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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. In case anyone is interested, an interview with Sid Meier: http://pc.ign.com/articles/632/632379p1.html
  2. Isn't that the idea of keeping security holes and cracks and whatnot underwraps?
  3. The 14 year olds will get over it.....especially if you give them the rational capabilities that you seem to attribute to them.
  4. We probably had it coming, given the gong show last week. They probably just have itchy trigger fingers.
  5. I prefer Ultima VII myself, because of the non-linearity. But I really liked the creativity behind Serpent Isle, and the story was pretty emotional at times too. The little things like the really detailed portraits and even the inventory screen giving you an idea of how you looked was great (although sometimes it could be a little hard to find out where you put that item if you didn't know where you were wearing it )
  6. I knew he worked on VI, but I didn't know he was involved in VII, but I guess it makes sense. If I recall though, Serpent Isle was HIS beast, rather than it being Garriott's. Now that you mention it, I do remember Spector talking about Garriott's dedication to his world, as he single-handedly placed every tile in the game world for Ultima VI
  7. I got 9/20 my first go round. Since someone else posted it, I naturally got 20/20 the second time. How'd you only get 19????
  8. Deus Ex was fantastic. Serpent Isle was great Ultima Underworld (Despite it NOT being Ultima VII and therefore me not liking it when I was younger ) is excellent. Never played System Shock, but since I love System Shock 2... for Mr. Spector.
  9. I'm sure you'll fit right in you crazy british boy! Welcome to the forum!
  10. I guess that did come across as a bit harsh. If I had excluded the word 'even,' perhaps people would have gotten the wrong impression :">
  11. What type of game is Daggerfall? What would be a similar game to get an idea of what it might be like?
  12. I haven't, but it apparently is not as good as the first two games, but still worth playing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This was a game that screamed for coop :angry:
  13. You better see the post where I clarified my stance on the area attacks and power attacks. It was disappointing to see the same combo throughout the little bit of the game that I had played.
  14. Sounds like you have learned from him. Don't go to his links!
  15. Far Cry has a co-op mode? *adds to his list* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Beware however, as it's a mod...and apparently it's still unfinished. But, people that I've asked that have played it have enjoyed it, so Other games I have considered picking up are Full Spectrum Warrior, since it also has coop. And it sort of screams for coop since you control two squads
  16. Games in the last 3 years that I felt were worth it? Rome: Total War Medieval: Total War Half-Life 2 Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Gooooo co-op....but also the best story/gameplay of the bunch) Hearts of Iron 2 Silent Hunter 3 Battlefield 1942 World of Warcraft Guild Wars ....and that about exhausts the entire list of games I bought in the last 3 years. Games that I felt weren't worth the money that I bought: Battlefield: Vietnam .... I'm sure I have more....but I can't see them in my game storage area.
  17. I d/l'ed a trailer of a co-op sequence and it seems great. I'm thinking of picking up this title for that feature alone, as I just love co-op. We need more co-op games. :cool: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed. I have to convince my roommate to pick up Far Cry when I get it, so we can go through that co-op. Co-op even makes boring games fun. Serious Sam is ok in single player, but listening to your friend scream with you at the hordes of endless badguys running at you makes the game infinitely more fun. It's an absolute blast!
  18. I really enjoyed Galactic Civilizations. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
  19. No real grid? I remember there being one, and the combat was all about individual turns. It wasn't real time at all. It almost sounds like you're mistaking it for MOO3.
  20. I felt let down by the combat, but it really seemed to have potential! I guess the higher the expectactions, the greater the fall...because it's not like it's THAT bad if I take a step back. I'm probably just better that it's not on the PC
  21. Speaking of Mastery, I notice in KOTOR 2 you get it for both of your Jedi classes, as I had +6 to wisdom for my Consular/Jedi Master.
  22. Luck? No kidding. At level 2??? Nice. The luck of a h4x0r
  23. I like playing as a LS Jedi that "falls" when I play my Darkside characters. Seems more real than just being a jerk the whole game.
  24. Hehehe. Perhaps it's like an Anakin thing.....he had the best of intentions, but his actions still brought him down the dark path
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