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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I'd post a pic of me, just because I'm narcissistic :D But I don't have a digitial camera, nor a scanner, nor a recent photo
  2. Perhaps...but perhaps not! :ph34r: :alanschu: But seriously, add "z0rs" to any word, and it instantly becomes "l33t" Laterz0rz0rz0zr <===== superl33t Laterz0rz0rz0rz0rz <=== Just silly however
  3. More areas where it's better to avoid combat WOULD be a good thing. But people like to flexx0r their muscles0rz and whatnot
  4. Yes, clearly Juhani's dialogue was romantic in nature
  5. WTF!?!?!? I tried the jiggle mode, but it doesn't work. Fuggin' Obsidz/LucaArtz...they f00x0red up the game. This buggy POSz0rs (aside: make anything a "z0rs" and it's instantly more "l33t") is why j00 da vide0 gamerz shouldz0rs boycott dem d00ds at Lucazzz0rds. They just think they 0wnz0rs j00, but j00 n33d to r3pr353n7! Obsidz/Lucas is teh suck!
  6. I googled 64-bit Pentium but only found one actual link. Could you direct to me more information, as that one link was more of an announcement than anything else.
  7. OOOOOOOOOOOO, V Marc Singer and Michael Ironside! Loved that show as a kid. They had cool guns! Although I was probably too young to understand it at the time, they had cool guns
  8. One who aids and abets a crook is also a crook; pure and simple. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Clearly you have no business sense. Lets see how many people support your product when you bad mouth the financial investors.
  9. I clearly am not keeping up with the times. Following the GHz race was part of the reason I failed out of University in 1999/2000
  10. Meh, I probably did. Or had another ring that took care of it. It was neat a lot of the freedoms you had in that game, and enchanting/modifying stuff WAS fun. It was just sooo powerful
  11. MASK? Hahaha I loved them. Ironically, I never really watched them though. Never knew when they were on. Had to settle for He-Man
  12. I hate hold outs If there's one thing I can't stand it's when people try to weasel out of their contracts. I have no problem with contract renegotiations, but holding out is really lame IMO, especially seeing as financial security is not high on an athlete's list of concerns (unless you're Mike Tyson). Same with musicians (Linkin Park). I never thought it remarkable at the time, but I'm impressed that Michael Jordan didn't demand extra money when he returned to the Chicago Bulls. In 1995/1996, he was still on the last year of his original contact signed back in like 1989 or maybe even 1988. He wasn't even the highest paid player on his own team. Of course he made $25 million the next season and $30 after that
  13. :ph34r: (:alanschu:)...oh wait, I'm doh! And yes, you buy the good ones
  14. It was 9am in the mornign when I finally went to sleep Definately daylight I'm a night owl. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ****ALANSCHU INFLUENCE: INCREASE**** I can respect that. Too many times bed time has come when the sky isn't so dark anymore I can practice my prowling and more easily pursue my dream of being a superhero when it's dark out....less people laugh.
  15. I have no recollection. Anyone can have some good games when he gets on a roll. I still think he never really fully recovered, which is too bad. He was a talented goalie IMO, and was a joy to watch for the most part. Jussi Markanen and Ty Conklin were a good "Goalie-by-Committee" combo. I have always had the impression that Edmonton had really good goalies. We also bring out the best in Igor Ulanov
  16. Wierd Al is very talented IMO. He makes excellent songs to the sounds of different artists, and he's never really derogatory in his parodies, and just has fun. If I was a musician, I'd be honoured if Wierd Al wanted to parody one of my songs. He has a lot of "false" credit out there, if you do a search for Wierd Al on any of those non-existing Peer2Peer networks that don't share music.
  17. I remember carrying around a lot of rocks. They were heavy...had to sacrifice them for my Daikatana
  18. Doesn't really surprise me that multicore support is coming in. Eventually, Moore's Law is going to fail (you could argue that it already has). You can't have transistors made out of a single atom (can you?). So the logical step is to put them in parallel. In fact, give the decreasing costs of chips, it's probably becoming more economical to just do what super computer designers have been doing for a long time. I'm curious what Cell (come on Epiphany...where are you??) is going to bring to the general purpose CPUs (the Pentiums and the Athlons). Also, speaking with my Dad (the Mac fan), he suspects a special version of the Pentium IV will come out that has 64-bit support, and this is likely why they are saying 2 years before a complete transition to Intel chips is going to be made. I was curious what they were going to do there, since the G5 has a 64-bit processor in it. And even if the P4 is faster than the 32-bit processors (or even the G5 in some cases), there are still advantages that 64-bit processing can provide that I'm sure people would be angry about if they suddenly disappeared. I'm also curious about software support. Are those running on older platforms screwed for newer software?
  19. Hehe, I never reached that point. I got a "The Demo is over, please buy the game" screen first
  20. Too bad Tommy Salo never fully recovered after his gaffe in the Olympics.
  21. When little kids in the mall that I don't know go "Mommy! Mommy! Spiderman!" I can no longer deny that I look like Tobey Maguire.
  22. Some of the stuff I really enjoyed in Calculus courses though, was deriving the algebraic expressions for virtually everything! And the little obvious things that weren't so obvious prior to the course :D I'm likely taking a Linear Algebra course, and possibly an Intermediate Calculus course next year sometime (the Linear Alg is confirmed....not sure about the Calculus though).
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