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Everything posted by Purgatorio

  1. the crystals power is scaled to the player just the same as how random loot is scaled to the PC's lv. This time through I might be able to find some rare loot. Ok, I thought it wouldn't adjust. That's good. Anyway if you need a great darkside shift early on there is a glitched conversation when you get the key from the Ithorian. Much quicker than any other, I tried to post a screenshot of the conversation, but it was taking too long. Edit: The conversation does work for Xbox.
  2. I apologize in advance for the following experiment. i would like to know more about the other jedi groups like the seizon sha mutakai or whatever the robes that affect constitution and strength are those and the jalshey since they have different philosophies. also drunken cantina fights. unfortunately i haven't got many things to say so my experiment is somewhat incomplete therefore i will have to continue to use minimal punctuation drop apostrophes and forget capitals in future posts. why? i hear you scream through your internet connection because its rather odd that DarkDeathDealer can bring himself to write this way and can actually be slightly more coherent then some posters drunk and not use lots of emoticons because i use lot of.... them when i drink which brings me back to cantina fights well no it doesnt but i cant edit either or it wouldnt be scientific. but i draw the line at abbreviating them and you as 'em and ya. thats just lazy arrgh my eyes hurt so karma has got me.
  3. I was watching a herd of Llama in the paddock and I thought of Iriaz. See that's almost as sad as this thread. I hope.
  4. Ah vodka. *happy sigh* I trust it's nice and cold. Definatetly.... Definatly De,fin,it,ely the e is silent.
  5. I so happy! Today I spoke ok not spoke 'typed' to my niece that I haven't seen for 14 years. Isn't the innanet wonderful?! I'm now working my way through a bottle of Stolichnaya. So nice! So warming!
  6. That's a good idea uktopdog, I always saw Atton as a potential Sion. Will be interesting to see how the resurfacing turns out.
  7. It wasn't challenging, all you had to do was memorize the tracks, and that floating alien. There was a zero gravity racer, I think it was called Solaris on Sega Saturn, I played it so much I was ill. Twas burned into my retinas.
  8. Because the canon would be light side, and female. And because, blah blah choose alignment and gender blah blah.
  9. Is there lots of "Muhahahahahahahahah"s and "His lightsaber went kakishhh vvroomp and sliced through his torso like a lightsaber slicing through a torso" ?
  10. I thought Sturm tooked up a hobby. I want to see some head tattoos in the third, I liked that in Fable and I think it would add to the immersiveness and customizableilityness if we could. They don't have to be restricted to sith either. I don't know what that thing on Ulic Qel-Dromas forehead was but I assume he had it when he was a Jedi... Also I would like to see more species. The ancient sith practiced ritual blood drinking, and there are those.... can't remember what they're called but they sucked the force from Jedi.
  11. Thankyou Silentscope <--- INADEQUATE! I don't know what slasher fanfics are, but Slash fanfics.... no spawn of Revan there.
  12. I think it's Force Quake, I remember reading a description possibly on Lucasforums, and it was as you described.
  13. But if your at a high level when you get the crystal there wouldn't be enough time/experience points to get the crystal to it's highest power. Because Kriea upgrades it after a few level ups, so if you get it later/after Korriban it will only glow dimly. And for the lightsided pc in the tomb; I've seen others suggest force drain, though I haven't tried it myself. ...EDITED: to make sense.
  14. BG2 romances have been mentioned before, but I haven't played it so I don't know why people hold them up as the standard. I know Kotor 1's are shallow and 2's are nonexistent.
  15. Darth Ass-kicker the kicker of donkeys? Oh, I see Arse-kicker.... That's a crappy name, what if someones misreads it?
  16. Why would you want a male Exile in normal robes? *waves* Sorry about the lacking enthusiasm. Why only two "love interests"? Not that they're important (to me anyway) but shouldn't there be two for each... one sadist for darksiders, a mopey whinny angst ridden wimp for lightsiders? Hell make them all bisexual to save time.
  17. Paxis? Like Pax the Roman Goddess of peace? That's.... I can't swear. :sad:
  18. .... October 3rd 2006 according to google. Which should be the 3rd of October 2006. But however you choose to say it.
  19. I think the great hole in the plot is that the Jedi couldn't figure out where the ships were coming from. Did they only just notice that big mound that would most likely thrum with ancient dark power when Bastila told them about the dream? Isn't there some enormous space station that holds the Correlian system in an odd orbit? There was an amateur archaeologist, Cassus Sandrel, I wonder how long it took him to figure out what little he did. So the greater plot hole is that the Jedi couldn't figure out the existence of the Builders and the Starforge. Which is another reason why Malak bombed Dantooine. Since Dantooine and other worlds are the Republic's bread baskets, then it's logical that merchants visit, Who did history? Trade is the most common way for knowledge to spread. Cerka knew about the enclave because they sold them faulty droids. Oh, my, people, work for, companies. Dantooine was part of the Republic, Revan and Malak's corrupted followers (the non force sensitives) were from the Republic, the Sith were once Jedi. Many farmers of Dantooine joined the Republic forces, some of them might have become Sith also. A "derr" is in order.... Sarcasm/]
  20. Then I will filter you. Actually no, I can't be stuffed.

  21. Crap. Well meaning people messing with my work, my mouse is retarded. Automated call centers. The weather is sucking the life out of me. So tired. Can't sleep, too hot, get headache. Internet faulty. Sentence fragment. Bored. That is how my day is, and was. And it was too short to be a rant.
  22. Depressing thought = DS points, cheerful thought = LS points and indifferent thought = LS mastery. That
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