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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Odd. You refuse to believe his independent analysis of the books, yet you believe his claims that New York loses money.
  2. As an aside, I bet we learn that the G-Man is the benevolent force in the world, and all good can be attributed to his doings ^_^
  3. I still meet the odd out of date unit. But that's usually because he doesn't actually have the other tech, or he's loooooow on money. I thought you could tweak the "tech bonus" for other nations having a technology....but I can't seem to find it. Could just be wishful thinking.
  4. Give the level of Respect J.E. Sawyer seems to have in this thread, all he'd need to do is say "Please, stop. I find it annoying." and we likely would. Although he's probaby enjoying the show with a popcorn or something.
  5. I'd say no. He's the one that gets the team what they need and whatnot to work on the project, and does pretty much everything to help make the game, aside from actually working on the game.
  6. Never mind that 3rd party independent arbitrator, that was brought in at the NHLPA's request who drew that same conclusion. You prefer to think that teams like New York just made money, when he brought to light that they didn't (although Calgary/Edmoton did ^_^)
  7. Well, you could just replace every instance I use of "violence" with "sex" and it works just the same :D
  8. I always get confused....which one specifically was Jefferson and which was Van Buren. I think Van Buren was Fallout 3, but I'm not 100% sure.
  9. I think a translation to "indefinitely" is most appropriate.
  10. I have never been shot down by those sith-6pack of fighters, and have taken 5 minutes of laser fire just to see if it was even possible. The Ebon Hawk was ripped apart in the beginning of kotor2 by a surprise attack, and probably didn't have time to arm the shields. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did you know that some people actually complained that the turret battles were too hard in KOTOR? The Ebon Hawk is NOT invincible. Clearly the shields take damage, and clearly you can die from Sith fighters.
  11. This is another one of those things that Civ needs to improve on. Goverments are a very good example, but there's more. It's always taken too long in Civ to catch up in technology, as first-hand experience of a neighbour's or enemy's superior discoveries doesn't give any bonus in research. In Civ3, every additional nation that has a tech, grants bonuses to other nations researching that tech. Only the first nation to research a tech has to actually pay full research price. I never had a problem with this. I always fought the latest infantry since I've reinstalled. Is your game patched?
  12. Just like people say a Tiger Tank is invincible. Davik loved the Ebon Hawk, of course he's going to pass around the legends. It's clearly not invincible as it CAN be shot down by Sith Fighters.
  13. Yeah, no ages...and you only need one prereq (if it has more than one).
  14. I like both of those games. Been playing quite a bit of HOI2 as I recently picked it up.
  15. I have no objection to hoods. And they would make the masks more usable.
  16. Having uber players everywhere else will definitely overshadow a weak QB. Just have a running game
  17. Orgazmo: "I don't want to sound gay or anything....but I'd really like to have sex with you." Very dedicated to your ideals. I can respect that...I guess.
  18. I am pretty sure they said there'll be nothing like Terrorism in the game. Given the retar- I mean activists in the general public, I can understand this stance.
  19. THat would make them gayz0rs. On an aside, I like the studies that have been done that show outspoken homophobic mean demonstrate increased phallic bloodflow when presented with homosexual erotic images, compared to those that are secur- I mean not homophobic
  20. Extra points given to Deus Ex as best game ever, based purely on the l33tness of your sp34k
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