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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. 1 is. The rest I cannot judge...
  2. Yes. I am The most Pro-Bush guy on this entire Forum... (Let's forget the Chemical Missiles Saddam launched... ok... Never happened... nope)
  3. But Google is Teh Pro-US British Funded Tool of Elemental Evil by Mr. George Bush Kapatilist Evil Rigged Searchmachine...
  4. I'll be waiting for you in my "special" outfit *Rawr*
  5. That was (around) 1990 Welcome to 2006...
  6. Radioactive weapons? I doubt there would be any profit to making M-16's Radioactive... IF possible at all... If you mean NUKES... well; we would have noticed that wouldn't we. Or do you believe in TEH Stealth Nukes...
  7. Calm down. He has been here since the beginning...
  8. Sayeth Mr. 2 posts... Anyways, why quote the same post twice with a different reply? And where did Lovewolf go; I did not come yet... you need to do better than this!
  9. Hey. I don't support those, I support Holland. Paid luving... Legal drugs... political parties filled with idiots (wanna join?)... etc. FTW! I only insult you because you act like a moron...
  10. And I love YOU so very very very VERY much
  11. HEY... No gay-loving in this thread
  12. I do...? It seemed pretty sarcastic to me... " Polite...did you say POLITE... PS. U RE TEH DUDZRS! (See, I can use High-IQ spelling too! )
  13. Can't believe I missed this one: Don't worry. We shall believe you when you post 70 (IQ) Are you threatning here? And then complain about us doing stuff; you downright threatnen people! So you believe your some kind of God. What does Allah think of your "diviness" You give yourself too much credit dude... why would somebody change his/her avatar because of you?
  14. Spellmar says: "Your IQ needs some fixing up" Correct High-IQ sentance: Wow. What an imagination! You have a high IQ? I doubt you have... Correct Low-IQ sentance: what an imaginationed.j00 high IQed?i doubt it though:
  15. You're adorable (damn; why is this thread still running...)
  16. Wait! You actually make sense? Damn my Low IQ again...
  17. Let's forget all what happened and have a night of love. To make up you get first...
  18. But you always loved emoticons... ofcourse not nearly as much as I love you... to make it up?
  19. :*:*:*:*:*:*:* (emoticon-abuse FTW)
  20. :'( Don't leave me... :'(
  21. Can't... already listened to them too much for them to be still functional... Only thing that reminded me of you when you were gone... Where were you when I needed you? :'(
  22. I concur with the surprisement...
  23. :'( Atleast the time we did spend together was well-spend... And remember I still you...
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