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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. At least for a bit anyways. Gives you a more wholistiic view of the world IMO.
  2. I liked the darker atmosphere of Daredevil. Essentially, he was a vigilante and murderer. Plus, the people he fights aren't stupid....he gets unmasked quite a bit (perhaps too much), which is a refreshing change. Although bullseye was a bit much.
  3. Agreed. Not even the cool Darth Maul fight (my favourite Lightsaber duel) could save TPM from the "Messas" and the "Yippees"
  4. My pick for THE best movie of the year. And I agree, Jennifer Garner is both attractive and talented. I haven't seen it, but I hear she was the only redeeming thing in Electra.
  5. Hmmm, have you tried looking at this from a Bink perspective? Do you have problems playing other Bink videos? And perhaps a google search could shed some light. Maybe someone has found a way to let you run Bink videos on a setup like yours...even if it's with crappy performance (since you don't seem to care about that anyways...it'd be moot).
  6. Batman Begins is an excellent all round movie. It's easily the best superhero movie I have ever seen.
  7. Hey Ender, I was thinking about choices for female lead... Maybe because she's already been in a superhero movie, but what do you think about someone like Jennifer Garner?
  8. Not if Akari has anything to do about it..... :ph34r: Oh wait...he LIKES the restoration project....nevermind. Continue on.
  9. I consider that a challenge Kelverin! I do have better things to do too....I just choose not to do them for some asinine reason.
  10. Meh, the cheeziness adds to the charm. After watching the original trilogy with someone that has never seen any Star Wars movies, I realized just how cheezy (yet still good!) they really were
  11. Ok, so Akari IS cool. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!
  12. Without looking up the game at all, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it lets you create hybrid animals or something.
  13. Hahaha, true true. Although I think Darque would be impressed with the number of "single emoticon posts" I've had today I mean.... What's your smiley Mus?
  14. Hear hear! Where's a mod when you need one? EDIT: In other news, only 0.9 posts per day for Akari. Baaaad Akari
  15. You mean Alans Chu " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's my Chinese alter-ego....all about that deception stuff. Look, it's me:
  16. Yes yes, deception and all that. How could I forget???? Although more seriously, I wonder how much designers "value" (so to speak) their art. I heard that the guys at Valve didn't want to upgrade the models or anything for the Half-Life: Source release for artistic reasons.
  17. Well, I imagine that since he's "been really busy lately," he's not going to have much time for the restoration project. Although it would be neat to hear what he thought about such things. Maybe he considers it a blight against all of his hard work and will seek ways to take care of the team.......permanently! :ph34r:
  18. Maybe I'm just evil, but I don't like games that have the "mindless wandering" parts to them. Well, I may like the games but I don't care for those particular parts (Baldur's Gate for example). I never cared much for it, and in the scheme of the plot I think it's often quite silly. There's a big giant crisis of some kind, but I'm going to stop over in this out of the way, unrelated town to do some questing and whatnot. I'd rather have much more diverse areas that were still relevant to the main plot. Now if that means wandering across the planet, then yay for both of us. But I don't want to go wandering just because I can.
  19. Wouldn't this be an appropriate time for one of those classic looping "noooo" sites? "Why yes Allan, it would. You are wise and smart beyond your years!" Why thank you Have fun
  20. Besides, many reviews still had the game up in the high 80s or 90s
  21. Well....if I wanted to crush enemies before war weariness kicked in, I needed to have lots of tanks
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