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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Ooo lee....wakki Chewbacca "At last I have the Mighty Chewbacca" :D
  2. Haha, that's exactly what I got the first time too!
  3. Hey, I was here long before the release of the game too!
  4. I like Empire Strikes Back the best. Then probably a tie between Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi. I like Return of the Jedi because I just like Luke....he's grown up, become strong in the force, and I love his plan and execution of Han Solo's rescue. Revenge of the Sith is good because Ewan McGregor rocks the kazbah, Anakin after he becomes Vader is cool, and it was great to see Yoda, and recognize just how strong he is with the Force (I mean, feeling Jedi dying across the galaxy...dude must be pretty in tune with it). Then probably A New Hope. I still get goose bumps (I seriously am getting them right now just thinking about it) during the final trench run when it's just Luke, and he's lost R2....and suddenly "I have you now!" becomes 'Yeeeehawww.' Everyone's like WTF, and suddenly "You're all clear kid, now lets blow this thing and go home. Then the music...dun, dun, dun dun dun, DUN...........KABOOOOOM! Whew, I love it. The ending of Star Wars, despite it's being pretty dated, is a fun, tense experience. "The Death Star has cleared the planet....the Death Star has Cleared the planet." "You may fire when ready." Finally, I used to hold Episode 2 in higher regard, but I just recently watched it, so I'm not sure which I dislike more, Episode 1 or Episode 2. Any Obi-Wan part in Episode 2 is (See above for Ewan McGregor comment), but any Anakin/Padme stuff is "ugh." Rolling in the hill...yeesh. Although once they're on Genosis, things are better and for the most part I don't mind the movie. Episode 1 on the other hand, has Jedi whooping-ass at the beginning...always fun. But then....enter the Jar-Jar. Combining him with Anakin ("Yipeee" ugh), and the movie is sometimes quite difficult to watch The podrace, while cool in the theaters, really drags on for a long time IMO. However, Duel of Fates is the best Star Wars track (followed by 1a: Imperial March) IMO, and the lightsaber fight against Maul is the best of the movies IMO (It probably gets bonus points since Duel of Fates is playing at the same time :D). I liked Maul's fight because it wasn't excessively acrobatic like Sidious flipping around or anything crazy in Episode 3. Although I am rather glad Anakin/Obi-Wan fight wasn't anything extreme like that either. I also liked Maul's fights because there wasn't 1000 cuts in them (which seem to be the defacto way of showing the "chaos" of a fight these days....close quarter camera use with a billion cuts so that you really don't have any idea what's going on). There were many wide-angle shots, and you could see the fight While both movies have "decent" endings, I'll give Episode 2 the nod since I find Anakin/Padme less annoying than Jar-Jar/Anny...plus the Anakin saving the day in Episode 1 was a little stretched IMO.
  5. Yeah, don't you have to be a real religion? I took a course on non-criminal deviance at University, and part of what we studied was Scientology. I don't remember the details, but I remember it being pretty absurd and damned hilarious how it came to be.
  6. Fair enough....but was the current US/Iraq war necessary? It seemed to me the Bush family still had a bone to pick with Saddam. He should capitilize America, but America technically is not a country, but a land mass classified as two different continents (North America and South America). If you want to be really picky, look at the name of your country. It's called the United States of America But but but, most people I have......etc. I was under the impression that most of the developed nations consider the U.S. to be arrogant. How come I always hear testimonials about U.S. citizens putting Canadian flags and stuff on their gear when travelling abroad? To play the anecodotal evidence game, family members were recognized and praised for being Canadian. Maybe Canada is the best? :D j/k I suppose I am proud of my country, but I don't hold any extreme Nationalism. I think having too much Nationalism is a bad thing, and helps perpetuate elitism. On to the Democracy debate....how did the U.S. decide to adopt their legislative assembly? I would guess (i.e. I am just shooting in the dark here) that it would probably be reflective of whatever was going on in Britain since that's what they'd be most familiar with. And when did Great Britain begin it's democratic ways. I mean, the Magna Carta was signed waaaaaaaaay back in like 1217 or something, and seems to have laid the foundation for democracy by guaranteeing the rights of man, and making the King an equal among men (that is, if by "man" you mean "white guy with money that owns land").
  7. That was actually the suggestion I was thinking on making. I haven't had a chance to try it out since I've been quite busy with work (and forum whoring).
  8. I wonder if they just found the old thread and said "Cool, next week then!" :D
  9. Agreed. Up until the ending though I actually enjoyed the movie.
  10. Well, they have known of the Sith. They probably made an erroneous mistake of thinking they were extinct. Given that Plageuis could prevent death, who knows how long he was alive...or Palpatine really for that matter.
  11. I liked it. I thought the ending was a little rushed and weak though.
  12. Well, they did mention a desire for a stronger female lead. Plus, I don't think she's under contract, so it's not "firing," it just not rehiring
  13. I doubt that. None of the Jedi had ever heard of him. He's a Sith who pressumably killed his master to get where he was and he puts himself in a position where his apprentice can sneak up on him in his sleep ? I find that really hard to buy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, you don't know if none of the Jedi had heard of him. He also didn't sound like one of those maniacal Sith that kill things for the sake of killing things. For all we know, his master died of natural causes
  14. He likely became so uber-strong he thought himself invincible.
  15. ???? All the AI does is move along mountains for me. They're always the first place I try to defend. As for roads, there's no point in following roads, as you cannot use enemy roads to get a speed advantage.
  16. Awww...Rescue Raiders was made by Sir-Tech. RIP
  17. I think they were the controls for his Acme Iron Lung.
  18. Eldar.....INTROSPECTION IS FOR THE WEAK!!! *ZAAAAAAAAAAP* See, adding some Onomatopoeia or even l33tspeak will instantly degrade your writing to a less than formal style
  19. I always hated that I needed 40000 units to defend my border. I would have much preferred that the "zone of control" equal some sort of meeting engagement if you tried to run past a unit (i.e. it would intercept you). As it stands, a little angle hole lets his units march unmolested around my panzer divisions. And then the AI just finds an unchecked mountain tile and travels along the mountains until it gets to a city it wants to plunder, with it 2000 unit stack of doom. The thing about logistics and whatnot, is that the game does not model this at all. I can have an entire army deep deep into enemy territory, but he does not suffer at all. I also don't see how it limits the strategy, because I find the "strategy" of moving your giant unit stack between adjacent armies an all sides to be an unrealistic strategy. Score to you though if that tile is a mountain tile, because nothing is going to stop you. It also makes fortifications essentially useless, because you have to build 30 of them along your border.
  20. I tried downloading it and got 0 seconds of audio It's probably because it downloaded something from my cache instead for some stupid reason. I'm using IE.
  21. That reminds me of that "real-life" D&D video. "Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt"
  22. On a side note, is the game open-source aka free, or is it open-source aka license owners can modify the code? If it's free, where's is at?
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