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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. *facepalm* Checkboxes, too difficult for the modern gamer... *sigh*
  2. Fixed that for you...
  3. It's an SP game. Might as well switch to Hard and save some $ Too much sense, eh?
  4. Well, same here without the modified .exe that I found somewhere, and applying the GeForce patch. Still requires the CD obviously, since most content (VO lines and such) are on the disk.
  5. That's the one yeah. And I got a host of community patches here to make it work. The site went offline, but I could send them by mail. Take less than 4MB in total, and you wouldn't need to use all except if you get the issues listed of course. May still crash on the inventory overview screen, but you really never need it, although it's forced upon you one, it also includes a save for the point after that so you can just use that if it crashes there on you. I also hear 7 has less issues than Vista, but I know of neither since I use XP anyways :D.
  6. If you mean the same game at least. Shame they never got around to making the 3D patch they apparently had in the works, that would make it a bit more able to run on modern PC's, even with all the community fixes there are issues on certain spots .
  7. Have to second Gothic III (an actual good and fun version of Oblivion) and AP, as well as Fahrenheit. Might have to add Kohan II to the mix. As for the people mentioning Anno, which one do you guys mean (1602, 1503, 1404 or the series?)
  8. Also, it had a story. Something ME2 lacked.
  9. Did you try removing it, then load a save before entering the cantina?
  10. I spend over 100+ hours watching 24, don't think I ever saw a happy ending there... Also, I had to reload over 5 times playing my single ME2 playthrough due to gamebreaking bugs... So, definitely not 'not buggy' to me.
  11. It happened to others using TSLRCM, but it was always a mod conflict, not TSLRCM itself. Which do you use?
  12. You mean those of ME1, since ME2 has like 2 or 3 choices at most? I hope the teamgathering of 2 isn't nullified (and thereby that entire game on the storyline), although I fear that it will, seeing how you can kill of your entire team, and they can hardly start ME3 as such...
  13. I am pretty sure I nuked her in the first game. What the hell did you do?
  14. Well... ****. *scraps another title of it's list* Am I really limited to EA games only now? The agony...
  15. I am pretty sure I read you get to choose it after TW2 has been released. Which is also when you pay for it, so...
  16. Not for me . This is exactly what I am trying to make clear. I love nice graphics as much as the next guy, but I realise that driving it even further cannot really be maintained indefinitely. At one point the amount of required sales cannot be achieved... It's a good thing not all movies require 400 million to make like Avatar for example...
  17. And DA's don't? Hell, my PC can't even run it higher than the lowest setting and it works for me... The graphic point got us in the mess the industry is today. More $ needed to get that top-notch, leaving 5- hour movies (CoD), and requiring much more sold copies than used to be meaning sequel after sequel (CoD) instead of original games. Fine by me if it stays with the FPS crowd, but do we really need to add it in with the RPG crowd? Are we really waiting too for 10- hour RPG's here? Seriously? And indie's seem to do fine despite the imminent need of graphics gamers seem to have... how'd you explain that?
  18. Graphic whores. As long as it plays good I couldn't care less for graphics. I rather play a good game than Flashy Soulless FPS #4432 which only selling point is it's pictures, 3 hour 'plot', and that's it...
  19. Sjeesh I hope not. Story-driven RPG > Sandbox title with disposible plots...
  20. Recent Nvidia drivers have that too, and then you don't even need to use Steam.
  21. The opposite is still possible these days? Amazing! I thought it all died out...
  22. Amazon.co.uk ships free to the Netherlands too, and several other countries. Got myself DA Ultimate Edition there, no shipping costs. It isn't here next day though, I expect around these days (but the postal was on strike here, so it may take a bit longer due to that)...
  23. You didn't play Nightmare did you? Micro-management is certainly helpful... more so than automatiation, so uncontrollable combat NPC's would be bad unless you just make it a Diablo Hack&Slash. There 1 controllable PC works. Never played Baldur's Gate? How would it be if you only controlled the Bhaalspawn and the other members were under AI control?
  24. Am I the only one who at first glance thought the chars to the left were hanged? Until the description text Maria gave? Anyways, uncontrollable NPC's are BAD. Just go in DA to Dwarven City, fight in the arena and pick the 2 dudes instead of your party. You want that? Seriously? I seriously doubt it, and if it's implented, it's too late for everyone...
  25. Another thing about pre-orders specials no-one mentioned yet is that it's almost always for American's only, so we Europeans get shafted. If it was digital like Steam it could, but then again... then you got to use Steam, so it's not that much better a deal...
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