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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Sarcasm failure? That was real, just added some modified parts. You know, like every TV show these days does. I don't hope there are too many of them in DX:HR though. Actually, more none at all...
  2. Pfff, I have had 2+GB of Deus Ex saves. THEY were large...
  3. You seriously think the LEVEL DESIGNERS/ART DESIGNERS went on to make quests, dialogue and other content for the game? Then again; that might explain a few things...
  4. Don't tell me Volourn actually believes the lies/excuses Bioware sprouts, right...
  5. SecuROM beats Steam in my book. I don't have to log in and be online every single time I have to game.
  6. *sad* That's why I won't buy FN:V, but do go for The Witcher II. It's kind of sad actual titles I enjoy start forcing Steam, since draconic DRM seemed usually to be tagged to titles I really didn't give a **** about anyways.
  7. No. It's filler till the talking and questing starts. Unless you play Diablo or something of course.
  8. But nothing awesome happens when you press A! POINT. NOT. FOUND. Personally I go for the special edition. I like my disk, manual and stuff. But the head. Ugh. Give me a Witcher Amulet instead.
  9. Sounds like it was a good thing of my Shep to murder the council in ME1. Then again; how will my ME3 start then?
  10. Apparently it's too hard a concept to grasp for people... "aiming" See; Deus Ex, Alpha Protocol
  11. Depends on the mine and difficulty, so no easy answer...
  12. Greylord wants a shooter instead of a RPG? What are you doing here instead of the CoD boards then? Personally I welcome the move back into the right direction. Now if only they have an actual plot this time, it may get hard for them to mess up...
  13. Hahahahaha
  14. That probably has more to do with lack of faith of good patches these days. In the old days you could expect robust stuff. These days you may get 1.0b from KOTOR II. You know, just like in the past day-1 purchases weren't nearly as stupid as they are today.
  15. Been a while, but I am pretty sure I also indeed got an e-mail from the survivors of the city I just murdered to save the economy. Well, guess it's waiting for ME3 to see if it really did pick my right decision. If it returns at all that is of course.
  16. Don't want to search my ME2 post on the BW Social forum, but a quick recall of never-fixed-issues; A broken quest revolving around finding a package on Citadel. The Batarians with Laser quest taking the wrong ending. Engineer drone being able to get the game stuck by being cast into floating collector platforms, getting them stuck in space. Various places where you could get onto decorations in the area, and not get off, forcing a reload. The Hammerhead's sound FX going really screwed up if you end a mission with it being damaged. And several more.
  17. You can easily force characters (Kreia on Onderon in KOTOR2, Jolee in Kashyyyk in KOTOR1, all teammissions in ME2 and DA:O).
  18. I am pretty sure I read 5.0 in this thread... didn't I. Or did Volourn suddenly came to the realisation BioWare did indeed make it, and thus updated his score "accordingly"...
  19. Hmmm, this may be it. The PC I played ME and ME2 with was pretty old, so minimum graphics and low draw distance. But with this minimal draw distance ME1 enemies responded with force, while ME2 enemies were just waiting for me to slaughter them without trying to resist. So in ME1 I had to keep moving. In ME2 just needed to keep jumping to prevent my auto-aiming missiles to blow into the ground because they found that fun...
  20. Only because it was DLC added in later. I would assure it wouldn't be if the vehicle was in from the start. Anyway, I didn't mind the MAKO sequences from ME1 (bar the final one, where it drove on ice. But that was removed after reloading, so I am not sure if that was intentional at all). I didn't mind the MAKO at all actually, not sure where all the complains came from. Especially if the "fix" is mining and the hammerhead. Not really. The cannon can quickly make work of pretty much any opponent. And the machinegun you have to aim. Both also have the limited angle, so attacking a camp in the mountains is made more difficult due to positioning. And once you fire, I usually had enemies return fire, or move in my position in order to do so if out of range. In ME2 with the hammerhead you could fire up-side-down rockets to the moon and still hit your target. And like sheep they all awaited their end, even if it took 100 missiles to do so.
  21. I prefer ME1 over ME2 (what can I say, I like actual story, a plot and stuff like that)... so, not me. They took what they "learned" from DA:O to "improve" DA2. So start worrying. I kind of gave up on 'killer story' as it seems like the 3 ME games plot was made up at the spot instead of thought up (which you can do when making a trilogy buy Bio apparently didn't bothered to). I definitely prefer the MAKO above the hammerhead. For starters; no ****ing platform levels. Second; no silly auto-aiming, compensated by AI weakness/lack of range and low damage, forcing you to spend a minute holding your right mouse button to clean up, totally risk-free. Oh yes, that's was so much fun. Why need armor for the thing. Just jump and let your auto-aiming missiles do the trick (since you know, aiming is just too hard). Rinse and repeat. Definitely a step backwards from the MAKO. Mark my words; ME3 will have a railshooter sequence instead. Saves you the 'trouble' of having to drive yourself. May or may not include auto-aiming depending on how hard their testgroup found it. Wasn't Jack like that? Like... literaly?
  22. That's cause it's a demo. In the full version all objects are supposed to be HD, and then they wont look out of place, especially when using high-res textures from New Vision, combined with DX9/DX10 renderers. But let's see when that happens... *not too hopeful *
  23. Depends how DX:HR's gameplay will turn out...
  24. Doesn't each item have to respond individual to the physics system already in modern games? I thought that was kind of a requirement. So that is no longer required as "additional work" to make everything interactable. And yeah, I am one of these people who love interactivity.
  25. Not to mention it just sucked and was ridicilous.
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