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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Think of it more like those "always online" DRM systems. Loose your sonar/internet activity... you're screwed! Great analogy. I completely fail to see how that's related. Or is that your standard reply? "My X-box died"? Microsoft/Maria: Hey, shrug it off. It's not like YOU died. "I got ripped off today at the store. 2 euro too much on the bill!" Maria: Well. Forget about it. It's peanuts. You could have died. "I got raped!" Maria: Hey girl, get away with your minor issues. Someone could have died. See how there too it's completely non-consequential... or actually supremely hurtful?
  2. @ Zorapter; Yeah, I get the "SP is only funny if it's about current events" is about. Especially seeing we get it like 2 years after the US, so so current it isn't, yet it's still popular and funny. And while I don't watch often (no TV) the few times I see it at other people's places I pretty much never see anything resembling actuality in the show. Unless gay people, Disney or teenage sex are suddenly no longer in this world...
  3. Yeah, we know pirates exists. Especially around Somalia. But do you think the solution would be to put landmines over all the oceans to hit them? Or would that hit more innocent people instead? [/analogy]
  4. I'd expect you to be able to make the connection as an intelligent person, Walsh. "Oh, the 2nd hand sellers are the real criminals, so I'm actually doing a good thing by downloading the game myself". You guys read right? Do I have to repeat myself. Even so what you or I believe is irrelevant. Most game developers put in codes and online passes so second-hand have to pay up some to play. So, obviously, THEY thin second-hand is a threat to them, and no money. Are you going to say they're wrong now? @ Hurlshot; The best being for the second-hand middleman, selling a full game, buying second-hand games full and selling them for more... while the first one a cut goes to other parties (like, the developers), the ssecond is all for the businessman. Why you think second hand got GameStore so big? Over backs of developers. At least pirates don't make money with other people's work...
  5. Not back then it didn't... but I got it on Steam now, so all's well... Still doesn't make up for that for most modern games if you're a true pure person... you need to gamble with your $50 wheter or not a game suits you due to lack of demo's for most games. My friends don't really got the same taste. I could also (and actually do) wait for the price to drop severly... but I somehow think that doesn't help them much better, right... Seems pretty obvious. Neither payment goes to the original developers. So why give your money to some random dude at all. Why pay HIM/HER for their work? If it doesn't profit the original creators in any way... why would one way be better than the other... they both equally suck for them.
  6. Looks my post got erased. Anyways, sum it up... can't buy games of companies that are busted *cough* Troika *cough*... till pretty recently when Steam offered them up. How would people suggest I go legal there? Also, game devs should develop demo's dammit.
  7. Azdeus beat me. But yeah, I would actually suggest a city builder too. Probably not Tropico though . Try the old Inversion games (Pharaoh, Caesar, Zeus, Emperor) or Anno. Also, depending on preferences, Zoo Tycoon and Rollercoaster Tycoon can't do wrong .
  8. I don't know... had Borderlands on my wishlist, but no announcement or something it was on sale... So... I don't think that works.
  9. Well, every shop here has 12 copies for around 8 euro's, sure. Not sure it's a re-release though. Just thought they wanted to cash in on my work...
  10. Well, some people here think Team America bombed... so it looks like some people live in their own little unrealistic world. In that world, it would make sense SP is a "minor IP" and a sell-out to something as "extremely known to every human in the galaxy Forgotten... oh, Planescape"...
  11. Well, I am not going to buy a game that needs 24/7 online presence. If I was wanting to play such a title I would have to turn to piracy then. No other choice. How's that user-friendly?
  12. Well, you are probably aware of LA's mis-treatment of KOTOR2. That's probably their reason... they just want the title to "dissapear"... be damned it's one of the best (if not *the* best) Star Wars title of the past 15 years.
  13. Thanks. Already got it. Intended to play it solo...
  14. Triple post... But Borderlands GOTY is on sale now. Should I get it, yes/no?
  15. Hell yeah. Step back in the right direction. Really, who liked voiced protagonists like in DA2?
  16. No edit? Finally played the Demo (Yes, I am slow) and think I'll wait for an even bigger price-cut. :/
  17. Didn't that Avatar's movie bomb? So much for a great IP... Also who says you cannot make a game of House (Don't know the other). Probably no RPG though...
  18. Doesn't include DSII: Broken World or Legends of Aranna? And seeing how DS3+DLC = 24 euro's might as well get the pack with I and II even if I got them both (with expansions) already. And yes, my DS(LoA) is working under Windows 7. Had to do some tweaking though...
  19. There are several South Park games already. All for consoles, so I haven't played them though. Also, if SP is a "small IP" (15 seasons is small now, what the hell) WHAT would consitute a big IP? I hear Avatar, but damn, that's just 1(!) movie. With a crap game. Hardly a big IP. Star Wars sure. But you remember how much LA butchered KOTOR2 right? So, give me a so called bigger IP...
  20. So you enjoy beating people to dead with ****'s or having gay-driven walker-taxi shootouts... but not South Park? I... don't think so.
  21. Why the hatred towards funny RPG's... Games are serious business or something? Seeing the success of Saint's Row III, I can see them doing well...
  22. And you can vote us for Mod of the Year, even if 1.7 was released last year and it doesn't look like 1.8 makes this year, much to my sorrow... Anyways, can't believe I posted the prelimary 1.8 fixlog here yet. It's from 15 August though, many additions have been made since.
  23. If you're using Vista, you're getting the nice side-effect of the Security center placing savefiles in a different place when not administrator compared to when being the administrator. Solution would be to return to (non-) administrator to reappear your old saves, or move them over to the folder that's in use instead. It's been too long for me to remember where they were stored instead, just search for them (hidden files) should work... EDIT: Should read, Windows 7. Still it could be the same issue with administrator/not-administrator being placed other places by the security center according to your description.
  24. There was a box? It was DVD case from the start here (KOTOR1 too). Also 4 Discs instead of 1 DVD even if it was totally the rule here in Europe. :/
  25. Got the same with Beyond Good & Evil. And of course HD was only for consoles :/
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