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Everything posted by Rolandur

  1. Laying is correct. It isn't. I don't even remember what was in the crate anymore, but let's say it was a scroll. A scroll is lying in the crate. Lying in the crate is a scroll. For laying it would have to be laying eggs or something, which certainly would add to the mystery of the crate. A scroll is laying eggs in the crate. Why not just look it up? What am I supposed to look up? What was in the crate? It's lying either way Oh come on, you're lying! =)
  2. * If anything, it should be "Sh!t captain, buy a lad a drink[...] * No need to add cadence for this one, or * this one * just pointing out 'slew' is correct (not that you're saying it's not); I understand it's the VO that's wrong. (I swear I'm not trying to be a jerk. ~cheers~)
  3. Laying is correct. It isn't. I don't even remember what was in the crate anymore, but let's say it was a scroll. A scroll is lying in the crate. Lying in the crate is a scroll. For laying it would have to be laying eggs or something, which certainly would add to the mystery of the crate. A scroll is laying eggs in the crate. Why not just look it up?
  4. Strings can be overridden, I've done it a few times.
  5. Just as the screen goes black starting the game and before the game crashes try pressing ALT + ENTER and that *may* force windowed mode resolving the full screen resolution problem.
  6. Surely, someone out there somewhere has forgot to sell for 6+ pages of [junk] weapons. Hell, just do the first 3 levels of the endless paths and that should get 5 or more right there.... then keep on forgetting to sell for a few more levels. I think I did most of endless paths then over to the Dyrford Ruins (and beyond) before I remembered "Hey, I should probably sell." at 18 pages. =)
  7. Bug reported by SChin. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106438-repeat-suppliesfood/
  8. Armakoir seems pretty helpful and makes a ton of mods. I've talked with him a little over on nexus and seems pretty cool. Is your request site just not used enough anymore? It was a good idea but I'm a late comer here so I guess I really don't understand what's going on.
  9. Most of the professional coding editors [for windows] just press CTRL + ALT + J to prettify JSON. I guess those newly introduced to coding/modding may not know this or have these types of editors but thought I throw that out there for any one new to modding. Wait for it though, some files are large and can take a few seconds (items and status effects acan take up to 8 to 10 seconds) to reformat.
  10. 860 Evo SSD (drivers up to date), 16GB Ram (XMP enabled, moderate OC), Sniper z97 MoBo (chipset up to date), i7 4790, GTX 1070. CPU Temp runs about 45c and Graphic card around 55c in this game.
  11. Affirmative. 5-6 pages is the threshold that degradation begins to become apparent. From there it's exponential for every page more of junk you collect [and forget to sell].
  12. It still says 'pliant'. It indirectly implies the Huana is willing and not resistant. It makes sense.
  13. So, I forget to go sell to a merchant constantly and can sometimes overload my characters Stash with weapons/armor and once it reaches 5 pages things start to get bad. There's a minor Quick Save duration for every page of stuff -- which makes sense, more stuff to save -- but the real problem is unloading all the items at a merchant once you hit 6 pages (which I had 18 last night; oh gawd!). I think I could sell one (1) item to the merchant every 3 seconds, at best. So is there anything that can be done about this. Selling 18 pages of weapons last night, not even including all other filters, took me just over an hour. I'd like to cut that time-to-sell down to 2 minutes at the most. Bug or is this A Just-the-way-it-is,-you-know-unity-and-how-sassy-she-can-be problem?
  14. Unfortunately Xoti's small shield (lantern) is affected the most for me and I need that light often with certain challenges enabled. It's practically why I noticed this bug. She does raise here hand often before speaking now though. Good Xoti! ~pats on head
  15. Distance hidden objects are "noticed" (Spotted) without changing/altering Main attribute stat Perception; either by % or flat amount.
  16. The patch notes literally mention they're passives of the caster classes.
  17. Holy cow this potentially will free up ten's of hours* of modding a month. * I mess up a lot modding the game. ~laughs Thanks BMac! This is priceless and appreciate it very much!
  18. Not exactly related but I've never been able to download a DLC (free or not) until I click [Download] on the DLC page, which opens the game instead (ok? lol) so I exit the game, then go to my [Library] PoE2 page [in Steam], *uncheck* the most recent DLC I "downloaded" (which it did not, but it's in the list now at least in the Library), *recheck* the DLC, and then and only then will it begin to download... like for real this time. heh
  19. I guess I forgot about my heavy use of using the SHIFT modifier to select and deselect characters quickly. This works for the absent-minded-Stash-Whoops problem (lol) but now I can't use other functionalty assigned to the SHIFT. I guess the problem could only be resolved at the core_engine level, perhaps. Thanks all the same though, great idea using autohotkey.
  20. There must be a way to [start and Skip] the entire intro section and immediately go to Character Creation screen and even more important have all the global variables flagged and immediately after character creation be placed on the shores of the starting zone. Please let there be a super secret console command, config, -command line, or mod to do this, that somebody knows of. If I do the whole intro one more time I think I'm going to lose it. Some mods creations it's mandatory that for things to setup and work properly a fresh character at level 1 start at character creator. Help! Rolandur
  21. "Whoa, why put this under Technical Support dude?!" Well, I'll tell you. Now that Deadfire has been out for some time and we've all played for some amount of time--maybe 20 hours, maybe a 100 hours or some of 400+ hours--we've got use to the Stash being always available. So in Deadfire we become trained to SHIFT all items into the Stash... like everything because it don't matter. Doesn't even matter if Lockpicks or Chisels, Food or Weapons, everything goes straight to the Stash. Now this game I can't stop doing it and it's costing me quite a lot of time. I have to judge if I should reload the last save or head aaaaall the waaaaay back to town to get that weapon I really need, upgrade-wise. I can't stop doing it! So, keeping the essence of PoE1 and restricted to Stash in cities only is there a way to just disable the Shift Modifier Key? That would resolve all my problems.
  22. Can be found here too: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106318-bug-302-storms-of-poko-kohara-terms-fo-trade/
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