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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. That is why evil will always win...because good is dumb
  2. What was that? What seems to be expensive????
  3. Yeah, we have surpluses now. Although I'm sure a financial advisor could see it as a "bad" move, if we could possibly make more money investing our loans elsewhere. I'm old school though....I like not owing money
  4. Do you see Open Source as the way of the future? I think it still lacks the profit motive.
  5. I'm kind of surprised....although it could be expensive to get to. I know that's one big setback with Alberta's oil, is that a lot of it is in Oil Sands, which is more expensive to refine. Although I'm pretty sure the off coast stuff in the Atlantic is pure crude (I can't see it being anything else). It's going to be wierd...Newfoundland is going to be a "have" province.
  6. Nur was just showing off the fact that he knew those unnamed planets!
  7. True. But perhaps more of a hassle Maybe my GPL code changes don't make the program better
  8. Not sure about percentage. If you follow the link, you'll see: Saudi Arabia, 261.8 (yikes!) Canada, 180.0 Iraq, 112.5 UAE, 97.8 Kuwait, 96.5 Iran, 89.7 Venezuela, 77.8 Russia, 60.0 Libya, 29.5 Nigeria, 24.0 It looks like a lot! And given the rather steep drop off at #9, probably fairly significant.
  9. Did France/UK learn their lesson and help out rather than unleashing a fury of war reparations? Although help to rebuild Germany (and Japan) may have been motivated by an intention to make sure those Commie's in the Soviet Union didn't get there first.
  10. It was goofy in the original Civ. Railline your way to the unprotected cities
  11. I'm actually only really familiar (and not all that much) with GPL. My teacher/boss was able to convince a professor from SoCal to release some of his research under GPL, which has really helped out the research that we're doing.
  12. And helped finance Japan's recovery to boot!
  13. Ah! That would make sense. But Darth Vader is using the force to push them, so that's why he's not always pushing them!
  14. In the past couple of years, they have discovered HUUUUUUUGE oil reserves in Oil Sands in Alberta. It skyrocketed up Canada's Oil Reserve estimates from like 5 billion barrels in 2003 to 180 billion barrels in 2004. http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-top-ten/w...ntries-map.html And we just keep finding more and more. We recently found more of the coast of the maritimes, and recent analyses have shown that Alberta's Oil Sands are even more bountiful than before.
  15. Probably. Although there are many more Open Source licenses than GPL: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/
  16. Nope, no speed bonus in enemy territory (this was probably an overkill, but they probably wanted to prevent you from jumping on an enemies rail-line and basically zip around attacking whatever undefended city you choose). The main reason I wouldn't mind the zone of control is that it would make building fortresses actually useful. There's no point in building one unless you have precisely only one tile to get through, because the AI is never going to attack it otherwise. Also, many defensive units are rather poor at attacking, I don't want to have to stop my offensive push because some guy ran between my armies and my defensive armies didn't do anything about it. You don't need overwhelming number, and defense is not hard, I just find it too micromanaging.
  17. There's 30 industrial nations in the world? I'm not so sure. Given the Al-Quaeda links in Afghanistan, I think people would have been going "WTF? You're attacking the wrong people!" I agree that there are some that need to be replaced, and I do agree that it's tricky business and that I don't believe anyone has the right to randomly despose of anyone either. Although it didn't seem to stop the U.S. in certain situations in South America, especially whenever a communist/socialist regime was about to give it a try. Take this from Kissinger: However, you mention a legal right of going into Iraq. I'll admit I don't follow the war too closely, but what is this legal right? I will agree that the UN is pretty ineffective. Although I blame it as much on the creation of permanent Security Council members as much as goofy bureaucracy. While I can understand why the permanent members were created, since the League of Nations was an even bigger joke, their creation has basically stymied the UNs ability to do anything, particularly with that vicious veto. Fortunately prior to the Korean War, the USSR member was not in attendance (I can't remember why, but I believe it was pretty funny), so something could be done about it. Perhaps the permanent members aren't so bad....but I don't like the veto. You could have the entire world be in favour of something, but one country says no? Boo! But it was created because countries are self-serving and would just drop out of the UN if it wasn't working for them...just like the League of Nations. I don't remember the events of Rwanda (I was still quite young at the time....still in High School if I recall, more worried about perfecting my jump shot than anything else ), but why didn't the UN intervene? Was there a goofy veto there? An international governing body is still a long ways off, given that a state still has autonomy over what goes on in its borders. The UN could penalize France, but then France just leaves the UN and tells us to bugger off. The UN does need serious reworking. It's too weak of an entity.
  18. I only recognize Mustafar and Saleucami (assuming Saleucami is where General Greivous disappeared to). What were the other ones?
  19. Yup yup. Are you patched? My AI characters have fetishes for mountains...I assume for it's fat defensive bonuses. They won't touch me if I'm on a mountain though (which I can understand).
  20. I remember watching some video (history of Linux or something), where Open Source actually just means access to the source code to change stuff that you feel needs changing, but not necessarily free (although in most cases it is). I don't remember the guy's name, but he was a chubby guy with a beard and was the one that made the GNU acronym (and was particularly pleased that it was a recursive acronym).
  21. Actually, I think the case I was most thinking of was actually Rwanda. I don't believe anyone sent troops there, despite 100,000s of people dying like hours. I'm just not convinced that the removal of Hussein is simply to remove a dictator causing genocide.
  22. What about other dictators that go unchecked though? Wasn't it like pulling teeth getting the US involved in Kosovo and all that former Yugoslavia stuff?
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