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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. It's got pro's over DX and con's over DX. But IMO AP is better. Of course countless reviewers and gamers disagree.
  2. I paid 20 euro for my Augmented Edition about a week or 2 ago, so cheaper. Still; Fallout: New Vegas 4.99 EUR Fallout: New Vegas - Dead Money 2.49 EUR Puzzle Agent 2 2.49 EUR Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road DLC 2.49 EUR Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues DLC 2.49 EUR Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC 2.49 EUR Fallout New Vegas: Gun Runners' Arsenal 0.99 EUR Fallout New Vegas: Courier's Stash 0.49 EUR Deus Ex Human Revolution: The Missing Link DLC 3.73 EUR Total 22.65 EUR
  3. Seeing how this thread title and subtitle match the GOG one exactly, but with RPGCodex, I think the OP knew....
  4. Maybe they've "upgraded" the mounted weapons of ships. You know, like how weapons got "improved" by no longer having infinite ammo. Which I think in war is a lot better than some minor issues with overheating if firing rapidly. Supply's a bitch on the combat front...
  5. Doesn't that include pretty much every game made?
  6. Not a lot of added comments. With nothing for me today, taking it anyways. Interesting deals of the day; Mass Effect series. Torchlight. Divinity II, Dragon Knight Saga (get this one if you haven't gotten it already!)
  7. Reminds me of the audio commentary on a Stargate: Atlantis episode. "So we established here drones do not fire underwater, you see." (At the end of the episode) "Remember how drones couldn't fly underwater? However here they do to save the day. Sorry" (was one of the writers)
  8. Humour sounds good. Isometric turnbased not really my thing though... But if you say that that's not really the main point anyway (since when has combat been in RPG's?) Still 7 hours to decide.
  9. Lots of praise for Grotesque Tactics here. Can't say I ever heard of it before. Some pointers why it's good? You guys peaked my interest in it... (though not so much just to shell money without more info's)
  10. Got NWN2 Platinum (so finally able to check out MotB) and Jurassic Park today. Gonna wait for an even bigger discount on Arkham City. Patience is a virtue .
  11. Amnesia yesterday, Psychonauts today. Let's see what tomorrow brings .
  12. It happens every time you start the game, and after each movie. As such disabling movies can help yes, but I rather see it and do a quick ctrl+alt and back than miss them.
  13. Nope, that's pretty much KOTOR 2 on a Windows 7 PC. I got the same.
  14. Performance on PC is good. Lacks graphic options though. Can't speak for comparrison with TFU1, since I never played it. Though... you enjoyed cutting up people in KOTOR? What the...?
  15. That's what you get for playing a game with such boring FedEx quests...
  16. Nope. Not with the official patch atleast. TSLRCM however does fix many questbugs and more. And once again, nope. No official widescreen.
  17. Well, it's good for intel chipset users. And fixes the floating Swoop Race issue. But yeah, TSLRCM does a whole lot more fixing (including the big gamebreaking issue 1.0b added).
  18. http://lucasarts.com/support/update/kotor2.html
  19. Pretty sure it doesn't...
  20. Well, it's true. If Fallout: New Vegas or Dungeon Siege III required Steam, I would have bought them instantly like Alpha Protocol. Probably regretted it on both instances (poor performance and Steam cloud issues on the first, gameplay on second)... so in some way it's good I am forced to wait for a better price. Also, Hurlshot... thinking companies take the right lesson from something is hoping that Greece suddenly becomes an AAA-country, all by themselves. Unrealistic. I mean, even big companies like BioWare can horribly hit the wrong spot by their "user research"... going from DA:O to DA2. And past experiences with DRM additions and lesser buck-for-your-value shows any faith there is faith lost. Most just go 'pirates kill the PC' like they always did. Nevermind the consoles always get leaked versions before that. And all my console-playing friends never payed for any of there titles. Like my PC friends and me... :/
  21. Sadly... Blizzard seems to use it too. Not that I care for them, but with StarCraft II and Diablo III, they aren't doing so bad. (Anyone knows Torchlight foces Steam? Want to gift it for Christmas, but don't want to burden the receiver with Steam) As for getting worse service.. it's like trying to get patches and DLC for Mass Effect 1. It seriously took me HALF AN HOUR to find damn 1.02 and 1.03. And another quarter of an hour to find the pass for Bring down the Sky, since it was almost impossible to find the old Bio account and it didn't pass over to the newer EA/Bio-Account. So much fun. And I probably have to do it again... NOT costumer-friendly. Avoiding DRM would be a lot easier if it's prominently shown on the box or order site. Sadly I have already purchased about 3 games which used Stea without pre-knowledge of me. Anno 1404 used Ubi-terror without me knowing (fortunately I bought it after it got patched out) from the start etc. etc.
  22. Full-on expansion packs. Alternative would be "none at all" Can't say I bought DLC besides stuffed in Gold Editions of GOTY packs, so I am probably not best to judge since it all came with the price. Maybe should try Shadowbroker one day though.
  23. Haha, that's pretty awesome. (And yes, you're right) [OT] Though I see regenerating health there... in Serious Sam? Oh noes! [/OT]
  24. Was just making fun of Volourn with "pirates exists"... No, I tried to connect putting dispreportiate responses ("Don't complain about [X]. No one died! You can only complain if someone dies") to arguments to being a bad idea. And since apparantly something is only bad and worthy of complain if you are dying or loosing parts of your body Maria implies, yes, you cannot complain about being raped. Personally I would say that is something VERY complain-worthy.
  25. (Can't edit my post since I cannot even see it) Or how about now in Russia? "Hey, don't complain about corruption or fraud... No one died!" It's like the 'people are starving in Africa' response if you talk about... *anything*. Completely unrelated, and a terrible way of trying to say 'shut up about everything, be a slave. Be happy about everything. If you're depressed (you know, like me) not even that, because hey, you're alive. Even if you feel like life sucks. I don't... and since I don't and I think dying is worst unless you do you cannot complain about anything' [/rant] Just tickles me off...
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