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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Maybe it works a bit better like this: Get it? Was a reply to the inventation saying basically "only if on onslaught..."
  2. Guess this can help
  3. Indeed... but should it belong here? (Guess my previous post didn't get the point across)
  4. It is in the description. You don't really see it glow. And it does that when pure LS. Pure DS get total blackness
  5. Only play Onslaught... the rest is not that much fun IMHO and I rather play Enemy Territory instead...
  6. Click me (Most top Download)
  7. Try outfitting Carth with loads of +Awarness (or the stat bounded to it) stuff before fighting Malak...
  8. Wookiees cannot use lightsabers Trust me, I tried... all I got for the trouble was less fur and alot of laughs.
  9. I usually wait for prices to drop before buying adventure games. Got games like Syberia, Runaway, Fahrenheit and such for 20 bucks... Having said that I look forward to this one, altough I am slighty worried about him making the game with less experienced designers and more with his own experience... And Paradise seems to be more dangerous than the other mentioned ones (Fahrenheit and Dreamfall) because they are Action/Adventures and not point&Click and thus also have a potential fanbase on consoles where Paradise will not have it since it will do adventures the way adventures should be (even though I did enjoy Fahrenheit, mind you...)
  10. Team Deathmatch? Why not ONSLAUGHT?
  11. I have also seen reports that if you try to install ATI drivers without running the catalyst uninstaller before that the updates would not take effect and you keep the old driver stuff...
  12. Not anymore " (Yes. I know. Necro-posting...so sue me!)
  13. Yup. 10 days to go. 8 full pages (w00t) Altough I am more interested in SupCom personnally, especially after the Generals debacle...
  14. AMD with XP SP2 here... working normal. Dual-core processor? Also did you try the downgrading of drivers?
  15. For me it is the less audiable the lyrics are the better the song becomes of it. Good songs are songs where I still don't know the lyrics of after 30 times listening! (but can remember the beat)
  16. No fake. My mag also has C&C3 (The Tiberium Wars) content next edition... It should take 10 more days though
  17. Looks to me like you need to update drivers, eh http://www.ati.com Otherwise try downgrading them to around a month or 3 after Kotor2's release... And the Win98 thing, yeah, kotor does that sometimes with ATI-cards
  18. Are we discussing what music makes people better? Wow. Music is just what you like. There is no "hidden" meaning behind it of intelligence/aggression/creativity etc. If so why can one find several songs in a genre awfull, but an equal amount good? Not everybody who listens classical is smart Not everybody who listens R&B is a gangster/thug Not everybody who listens death metal is a massmurderer It really just is to relax... damnit. And what if you get people (like me) who like stuff from ALL genres, but only some of them (when they "listen" good) and can thus not be classified as liking a specific one?
  19. Something like?: Does the extra power of the PS3 and X-Box 360 allow Obsidian to better create the immersive games, amazing stories and wicked worlds they wan't than the older PS2 and X-Box? If so; how about the continually upgrading power of the PC? And if yes on both, what added power/functionality helps the most in making a better game instead of just a graphical upgrade?
  20. There was this Very Hard locked chest and another chest next to it. I pick the locked one to find a potion and gold (43 or somesuch). I open the open one and find myself a Ebony Longsword of 2.2K worth Eh, agreed? PS. Even if Lovewolf no longer needs it, a certain NPC in the Imperial City wears a FULL deadric suit if highleveled (lvl 20 now). Only costs 1000 (or 40 in my case ) EDIT-rampage: Have any status on the patch SS?
  21. Or just do it yourself and break 0/1 on a Very Hard one "
  22. Was replying on Metadigital's post... NOT your proposition. They seem like 2 very different things to me...
  23. Yet another severe bug *sigh*. Hopefully this one is on Bethesda's fixlist for patch #1...; You get a bounty. While having this one a guard talks to you (don't know if it matters but the guard catched me in some bandit cave far outside of the village) you choose not to surrender and run towards the Thieves Guild Doyan, who happily removes the bounty. And now the real mess starts... The original guard still hunts you (causing can't fast-transport/can't sleep, can't do anything with enemies nearby) and even with a bounty of 0 every guard you meet will get hostile because of a "bogus 40 gold assault charge" (who is made up if you get in their LOS). Trying to pay this bounty will result in a HARDLOCK. Paying the doyan for this 40 again doesn't help solving it (new bogus charges will be made up). So far it seems the only sollution to this is to rot in jail (or massmurder every guard, but that is a tough job and each still gives another 1000 of penalty even if THEY assaulted you... ). And there I was thinking I could get around the loss of stolen items and a 5 gold bounty by going to my Doyan... <_<
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