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Everything posted by Purgatorio

  1. It could be name the above users kotor class, meaning, Lucien is [Kotor class] *Shrugs* What is a Minion? I found it in the KSE, but can't figure out what skills, and feats they get.
  2. They don't hurt. My Vodka bottle is empty. :sad:
  3. I agree, Padme was the only character that I liked, though judging by the scenes that were dropped. For exemple that "Democracy dies to the sound of applause" (or what ever it was) was so poignant. It is odd that the scenes that are changed, or deleted are more interesting than what the creative director thinks is the important part of the story, but that is art I guess.
  4. The republic embassy is easy to find, odd that they made a point of it though. I hate Kashyykk ****ing stupid name.
  5. No, as in the sees pertaining to the act of seeing something. But so is cactus.
  6. I get lost on Malachore. I like getting lost. I liked the sewers on Taris, it has atmosphere, giant ancient sewers, but it's only ancient because Mission said the door was old, maybe the Bekks are plebs. I don't like Rakata, thought it does have the illusionary paradise thing which is interesting, but it's too pretty to be real. Not because of the dorkside corrupting the planet like Malachore, but because of the postcard western perception of tropical loveliness. Dantooine will always smell of those big jam filled chocolate doughnuts, because that was what I was eating the first time I was doing that murder investigation quest. *sigh*
  7. NO GOD PLEASE GOD NO! Sorry what was the question? Oh, then what Sturm said. Though I probably wouldn't watch it anyway.... *Chases golden butterfly* That emoticon makes me nauseous.... there's probably some analogy there. 'Sees' is an odd word
  8. Did you forget you had them? I wouldn't imagine sneezing to be messy with lip piercings. You hope for the best when you sneeze with a nose ring.
  9. That might make sense in some situations. If they were naked and oiled up it would be very difficult for an opponent to grab hold of them. (Ladies, please restrain yourselves at the mental imagies ). I know the fights that were held in the original Olympics involved the contestants stripping and oiling themselves, so they might have brought this into warfair or taken it from their battles. It would also mean that clothing wouldn't be forced into a wound and cause an infection-some duelists in the 17-1800's would fight bare chested so if they were hit their clothing wasn't forced into the wound. Given that most of the wounds in a Greek era battle are likely to have been from penatrating wounds (from spears and arrows), rather than from cuts from swords this would make sense. It could also be that the Spartian armies were meant to move quickly, in which case dropping some of the armour would make sense. The Hopilite/Phalanx formation was intended largely for only short distance warfair-defending homes for the most part-not for treking long distances. Spartans might have left everything but their weapons at home if they needed to be somewhere very quickly. And if that meant they were wearing no armour they might as well have got rid of the clothing before battle as it would have made little difference to the way they could fight. (The Spartans at Thermopylae might have been sent there was quickly as possible, in which case they might have left as much heavy equipment as they could at home so they could move as quickly as possible). Then fighting naked could have been a way for the Spartans to show that they were not afraid of an opponent-'Look, we are so brave/powerful/fearless we don't need armour' or just a way to scare the opposition. The Celts used to fight naked as well to frighten enemies and for the warriors to show their bravery. But Mandalorians aren't the kind to retreat, as in dropping their armour and fleeing, they wear heavy armour, so they don't fight naked either. That is the Echani (sort of) The only thing is the red robe that Mandalore is depicted wearing in the comic. But is that canon? *shudder* The Mongols wore silk so the arrow was easier to remove.
  10. *States obvious* Jorian's Hungarian.
  11. Koskenkorva Viina... (Or how ever it's frigging spelt) is impossible to get in Australia. :thatsucks: Fruntimmer= Girl wood= Gibberish.

  12. Deathfield doesn't do as much as it did in K1. And why would you need to use it if you have Storm? Because your weak.
  13. You have to be a member to view my member. :D

  14. It's the eyes. It's not just the Chlamydia, they're really stupid. But I wasn't tempted to run it over. They are endangered. And it would be wrong.
  15. I had a driving lesson today, and a Koala wandered in front of me at an intersection. It then jumped up an oak, it was being chased by magpies. I don't like Koalas.
  16. Accept's new ones blend nicely with the grey of the forum. I'm thinking of changing my avatar but I can't find one. I thought of changing it to Rasputin, but he looks too much like my dad, and it's too political.... And now that I think of it, Nosferatu looks like my mum. **** How annoying. <---- Why doesn't that work?
  17. If only I could. What was the point of him killing them? Psychologically speaking, not plot, because that's obvious. .... Psychologically has logical in it... but starwars doesn't.... DOESNOTCOMPUTE! Yes moving on.
  18. What, there's still people in internet not exposed to Holy Goatse? I Googled.... I didn't know it had a name, I thought it was just a picture used to call someone an arschloch.
  19. I was going to ask what Goatse is, but I probably don't want to know. Trying to stay on topic.... Did you get the Sion tattoo? See that's on topic.
  20. What is it with internets and Sadomasochism? But at least you don't have a warped view on gender roles. So that's ok, I guess.
  21. No, because the words aren't in italics. When you read a book the words have there own voice, it's the same for music, it's pure and without corruption of someone else's interpretation. If you have never heard the music played it is only the notes on paper, and the music in your head. Therefore without the voice of an actor, or the ego of a conductor, your own mind can impose it's own interpretation on the words, or music to continue the convoluted analogy. Revan did have minimal voiced parts for a critical hits etc. I am glad Kotor 2 doesn't have that, because it's annoying.
  22. But, you should know what shift a given choice would make anyway. It's in your head so why would a voiced PC be necessary? Yes it is like reading a book then watching the film, the film is simplified whereas the novel in your head draws from your own imagination. The film is someone else's vision, but the novel is changed by your own experiences... In a game you are the main character, Derrrrrr I would not want my voice replaced with another, because it is my interpretation of the action, not the actors. [/Ramble]
  23. I agree. Reality is what we perceive, therefore what exists in my mind is real, thus kotor is real.... but DX2 is the only game that made be peer into air-conditioning ducts. I like spider bots. But it's not specifically about Kotor, and I don't play any other Starwars games. Is it about games specifically, or are the movies included? So I don't know. How does one know when one has played too much Starwars...? Probably when it makes sense.
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