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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. It's Dutch... And it is NO translation "
  2. "Yes, General" "Nevermind" That's what you hear when you exploited every convo option and not yet have enough influence to "unlock" his next Toward-Jedi convo piece (which will be a one-time convo too, above quotation again available afterwards
  3. Yup. Ofcourse loosing some of the fights give you the DS boost but the random encounters (bats; Hsiss) cannot kill you (NOTE: This is only INSIDE of the tomb... out and you are vernable again)
  4. Nope. There are different crystal pics for the side of the crystal (DS/LS alignment). Not for a stronger (higher lvl) crystal though...
  5. What languages are needed?... Dutchie here...
  6. Even if you cannot die chopping up the Hssiss can take a LONG LONG LONG time (see DS-Storm technique x100)
  7. LS'ers cannot die... No need to use packs... no one will get you below 1 HP/VP...
  8. Join the Dark Side... (really) LS is invernable... but no FP DS has FP-regen, but can die
  9. Despite everything even remotely Kotor3 like should go in there... Maybe a Topic Name Change is in order? "
  10. Same mistake here. Somehow doing that seems to make it impossible to gain DS-mastery... (I got stuck around 80% DS and what I did couldn't get more DS) Easy. Fight in the nude ...
  11. Oh my... a Kotor3 thread... THE ONLY ONE...
  12. Lvl 15+ and 50% or more toward LS/DS
  13. Fixed in 1.02... PC only
  14. You are confusing the M4-78 people and Team Gizka with their Restoration Mod... For praise for Gizka check the other stickied thread here...
  15. Dying isn't that bad of an experience... "
  16. Which is the same key... :D
  17. Somebody missed GO-TO's backside story... "
  18. Not sure why that it is, but thread size could be only one thing. Other things indeed could be: Server power Amount of pics posted on those boards Forum Software (invision is faster than most other stuff) Smaller avatars and sigs (well; in general) etc.
  19. Yes. Page 20 of a thread takes up much more space than page 1 in any thread; despite size or stuff included. Thus it makes sense to lock bigger threads and restart to save space. Altough I am not quite sure on the specifics... During "my days" we agreed with a 40 pages max. to any thread...
  20. Yes. The answer is: No.
  21. " High Res Music Patch
  22. Every modern game seems to use that folder now. Oblivion, Freelancer, Dungeon Siege, GTA: San Andreas (altough not under "my games") etc.
  23. Even if forum posts like the above one add to the fun...
  24. Thnx. A newssite is easier to send to friends than a forum topic
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