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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. It depends. I have a fear ME3 does nothing with the ME2 recruted people (after all, all can be killed. Would be a looooot of work to add them all in if potentially not met, and a new crew for those who have killed them off etc.), and if such in a storyline of way is "wasted"... as less than 10% of the game is used to push that forth.
  2. I agree with somethingg Volourn said... what has the world come through . But yes, I also don't see why the story is SO much an issue that it has to be chopped down in 4 easy-to-bite snacksize packs, and can be utterly forgotten the rest of the game. Because tell me honest, in ME2 you never get any sense of urgency for doing the Suicide Mission. Well, unless you knew the mechanics of people dying after the capture of course...
  3. Ah, yes, "have no story so I don't have to remember what the hell it was all about"... it all makes sense now. And I never had trouble picking up a story even leaving it alone a year or more. And believe me that's not in "chunck" games
  4. Because 3 2 hours chuncks of story in a 40-hour game are better than having like 20 hours of story in said game, right? Kids might get overwhelmed by all that story. Imagine... IN AN RPG!
  5. But if they also interpretate the "stats" as *right* as the DA squad... ... *shudders*
  6. ME3 got downgraded due to DA2. Skyrim is pretty non-existant due to Oblivion. So it would be DX:HR and TW2 for me.
  7. Of course 200 bullets instead of 50 and then having to search for more ammo allows you to kill more, despite the reduced "speed" of murdering stuff. Nope... doesn't look like an improvement to me. In a war, would you rather rely on limited heatsinks (say, ammo in real life) or just have 100% ready to use weaponry if you just fire in bursts?
  8. IIRC that's because the peanut butter bottle is empty .
  9. Coincidential or what? Playing Runaway 3 now...
  10. As you know, if one dies, both dies. So concentrate fire on one, and it shouldn't be too much a problem... Tigraneeeees?
  11. 1) is indeed a bug, yes.
  12. For now. I definitely didn't take changes and took the 2GB version though. From what I can tell not that much more expensive, and it would guarantee you an additional year or so. And a year in PC hardware... well... don't have to tell you that's A LOT.
  13. Why the 1GB HD6950. Go for 2GB right away, saves you a lot of worries in the future...
  14. Took you this long to notice, huh? It seemed pretty obvious to me when I was playing ME2. While enjoyable it had "ME1? What's that?" written all over it .
  15. *Actually just finished the game* Where's the ending here? It's too much fun just to have stopped. Also, good to see I am not the only one who missed stuff on first run, although different things. You did the alchemist in broken valley (miller's basement), which explains the lack of potions... amulet of the north, and several other little things (or maybe you did and just didn't mention them).
  16. Heh, I'd wish they left stuff like Geralt's head out of the CE edition. Makes it more expensive, and what am I going to do with it. Alas if I want a disc, paper manual and other goodies I have no choice.
  17. Nothing. But pmp10 was claiming that you people getting 'black bars' was a major catastophe of some sorts. I was just wondering if there are people who have a Witcher II proof rig and still no widescreen...
  18. *only now notices he typo'd use as sue* Yeah, got 1920x1080 too (although a real PC monitor). They don't even sell 4:3 monitors here anymore.
  19. *cough* DA2 Friendly Fire *cough* Yay for DX:HR!
  20. People still sue 4:3 monitors these days?
  21. Probably. I've had it crash several times with 1.5 (never had lower, got EE version some time ago)
  22. Right. Sci-fi shows have done much better already, so I am not impressed in that regard .
  23. I would have never beaten Saravok if it wasn't for monster summoning. Turn of auto-pause though... Then again, I am not as good as you guys in BG (2). You make it sound so easy, and I still get plattered in BG2 in most fights .
  24. Or the enevitable DLC. "But the game is not done yet!" "Who cares, go make DLC maps!" Then again, most DLC from DA:O re-used maps too, so maybe not. Currently playing Divinity II and darn, it has some nicely created dungeons. I doubt I could go back to re-used areas...
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