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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Lol... compared to what?
  2. Isn't that kind of the point of RPG's though? Completely eliminate it, and there is no 'choice', and without that, well... you might as well play Diablo...
  3. Same. Still made it a pain to navigate, and hated that I had to clean areas around caves before I could enter, so I had to battle the horde that followed me... ugh.
  4. The swamp wouldn't have been that bad if it was fully open, instead of partially blocked. You couldn't just go to the tower in the middle, you had to make a circle. Which wasn't fun when you had to do it the x-th tenth of time, and navigate haphazardly around areas designed as non-passable . Yeah, I didn't like the swamps. Though the end-game one was worse than the one in chapter II and III.
  5. Kind of noticed the same thing in The Witcher. Maybe it's a RPG-Dev thing?
  6. DX1 works fine on my 9600GT Then again, using the modified OpenGL renderer from TNM, so that might have something to do with it .
  7. Lvl 1 Jedi have pitiful amounts of FP. Wait for lvl 2, then they get the Force Affinity feat (+40FP) which will allow a few casts.
  8. alanschu the BioWarian should be happy with me. Yeah, I pirated Dragon Age because I didn't feel convident of the qualities. And because there is no demo obviously. Yes, I completed the entire game. And yes, tonight I will be buying the Ultimate Collector's Edition (have to ship it from the UK though since they don't sell it here). So, not always necessarily a bad thing, without trying I would have never purchased DA outside of the budget bin...
  9. Lol, how anyone can prefer hefty DRM above this baffles me.
  10. I was talking about armor. If armor changes the way they say, then Warriors will still have more than Mages/Wizards, so, what's the difference? Except of course now we have a stupid rule that leveling up makes your armor less effective, giving Oblivion like "leveling up is totally broken and stupid, stay lvl 1"... Nah, THAC0 is what Armor Penetration is in DA1. Unless they removed that in DA2 (I doubt it) the only effect this change does is making armor weaker if you level up. Which is complete and utter nonsense. And enemies armor penetration increases per level too, which if they mess up (not utter unlikely, Nightmare on 1.4 was a breeze for me) means armor means jack. Which would turn the aggro-tank into swiss cheese. And what use is a tank then? Except they ALSO have that in DA1. They had armor, which does as you say, and resistances, which took % percentage off. And they didn't do stupid things like turn less per level. Imagine if Diablo took -4% resistance per level... but the enemies aren't doing less damage for it. Yeah... Or did they drop that for DA2 too? Basically, it sounds like a pretty weird and nonsensical nerf to the armor stat. They COULD just hand out less if high-armored warriors were an issue. Oh wait, they did the opposite in DLC. And now try to 'fix' it with what sounds like the most horrible idea ever. Hopefully it just sucks as much on paper and not in the game. Last thing we need is a game that mimic's Oblivion's horribly broken leveling system.
  11. Wow, that sounds... horrible. And it totally doesn't explain how it's an improvement, since warriors would still have higher than mage/rogues anyway.
  12. Effect of the "Cat" potion? That would be nice. And talking about Special Edition goodiees, why don't they put in a metal witcher's medalion? I would definitely pay for that instead of a head. For gamer's it's The Witcher's icon, and for those not it's still a really badass looking wolf... win/win :D.
  13. If by ****ing stupid you mean ****ing awesome then yes? How anyone can hate that and like the Ant scene of IV boggles my mind. Actually, they even try to copy this scene in Indy IV with the jeeps. It's more horrible than the cart-scene from II by all accounts. Did you hated that scene too, because that was cringeworthy. If anything I am too lenient on it here. Goofs aren't the same as completely and intentionally messing up the storyline and believability of the plot. One is by accident, IV was by choice. Lazy choice. That doesn't make good movies... SOoooo... let me see. IV was better than II because of authentic german accents in I and III, which were never heard in II. Yeah, you totally have a point here. All hail IV! Perhaps. But if you can't enjoy the minecart scene, I see no hope for you... How could you survive IV? I say; gladly so. If she would have acted there like she did in IV that would have ruined those movies too. Also, I don't really care about "canon" for what interests me in movies or not, I care for what the movies themselves have to offer. I feel sorry for people who cannot enjoy, say, Indy II or III because 'Marion was supposed to be the interest and they changed it, oh noes, now they will totally suck!'... And yet Marion in IV is worse. So I shudder to think what could have been...
  14. That's Raiders of the Lost Ark. And all 3 movies got superstitious elements in it. I've seen about 3 really bad scene's. That's 15 sec of movie. How long did the Red Ant scene take? Over 10 minutes? Not sure how that's comparible. And the Red Ant scene is just the tip, not the only bad stuff. The 3 indy movies past the test of time pretty well by using extensive use of physical special effects. Melting skin of Nazi's (Raiders) for examples still looks neat and scary. If it was done CGI than it would probably look outdated now, yes. It doesn't... I suppose this is up to taste who to dislike most as side-kick. Still something the first 3 were able to avoid. There are no german voices in the Temple of Doom. Are you making stuff up here? I just watched it... I have a hard time finding more than 3. 2 maybe questionable too, but I'll let them pass. Physical special effects really topple computer generated ones, unless it really is state of the art and million dollars like Avatar. Indy IV didn't have an Avatar GFX buget though. Result; the old 3's effects look better and more real, since they aren't crappy CGI but mostly actually effort put in special effects using physical means to recreate. I can live with bad special effects, unless they really really really ruin the mood. Like making a 30 min series episode about twisters when they look so fake, or do a 15+ min scene with abhorrent looking CGI Red Ants. A failed shot here and there; sure? But if your big action sequences falter due to the GFX, you're doing something wrong. I was kind of more talking about the wedding stuff of IV, not the conclusion of the plot, although that, too, was bad (OMG! Aliens!).
  15. Gah, now you guys make me wanna watch Temple of Doom. Since I got the entire series (yup, the entire trilogy ) on DVD I probably going to do so now too.
  16. I like 2, hate 4. Same with my sister. Does the Temple of Doom have: * Horrible CGI Bug fights (red ants) * Sheia LeBouf (don't say Short Round is worse... no ****ing way) * As much continuity errors, like a magnetised mask whenever it's deemed necessary, but not at other times. * Tarzan scenes * Aliens * Nuking fridges * Horrible Russian accents. * Horrible fake CGI, aside from the horrible CGI bugfight. * An utterly horrible ending. And that's just what I can think up right now, probably more if I had more time...
  17. True. I really liked that Drakensang 1 had no full VO so they could get nice text in without caring about voice-actor cost. So imagine how saddened I was when they announced for Drakensang 2 they now had full-VO and the "walls of text" had been downsized to the "essentials" because "no one likes to read all that stuff" .
  18. That makes a difference? I never knew.
  19. So, instead of having all skills on a single page you know have to browse pages? That's hardly evolution... Currently playing The Witcher for the first time (so avoiding the TW2 thread as the plage) but having to browse pages for skill purchases is highly annoying there too, I hope they improve upon that in TW2 by having a single page. And DA2 does the exact opposite and goes from an easy to use skill-page to annoying individual pages per branch? Look how much empty screen is there going to waste.
  20. You mean the Paragon and Renegade icons? Because they look like skills to me. If not, that's a pathetically low amount of skills for a game that forgoes gear-progression.
  21. Most RPG's: "Let me see, it does more damage, but it doesn't have the +STR boost. Which one to use?" ME2: "Cool! Yet another heavy weapon I never use *tosses away*... so, have I actually changed my gun since the start? Nope? Where am I? Finale... al right..." ME2's inventory was "+10% DAMAGE achieved" updates bought... That's not an inventory, that's an upgrade system.
  22. Some not-really fixes seem to have the right idea though, like the Caravan cards not being individual items (like with Pazaak). That's just major clutter in your inventory. Not that I probably would play Caravan once I get a PC that can run this game (or they fix it up so I can with this one) but it would be an annoyance even with randomly found cards...
  23. Your skill to rapidly make up credible numbers and facts is astounding...
  24. Interesting. The guy from the Deus Ex Shifter mod had work on this. Meh, I don't really trust Wesp5's work on Vtm:B, I rather play vanilla. Kind of ironic I guess from a guy who works on TSLRCM and has made a community patch for the DX mod The Nameless Mod... Though a community patch would be quite more effective after official patches stop, otherwise you have to rip out and modify everything per each official patch.
  25. No, you just don't use that droid till later. But hey, good task on cheating instead of just finishing the factory how you should...
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