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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I believe it's new with the CBA, but there's a buyout option for owners that something like 70% of the remaining contract value or something. Contracts should have ways to be legally terminated, with both sides agreeing to the avenues of buying out said contract. Having said that, I don't feel too much sympathy for a player that feels he's underpaid. He signed the long term deal at that particular wage, and should take responsibility for his decision. Even with a buyout option, teams are still in a financial predicament if a player ends up not being worth the value of the contract. Although I hear that the new owner-led arbitration rules can come into play here and revalue the contract, if appropriate (or something).
  2. Because you asked why Dr. Who hadn't been mentioned.
  3. Errr...you can use different drivers with ATI cards as well. I can get it to run on my 9800 <shrug> Having said that, enjoy the game :D
  4. I don't recall them blaming Activision for Bloodlines. It's possible their complaints fell on deaf ears though
  5. I don't know if something like this would be approved by George Lucas though.
  6. I would assume (i.e I have no really idea) that, particularly based on his missed second shot, it was not beyond his skill to regroup and score on the third hit.
  7. I'm all for contracts being binding. However, I think things are a bit different in the NFL. I don't think contracts are guaranteed (which is why the big deal with the signing bonus), which means the team can axe them at any time, and they don't have to pay the contract. However, I believe the signing bonus aspect of the contract is guaranteed. According to this analysis over half of the salary earned by NFL players is now guaranteed. This number compared to 20% in 1993. So it seems to be changing. As far as I can tell, the other leagues have guaranteed contracts, where releasing someone merely puts them on waivers, where another team can pick up their contract....but the original team still has to pay it until then.
  8. I'm pretty sure Goodenow won't be around much longer. He certainly doesn't have the support of his clients. Although he does have years left on his contract I believe, but there are legitimate ways around contracts too.
  9. He did miss his second shot didn't he? How much of the adjustment could be compensated for while pulling back the bolt? Surely he'd have an idea, based on how the second shot missed, of where he should be pointing the rifle by the time he was done reloading. And maybe he was a particularly talented marksman(?)
  10. I would imagine it's a part of the grungy business side of things. The sales were probably not sufficient enough that keeping a team was too costly of a proposition. The woes of "reality"
  11. I appreciated the move. They could have closed up shop right after the release.
  12. I think Activision kept them around just long enough to release their patch. They announced they were closing their doors pretty much the next day.
  13. All arcades in my area have are fighting games now (and DD Revolution)
  14. How many people would actually watch the lottery (serious question)? I wouldn't :\
  15. http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warrior...necromancer.htm It doesn't take that long to aim a rifle, especially if you have training with firing weapons, like Oswald did being a man that was in the Marines for 3 years.
  16. Hmmm. Even at minimum details? There does seem to be a memory leak, did you try restarting the game?
  17. What type of computer do you have?
  18. How can you not have boosted your rep enough to trigger things? I didn't do any of the things you mentioned and I still got through the planet fine.
  19. I've always found it in that room if I went to Nar Shadda. It is possible that you can also find it somewhere else.
  20. If Nar Shadda is your first planet, you'll find a lightsaber component in that room.
  21. I've heard Psychonauts is pretty fun actually. Haven't played it (or even really seen it) though.
  22. And no daughters? Surely you can't be pleased... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can picture King Homer actually laughing after a comment like that.
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