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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Why were you Master Flurrying as a Sith Lord though? I just Force Crushed my way through the fight and she wasn't even able to get a chance to hit me back. I had successfully put her in a juggle move
  2. It is kind of funny to see him immediately enter his cutscene after one attack round. I still did kill the Jedi, as I knew that their fate would be worse than death if I didn't. I knew they would not want to help contribute to the power of a Sith Lord. As Dark Lord Revan though, I drained them for myself
  3. The part that I'm reading on Page 105 says this:
  4. Master Flurry is goofy strong, especially when paired with Master Speed. 5 attacks for 50+ damage each = dead guys. I killed Malak in two attack rounds as my Guardian in KOTOR 1, and KOTOR 2 was my running around mashing on '1' as fast as I could to keep flurrying and killing all. I have never used Power Attack really though. The animation itself annoys me (goofy flip)
  5. It entered her in the front? And are they not mistaking depth perception? What part are you looking at (seeing as I have it open too)? I was going to read over the EPA one as well, but it's like 300 pages as well so I basically said fook it.
  6. Yeah I got that :D Although I'm still curious what indicates that a bullet would have had to have changed direction if it was truly only coming from one spot?
  7. Why would a bullet need to change directions during the Kennedy's Assassination? And don't forget how dated the Warren commission is. The conspiracy guys!!!! My powerbroker comments were simply in jest though. Although I would be impressed if somehow the conspiracy was able to modify every all those Italian rifles that could have shot those bullets.
  8. The Abrams IS fun. And I'm more willing to be the secondary gunner since I can now duck if I'm being shot at :D
  9. At family get togethers we'd have an 8 player tournament. My good cousin and I would always meet at some point, and those fights were always crazy long and people enjoyed just watching them. I always had the upper hand on him in Mortal Kombat games...although a different cousin could give me a run for my money in that one :D
  10. Penn & Teller's Bull**** did not claim zero medical evidence for second hand smoking being bad for your health. They pointed out that the two reports from the EPA and the WHO that are spouted off so much by the fans of anti-second hand smoking are bogus. First and foremost, the WHO had a study in 1998 that concluded: "Our results indicate no association between childhood exposure to ETS [environmental tobacco smoke] and lung cancer risk" only to later put out there press release to the public that states that it is....going against their own conclusion. As for the EPA, Penn and Teller pointed out the "25%" number that the EPA and the second-hand smoking advocates like to toss around. The 1993 EPA report states that those exposed to second hand smoke have a 25% greater chance of dying from lung cancer. What isn't apparent in this statement however, is that the change is from 1 in 100,000 to 1.25 in 100,000. Common-folk still like to state "well it's still an increase," ignoring the fact that they difference is not statistically significant (that is, the change could very well be based on the random sample and pure luck, and does not actually support the claim. If you're still not clear, get two different sets of 100,000 people, and you are likely to find this distribution based purely on random sample). Even IF, you change the measurement of statistical signifigance from the standard 0.05 to 0.1 (which is frowned upon in academia), you still only actually get a 1.19 or 19% relative risk. That's what Penn and Teller focused their second hand smoke episode on. As for the rifle....it's the power brokers that bullied that report into saying it took over 2 seconds to reload that round. You can play the conspiracy game both ways. Those that want you to believe it's a consipiracy have are committed to their own agenda. The guns weren't changed....that's just what the consipiracy theorists want you to think! EDIT: And the "bogus" physics have since been shown to actually have been accurate. The way that Kennedy's head jerked around actually does make sense, given the bullets coming from the same location.
  11. "Spinning Side Kick!!!!" "Ya Ta!" Hehehe. My cousing was the only one that could match my Ryu ownage, and he did it with Chun Li. She was tough
  12. Here's a larger exceprt: Palpatine staggered, snarling, but the blistering energy that loured from his hands only intensified. He fed the power with his pain. "Anakin!" Mace called. His voice sounded distant, blurred, ; if it came from the bottom of a well. "Anakin, help me! This is your chance!" He felt Anakin's leap from the office floor to the ledge, felt his approach behind
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if I had one like that once, but I just don't remember it. My roommate jokes that my desire to be a superhero must really outweigh his, since he does not recall having any superhero dreams
  14. Haha I don't remember that. I'm surprised they didn't throw in an igloo joke. Perhaps they're too cliche now?
  15. I actually snagged a copy of Civ 3 for $10 about a month ago. I still like it....and certainly cannot wait for Civ 4!
  16. Lately I've had neat dreams. They often involve me being the hero I've also noticed that a large portion of my dreams are now lucid dreams. The reason I know is that often something "bad" will happen in them, and while dreaming, I'm like "no no no, that can't be right" and I usually rewind and replay the scene with a more favourable outcome I suspect it's the video games. So used to Save and Reload. And the "no no no" part reminds me of old games like Conan and stuff where it's some guy telling a story and when you die, he always goes "Oh wait, that's not what happened!" or something goofy like that. I have actually had dreams where I was spiderman (I blame my friends and family, apparently I have a likeness to Toby Maguire, and even a young kid that I didn't know in the mall called my Spiderman!), as well as a Jedi Knight (one dream was particularly wierd, where I was Zorro with a lightsaber....needless to say I was pretty powerful ). I never get the woman though!! :D
  17. I watched an episode of Bull**** with Penn & Teller (A hilarious, and often informative show - Their motto is "We're biased as *fark* but we try to be honest" - and they actually get professionals in the field discussed to suppor their arguments, so it's not just two guy saying "this is bull****"), and basically Penn took the same model of rifle that Oswald used, and was able to get off 3 shots while using the bolt AND even taking a moment to check his aim in less time than Oswald took....without any training (I've heard Oswald was a military man, so he'd have some training....don't know though...just hearsay). But even still, unless Oswald was their world's slowest man at pulling back a bolt, I can't see how it would take him 2 seconds per shot. I have no experience with firearms, and I was able to pull it back and load in a new round fairly quickly. *On a side note, my first every shot was with a Glock 9mm, and my first shot jammed the gun because I didn't fire it properly, convincing me that the argument that video games turn us into gun wielding experts is horesh!t, since I've probably passed 6 figures for the amount of "virtual" kills I've had in my entire life
  18. I wonder how many of our "clairvoyant" dreams come true because they are of a somewhat plausible occurence in our life, and then when the situation presents itself, we're more willing to perform said task because we had dreamed we did it a certain way. Sort of like our dreams giving us an expectation.
  19. Meh. I think people place too much faith in the recent history of weather as being the way weather is. I also think people persistently underestimate nature...particularly the weather. If an iceage were to approach, people would assume it was a government plot, despite the fact that they've happened in the past. Not to mention that El Nino gave me (Edmonton, Alberta) +10 weather in December and snow in Mexico! Weather does wieeeeeeeeeeeeerd stuff. As for dreams...yeah, Freud is a bit of a crackpot. I don't mind his rationalization of Id, Ego, and Superego, but the dude was a bit too phallo-centric for my tastes.
  20. As of right now: Half-Life Deus Ex Ultima VII The first two are pretty constant, but third place usually has a rotation
  21. Don't underestimate the capability for military research to have practical applications. Also, don't underestimate "conservative" research to have large impacts on the more radical research ideas.
  22. I have taken a few introductory psychology classes and it was always ineresting reading up on studies of perception and memory. I wonder if any of these sights/visions could be attributed to overactive neurons (which is what causes hallucinations in schizophrenics and whatnot) or dreams that seem real. It's particularly neat that memories can actually be constructed, particularly with shaping by a person asking questions. Someone's expectactions can alter or create a memory of something, or see things. I remember my Mom has a lamp of a little boy with a golf bag as the lamp post. I had a nightmare onetime that the head of the lamp zoomed towards me and scared the **** out of me, and was acting all demonic and all that fun stuff. After that, I flat out refused to sleep with that lamp in my room, and for the most part the lamp creeped me out for a while. I could even swear that the eyes were watching me. Many years later I stumbled upon that lamp, and it still gave me the shivers. But as I concentrated on it, I found that I could willfully perceive its eyes to be moving....which was a little bit freaky. But as I realized that I did have some control over whether or not that eyes appeared to move simply by concentrating on it, I began to realize that it likely was all in my head As for seeing the devil after your dream, I would imagine that your brain was still in an overactive state and you probably imagined him being there. The neat part is though, is that no one sees what goes into their eyes...everything we see is what the visual sensory cortex of our brain interprets for us (this is how hallucinations occur. Neurons are firing when they shouldn't be firing). I wouldn't be surprised if stuff like this happens quite frequently immediately following a dream, when you are barely lucid and your synapses are still erratic just like they are when you're dreaming. But hey, you say you know what you saw (or at least you know what your brain was telling you you saw ).
  23. I voted for Jolee. He was the most fun to talk to. I found both Carth and Bastila annoying personally. Didn't leave me much for romancing
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