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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I liked his character actually Caparzo! "It's the decent thing to do"
  2. They want you to think that. I'm more along the lines that Fionavar is building up steam! :ph34r:
  3. How long do you think until we get a mass lockdown? Or is it going to be too much for poor Fionavar?
  4. I don't usually...but today was too much fun to pass up.
  5. It's a little misleading since Way Off Topic posts aren't counted.
  6. Not waiting up for it (wait...yes I am...it's 7 AM holy crap!)
  7. 4.2 but I've been away for a while. Before even looking I declare Ender the winnah agagin.
  8. An invented Genre to categorize her genre defying music?
  9. Nah. Maximizing my population so that no matter what, 4 turns for research and I can build 20 tanks per turn
  10. Well, the twisted web of railroads that I get is because I'm boosting the production of my cities. As my cities are usually in close enough proximity so as to not waste any space, I get a huge railroad network. The enemies never get within range of your cities because they can't use your railroads or roads
  11. I did some looking into it, and the guy on the stairs is Martin Hub, and "Steamboat Willie" is Joerg Stadler
  12. The thing is, the AI didn't defend the rail lines very well. And if you build your empire like most do, you usually get a twisted web of rail lines everywhere. Even if you blocked them at places, you'd still need additional "off the railroad" defense for the Armored units that have additional movement points to get off the railroad for a second. And if I somehow broke through one spot on your line, I could very well have your entire country at my disposal.
  13. I just loaded up the DVD! And it's most obvious in the uniforms. The dude on the stairs that kills Private Mellish with the knife is wearing a Waffen-SS uniform (as indicated by his uniform), whereas the "Steamboat Willie" guy is clearly in the standard gray uniform.
  14. Yeah, you can do that in Civ 3. The original Civilization was harder because the enemy could use your railline. That's the silly part I was talking about. I could just power to the other end of your country unmolested and start attacking
  15. Meh, I shouldn't need to worry about having a huge garrison in my inner cities IMO.
  16. Hehe, I was going to say BioShock, but I thought that the "Shock" was just some inteference in my memory due to it being the successor to System -Shock-
  17. It wasn't the same German that spared him. That same German is shown a little bit later, after Upham has left the staircase, and when Upham gets brave and cuts them off from running away, he pulls the gun down from his face and gives him an evil glare. The soldier, who had just shot Captain Miller, looks at him and says "Upham!" at which point Upham (rightfully?) puts a shot into his chest, and tells the other German soldiers to move along. The German that spared Upham was absolutely not the same guy....he had a uniform with more green on it than gray, and more hair.
  18. Haha, the winnar again! Although it's likely more because I couldn't put a tune to Flatus' rendition.
  19. I suppose that will do. It certainly shows loyalty to the cause.
  20. I had heard of a spiritual successor to System Shock 2, but the name escapes me at the moment. Like "Biozone" or something like that....I'm sure it had "bio" in the title.
  21. Schindler's List was a great movie. I actually "missed" an English class one day, and I found out we were watching Schindler's List (which I hadn't seen at the time), and was disappointed. Fortunately, there was questions we needed to answer, so I was motivated into renting it and watching it for myself. Apparently people "laughed" when the one lady was shot in the head and blood squirted everywhere, because apparently my classmates "knew" that it should only be a bit of blood. Apparently the ignore the fact that there's a giant artery flowing up to our head so that we can live and all that fun stuff. By this time I was already pretty disenfrachised with high school, so it was just the icing on the cake. I really, really enjoyed the movie though...and is one that definitely gets me choked up as well. Although almost anything with a somewhat decent representation of World War 2 usually does. Band of Brothers brings out the emotion in me, whether it be watching the guys go AWOL from their hospital to be with their unit, to watching poor Eugene lose a rare bright spot in the nurse at the Bastogne aid station. . When wade gets shot in Saving Private Ryan, and starts crying out "Momma" is pretty emotional for me too....and I was one of the few people that felt sorry for Cpl. Upham when he froze on the staircase....and I like the fact that the German soldier that saw him there realized he wasn't a threat, and just let him be. I liked the whole opening scene as well, as it didn't seem to pull any punches, and it showed that the American's weren't all heroic and all, in that they shot unarmed soldiers that were surrendering as well, and made fun of him in the process.
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