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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Heh. Despite the obvious lie, it's sad to see so few PC titles as PC-only gamer (or Elitist as some would call me). Hopefully changes, though doubtful
  2. It's starting to get worse with bosses. Seeing how sometimes 5 min before the boss you can't even find a save potion place. And if you do it auto-saves just before the battle, there goes the option to drink potions. And you really need it most of the times. Especially bad during the at the end of Chapter III. That's just a really badly set-up boss.
  3. Well, local newspaper yesterday showed a few rioteers. And well, most have jobs. One even was a millionaire?s daughter. Really makes it hard to keep believing it?s because "people can't find jobs anymore"... as has been claimed since it became apparent it wasn't about random dude we now forgot...
  4. http://www.thewitcher.com/patch1-35/ New "hotfix" patch... Never used Quen or Bombs or Traps my first game (Normal difficulty). Also only used "magical X" about 3 times the whole game, usually by the time it was charged everyone was already dead. You get so overpowered in the end...
  5. Useless button mashing is possible on the lowest possible difficulty... just don't expect it to work any higher. And yes, you would be doing it extremely wrong.
  6. It's great first time around. Second time... well... I find it a hard time going through the prologue and chapter 1 (which is exactly the boring same) to get to the good stuff, the story split. Not successfull yet.
  7. I never thought it like that. Of course finding them damn easy (barring the impossible ones that can appear on Hard during higher levels) might have helped :D.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424 You mean this one? Yeah... utterly retarded. Looting from a local shopkeeper to show the rich people. Seriously? That must have been one hell of a braindamage from all that drinking...
  9. Someone can write it down for us Hard-of-hearing (and for these pure comedy lines of idiocity of course!)?
  10. Most of the times ads are out-sourced. So even if Eidos Montreal was "smart about it" if the advertisers they sold their space too, aren't... Well, you understand why it could become a major immersion breaker...
  11. Han shot first! I suppose I am too much of a geek for having that as first thought reading this. But yeah, the event with the shooting is completely irrelevant now. It was already on day 2 (if not 1 itself perhaps even). I doubt they call in an armed arrest unit for taking in a peaceful civilian. And no-one denies he was a gangster. These kind of investigations take time. Anyone who imagines it can be solved so quickly is a fool or "intentionally" 'oblivious', as our rioteers are...
  12. Or the london people are going to use them against the looters, seeing the LACK of "excessive force" from the Police. Which may cause the violence to rise even further. Yeah, I already posted that vid before in this thread. It's odd the police is blamed for "excessive force"... what the hell are they waiting for then? But maybe this indeed is a statement of 'If you don't want us to be pro-active, this is what happens' so London increases their priviledges. In that case the Tottenhammers only reach the opposite of their goal. Not that the current rioteers share that goal anyways...
  13. Of course now the rioteers made the first victim in the conflict... 26-year old shot dead in his car by them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...p;v=XYuMPw6Yi3k Yup, seems like youth gangs profiteering... just criminals indeed. (some more vids; http://www.rtl.nl/%28/actueel/rtlnieuws/bu...n-in-londen.xml but the article is Dutch) EDIT2: BBC link; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-14462693
  14. Yup. Although HP isn't cyberpunk future.
  15. I almost forgot how much I love the thrill of having to actually sneak and lay still in order to aim and shoot to kill, instead of making insta-kills from long distances, ruining the challenge and feel. And people hate AP for it? Wonder how HR will do in that regard...
  16. Still in the first "town" so it's just an impression so far... it might change.
  17. Drakensang 2. Pretty much the first, but with a new story. Not that that's really a bad thing.
  18. Not sure why no-one posted it yet, but 1.3 has been released... Discuss!
  19. No. Visas can't appear before 1 planet (any) after Telos anyways.
  20. The monitor shouldn't have anything to do with setting the max resolution of 1600x1200 (which looks a little stretched on my 19" widescreen too). You can't select the resolution either ingame nor in the configuration tool in the launcher? As for patches; http://www.fileplanet.com/157381/150000/fi...ity-Movie-Patch http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.c...ate_Patch;52024
  21. Did you cheat your alignment either heavy LS or DS?
  22. 22. Quen Sign slightly de-buffed ? Sign dissipates 20% faster after foes land a blow. Assorted minor balance issues related to this Sign have also been resolved. Shiver in fair, Quen-players...
  23. True. We need less DRM, not more. Damn Namco .
  24. Don't you mean "fund a second patch" ???
  25. I hope not. In DX:IW you were maxed halfway... so many aug updates... And I still hope they alter it so "walk up and press button" isn't 1100XP while anything else is 100XP or so
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