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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. They aren't too thrilled with their union rep, that's for sure.
  2. Well the inverse point order achieved that. If you were the last place team the year before, you got the first draft pick, and if you were the first place team, you got the last pick, etc. I think they're going random this year since there was no season last year. And a lot of teams went through some major reconstruction in the meantime. Such as the Rangers. They dumped all their high priced has-beens, since they had the highest payroll in the league, yet didn't even make the playoffs like 2-3 years in a row, and went with a young low cost team with potential. I believe several teams did that too. Off topic: Heres hoping Luongo manages to either get some help this season or get traded to a different team. Its a shame arguably the best goaltender in the league is stuck on Florida. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ooooohhh, you were talking about for the upcoming year. In that case I agree. But even still, I prefer the lottery over the inverse system. It means that teams that tank games on purpose are not guaranteed the top pick. It can lead to some interesting stuff as the Orlando Magic back-to-back #1 picks, despite the fact they were the best team to not make the playoffs in the second year (They drafted O'Neal, and then Chris Webber to be traded for Anfernee Hardaway). The lottery is only among teams that did not make the playoffs though.
  3. Who is your avatar? He looks kind of like John Stewart, but I'm not sure
  4. Meh, I still contend that I cannot say whether or not Duke Nukem Forever will be true to the "real" Duke until I at least see the game in action. And even then, I likely won't care as long as it's a fun game.
  5. I prefer the draft lottery, like in the NBA. Crap teams should have the best chances of snagging up the best talent, to help bring parity IMO.
  6. Mouse flying is damn hard in the games where you have a ground I find.
  7. My real name is: Deranged Insanity alanschu is: Flirting With Suicide I think the site has a grim view of me.
  8. I blame games like Privateer 2 and X-Wing: Alliance that forced me to use a joystick. No keyboard support at all (nor mouse). I played through all the WC games with a mouse (they had that smart crosshair in the middle that basically determined your pitch/yaw...why more games don't include that is beyond me), Privateer with a keyboard. The original Falcon with a keyboard. I just fly better with the joystick in BF1942. A bit more precise, since the controls are analog.
  9. It is a pretty big world. I wonder if Oblivion is going to have a more robust conversation design in Oblivion. As much as I find the one word responses usable....I prefer full on dialog options personally. But I guess I can just make up whatever sentence I want when I pick the single word
  10. I heard there was a patch that upgraded the Journal. Man, I'm going to have to raid my parent's place some day. Apparently there's a way to get Ultima VII working awesome on new computers, someone wants to play some Close Combat 3 with me, AND Morrowind is still there. I think I know where the map is still Would you recommend the expansions? Although it's hard to find them in stores now anyways, so I probably won't bother.
  11. Less systems means less impulse buying too! To be honest (and humble), I've been pretty happy with my game purchases over the past little bit. Not many I can think of off the top of my head that I haven't enjoyed.... It's easier to be picky when not being blasted in 4 different directions from quality titles. Plus my TV sucks. My monitor is seriously better, and it's just an ordinary 17" CRT
  12. I'm thinking on reinstalling it...but I don't really have the time. I never did finish it, because I got distracted and when I came back I had no idea wtf I was doing (journal mode sucked). The last time I played it though I was working nights at a local restaurant and wasn't going to school, so I'd get home from work at like 3 AM and play until 7 or so
  13. Hear hear! I want to be able to use Force Persuade for more....promiscuous....activities
  14. To be honest though, it's by choice. Most games I prefer are PC games, and most of the console games that I am interested in playing have PC versions. There's the odd game I miss out on, but meh. Probably better for the bank balance.
  15. Coupled with that 95% concealment ring that you get off that guy that tricks you into going to the bottom of a lake thing or whatever and they try robbing you, I was pretty scary :D If there was ever the possibility of me not winning the fight, I just used that ring and beat the crap out of the guy since he couldn't react. The ring was rather goofy Still, I can imagine the buzz about a duel between me and their toughest guy, and the anti-climax of us rushing each other, me swinging, and him dying
  16. "Whoa! You were almost a Jill Sandwich!" I don't have a cube unfortunately. I'm console impaired (or deprived).
  17. Hahahaha. My enchantments were always additional damage to my melee attack...never ranged. My Daikatana did like an extra 75 damage in every element, or something goofy like that. I remember fighting a guy in a duel in Vivec just after getting the sword, and I killed him in a single attack
  18. I think primacy still plays a big deal. Especially when nostaliga kicks in. (I think this has a lot to do with people loving the original trilogy so much more than the prequels, even though they too have bad acting and goofy romance dialogue and the like). But of course it's always possible to recognize a future game as being better, and then it becomes the new standard bearer I didn't care much for RE3....but I really liked RE2. But after playing RE2, I couldn't really go back and play RE1. The little things like actually being able to get a zombie off me in RE2 was appreciated. My last time playing RE1, I was "juggled" between 2 zombies and there was nothing I could do about it. Basically, one zombie would attack, and when finished the other would attack, and then back to the first. It was so irritating that I just gave up, and have never played the game since. I have never beaten it :\
  19. Sort of. You can pay a small amount of money and have all your talents get reset and you can respecify. The best for rebuilding your character is probably Guild Wars, at least of what I've seen so far. I like both GW and WoW, and I actually subscribed to WoW despite vowing I never would
  20. Looked like a woman wearing a thong with a towel. I see no actual sex. The closest one would be the peep show in the Red Light District (Episode 1, Level 2), and even then that's just a woman's head moving back and forth. The only nudity in the game is when you get close to one of the "Killll Meeee" women that is tied to a pole, and you only see her after Episode 1
  21. Crusader: No Remorse (or it's sequel, Crusader: No Regret)
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