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Everything posted by Purgatorio

  1. One of the perks of being a moderator is that you can have Multiple Alts. Which would just be 'Alts' without the 'Multiple'.
  2. Thats a pretty pessimistic view for someone who reads the KOTOR 3 ideas and suggestions thread lol Pessimism, realism, potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes. Doesn't work when it's written.
  3. I just bought Vampire Bloodlines and NWN2.
  4. There's power attack, but it depends on if you
  5. I'm not posting in this thread anymore in case people start to think I'm an alcho.
  6. Qazplm... What an odd name, how is that pronounced? is what one does when one laughs at onesself. I used one three times in a sentence. I am reminded of a fool standing on his head. I like the idea of people having an aversion to authority, how is that a bad thing? The shower is being fixed, apparently the en suite [oo la la] was leaking when the owner bought the house, though it wasn't leaking enough to cause the sprouting of mushrooms. It is because the builder was cheap. Meta. Was that taken with an American satellite? If so, I doubt the credibility of the source. And it could just be photoshopped. Sorry, I had a maths teacher who said the sun revolves around the Earth. What a moron.
  7. In that case, I doubt their artistic integrity. Having it cut off would have shown he was willing to suffer for his art.
  8. Publicity, and your helping him.
  9. Same with 2. For some unknown reason I'm not surprised. It's difficult to choose, not because they're all great, but because they all merge into one. However the music from The Empire Strikes Back stands out, so I vote in favour of the 2nd film. Erases all memory of The Three Follies.... again.
  10. I concur. Thanks, Dash. Well, I suppose I can wait. And you misspelled "Patiently", Accept. Lord almighty... there there, everyone's not as skilled in english as you mate Work harder dashus! that project's supposed to be done by summer! And it's May so they have six months.
  11. Did that, no effect. I thought she might have been propped up on her frame, dead.
  12. ^ No that's right. I had a driving lesson today, I was to turn into a road (as you do) and there was a little old lady standing on the kerb waiting to cross, I think she was asleep standing up. Perhaps that koala took human form. I waited till she was off the road before proceeding, in case she toppled back, aren't I nice? Might have a drink later since I don't have to be anywhere. Finlandia's nice, but not as good as Stolichnaya. *Drools*
  13. I want to know if the X in Xard is said like the X in Xenaphobe, those afraid of fat American cow cosplayers... To make that a question I add the ?

  14. Umm, do you want to correct that, or are you ok with people thinking you have hips suitable for childbearing? And stuff you Teh Arse!

  15. Numbers don't like me so I don't like them. That people who can read music are good at maths is bollocks, it is written by mathematical geniuses, not played by them. We only need to know how to divide and count to three, so it isn't a problem.
  16. HA!! PROOF THAT THE WORLD IS FLAT!!!11! And that people in NSW are brighter than Victorians. Priddy in a burning pockmark kinda way. I had a good day yesterday, I heard a lute concerto by Kohaut which is on a record that I can't play, so I've been humming like a knitwit for about a day now.
  18. Yes, we all know you love Volo. I never said anything about love.
  19. Kreia: It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scares of slavery... and if that would stir you more. If perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall. Kreia's funny, but what was that really about? Atton? Sion?
  20. I like Canadians.
  21. ^Couldn't be any worse than that aeroplane song on Eurovision.... could it? I dare not search. Yay! Two new words! Well one and a half. Since copro is dung and lalial is chatter, could coprolalial also be used for someone who is a habitual liar? Or is that too far from the original meaning. I need a new dictionary.... You should get them back by playing Vexations by Erik Satie. Hehe.
  22. :sad: Sorry, it was vulgar. Poopy-breath. Why kiwi though? I googled and *scratches head* how can coprolalial mean 'hairy buttocked'? I had a good day, it was uneventful.
  23. FRAP? Free Ranging Apple Picker??? I think you're in the wrong thread! And yes...PANTS!!! Rofl.
  24. Neither, they both die. Vader has an ugly costume, and Grievous is a tard, I think I've said that before.
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