  14. My Revan was a ancient ancestor of Kyle Katarn(Entyn Katarn) he loved a good brawl and led Juhani to the darkside(cuz he slept with her )
  15. Sorry wrong thread... This is the Fan place for Bastila... now BE GONE! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bastila Fans where ............................oh okay I thought Bastila Fans were a myth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> they're all like their leader, stupid and arrogant.
  16. They're both whiny and selfish
  17. go really fast and avoid any obstacles :D
  18. Bastila is the most self-centered, whiny,prejudiced SW character ever. In others words, SHe's Queen of teh Harpies! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  19. Why are almost all lightsabers in The movies either blue, green, or red(cept 4 koon & windu)?? There's no originality!1 WTF!!!!!1!!1111!!
  20. Power Critical Flurry Attack :D Walk into room, Stasis Field, Flurry everybody w/ Siver Double-Sided
  21. different job choices, like you could enlist in the Army of the Republic, become a bounty hunter and be hired by revan etc. customizable weapons and armor, look wise, ship other than the ebon hawk and the ability to hit on all females u c
  22. its a MOVIE the good guy always wins ..........
  23. As a hater of ep3 and pigheadedness its a tie between Bandon and Anakin 4 me
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