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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Predators were extremely cheesy in AvP2. Those duels me and my mates had were... madness. Especially seeing as a said plasma shot is *homing* on top of everything. Nobody that used that weapon for long became very liked, that's for sure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The plasma shot was homing? I thought just the boomerang was. Been a while since I played the game. Alien tag was the best (with no preds)
  2. I thought I saw a skeleton. It is possible it was poorly lit and I couldn't really see it
  3. I didn't include it, because I just looked at their website. Although apparently Battlefront (by Pandemic) was "in house" so they must be an in-house development team...so Battlefront II is probably the in house game they are speaking of. Probably makes sense, because I heard Battlefront had huge sales.
  4. Absolutely, if the developer is big enough. Epic, Valve, and Bioware are all huge game developers (especially in the PC World). I don't think Obsidian is QUITE there yet.
  5. Good point. It's kind of a given, and not too terribly difficult to do. I imagine it'll be some of the big differences between the different leaders for the same country and whatnot.
  6. I remember there being supernatural enemies. Perhaps I'm confusing it with Thief 2. Hmmm EDIT: If you can give me your 100% assurance that there is nothing supernatural about Thief, and that the game does not extend past the realm of implausibility, I will go buy it
  7. Perhaps he thought that slaves were in your borders? :D It'd be neat if the AI leaders had certain opinions about the slavery that will exist in the government dynamic.
  8. Hmmm, you're right...it is. But if you can reap back profits that are tenfold your initial investment, is it still "cost effective" since you wouldn't be making as much money?
  9. Thief was > all....until it fell into the common idea of "human badguys gets no fun! Lets add MONSTERS!! Yayayaya gogogogogo" Ugh.
  10. A simple and blunt way to bring things back on topic I always found the AIs in Civ to be a bit too war mongering, even if they weren't militaristic or expansionist.
  11. I just remember not being able to use exclusively keyboard for Privateer 2. Mouse flight has always been clunky since they removed that handly guide in WC and WC2 that showed what direction you were going.
  12. Was this towards the end of the game? Like the Sabbat boss or whatever? I thought he wast the Tzimzice (or whatever).
  13. No no no no It's Fire. Firaxa, Firaga or something goofy like that now EDIT: Nevermind, ShadowPaladin beat me to it, and even then you didn't care
  14. Nothing a flamethrower can't fix :D I don't remember the Tremere bad guy. What section of town was he in?
  15. Except there's more ways to achieve this than by excessive use of vent crawling. Multiple path and associated level progression doesn't need to be confined to the same one trick pony. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed...they probably could have been a bit more creative.
  16. I would disagree. Apple got huge because it tried something different with a computer. Maintaining the status quo just lets someone else that innovates beat you.
  17. How much sh!t would the league get in if they had doctored books?
  18. Because that does not help create the diverse market exposure that would ultimately get the league more money. If it doesn't solve nothing, then it must solve something!
  19. Probably adds the char values of the letters presented, takes the modulus of the possible choices, and then picks (or something).
  20. Well, truly branching storylines would require at least more voice lines, possibly new languages, and maybe even additional musical scores.
  21. I played X-Wing first.....but I sucked at it. I was good at TIE Fighter first (plus it was the first game I ever played with my new l33t SoundBlaster 8-bit sound card!!!!!). I prefer TIE Fighter personally
  22. I have a feeling that MCA's autobiography would be huge embelishments and farfetched....yet highly entertaining. He just seems like that type of guy :D
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