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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The ending of the scene was pretty cool too. The Guardian was not one to mess with. Learning that the Guardian was evil in Ultima VII was cool in its own right. I so wish I could still play these games. The last time I tried was either on my P166 or my K6-2 333....not sure which one. BUT, the game went SO fast, that before I realized it, enough time had elapsed that my guys were passing out from starving so much. If I recall, the part where you meet up with Batlin.....isn't that where your most loyal companions go all loopy? I must say, the one part where you see the demented Iolo in Shamino's castle with the red eyes sent shivers down my spine.
  2. I actually feel kind of bad for it.
  3. I made it to Trinsic in Ultima IX, but then something happened and I quit playing. Then to start playing all the way from the beginning was something I didn't really feel like doing unfortunately. I was hoping to see the end of the Trilogy of Trilogies
  4. Ender, I must admit, I have mad respect for you since you seem to be an Ultima fan. I eventually did finish Ultima IV like you suggested :D But yeah, Dupre was a shocker. Same with finding the evidence that confirmed my suspicions that Batlin was indeed a bad dude, and that I was on the hitlist along with Lord British :eek: Other big moments are: The ending of Torment The ending of Fallout When you take out the Universal Constructor in Hong Kong in Deus Ex, when everything seems to be pointing to the end of the game (and I would have been VERY happy with my purchase just given the game I had played), only to find out there was MORE :D :D :D Reaching the surface for the first time in Half-Life and realizing that the help that was sent isn't very "helpful" One unforgettable moment was with a fun simple game called Uprising...the unforgettable moment was that it forced me to use mouselook, completely changing the way I played FPS games and amplifying my skill in them tenfold. The video at the end of the second act of Duke Nukem, when you find out he wasn't just trash talking when he said "I'm going to rip off your head and sh** down your throat" Beating GoldenEye on 007 mode, with all the cheats unlocked, cementing my claim among my friends and peers as being THE ultimate GoldenEye player (as if my owning them in multiplayer wasn't enough :D) My first Cavalry flank in Rome: Total War with my Heavy Cavalry. Mowing down two whole units of soldiers was immensely satisfying. Convincing Zaalbar to be not so nice to Mission in KOTOR. I am fairly used to Bioware's Evil-Lite approach, but to see that they actually incorporated something as evil and manipulative as this was very cool! Yoshimo's betrayal!!! If I can think of any more, I'll be sure to put them down.
  5. #1 and #2 are easy. 1) Half-Life 1a) Deus Ex (Half-Life wins simply because I had experienced it first...gets more nostalgic votes). For #3, things get much harder...there's soooooooooooo many good ones to choose from. First, I think Half-Life 2....a sequel to #1. Hmm, it was crazy fun and had fantastic graphics and animation, and the game was just super cool. I'm also thinking Ultima VII, because that was the game that finally led me to get my own PC (used to be a SNES and Macintosh boy). No One Lives Forever 2 was fun, and gets bonus points for an actually creatively designed co-op mode (it's co-op mode put the players in control of Unity agents in missions that related to the single player story. Either you'd set things up before Cate got there so she could do her mission...or you'd be part of a "clean-up" crew immediately following the aftermath of one of her missions)....but ultimately....I don't think it had enough of an impact....so I guess this one is out. Civilization sucked away a lot of time....but it doesn't seem to move me as much anymore....probably because it's pretty dated. Pirates! Gold was crazy fun, as was it's current remake...hmmmm. Oooo, Baldur's Gate 2. A very long and ultimately fulfilling game. It was neat as it was the first game I've ever played that had a romance in it. Very neat stuff! Perhaps a little too munchkinish though. Fallout 1 and 2 are both sweet....probably give the nod to Fallout 1 as it was less buggy though. Ack, how could I forget Planescape: Torment. Excellent storyling and a killer ending! I loved that game. Ok, after considering the finalists and giving games I enjoyed a reviewer's tilt..here's the list: 1) Half-Life 1) Deus Ex (meh...let's just go straight up tie) 3) Planescape: Torment 3a) 3b) 3c) 3d) everything else
  6. I'd put a plug in for Ultima VII: Part 2...especially the Videos. I remember my friends oooing and awwing them when they first saw them :D And kirottu, if you look closely, I took the easy way out. I said it was a 100% 3D graphical engine :D
  7. People act surprised by the silence of game developers/publishers. These same people tried being open with their customers when they were with Black Isle, and look at the mess the Black Isle forums became. Sure, you guys say "all you want is an update" but like the cliche goes: Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile. If Obsidian or Lucasarts responds to you, then it sets a precedent. People will begin clamouring for more responses and more feedback, and it sets the bar higher and higher each time, until it's simply impossible to even hope of meeting demand. However, failure to continue to respond leads to angry messages and angry e-mails, because "they responded to so-and-so, the fook did they respond to him and not me?" It eventually gets to a point where failure to have essentially collaboration with the fans (of which there are 1000s of them, each with their own ideas and opinions) that it just makes the situation messy. So what happens when you get your response from Obsidian? You sit back happy with mission accomplished? Or does psychology take over and you are reinforced in doing such acts (and everyone else that witnesses it)? Sadly enough, I blame the silence of developers on the fans.....they're the ones that have outrageous demands that cannot be met...and then cry for blood because they aren't met. Refer to all the stupid things that have happened, like the BIS forum gong-show, or the hacking of Valve to get the E3 code. The guy that did that claimed he did it because Valve wasn't being fair to their customers and whatever other bull he spewed forth. And then Valve became silent for everything, and because they were trying to be open about stuff before hand, people were expecting it and when they weren't getting it they got pissed off (and do stupid stuff like hack Gabe's computer).
  8. It's clealy a 3D graphics engine. Whether or not the game is played in all 3 axes is irrelevant. You can clearly see when rotating the camera the fact that trees have definite height and rotate appropriately with respect to their position in all of the axes. It's fully polygonal, requires Z-Buffers and the like. A 2D game is a game like Baldur's Gate. Clearly the gamestate is not rotateable, objects contain no depth and are static.
  9. What records would Detroit have broken if they had won?
  10. Not having backup for statements has never stopped you. In any case, what do you mean by "gameplay" will be the same style as Aurora? I would bet that even if they weren't using Aurora and completely built a new engine, that since the game is a sequel to an Aurora engine game, there's a good chance the gameplay would be in the same style as Aurora, regardless of whether or not it is Aurora.
  11. That would be interesting, given that it would be March 22nd, 1993. I'd probably start playing basketball a lot more seriously and earlier (although I'd only be two years behind). My brother was killed in a motorcycle accident on September 11, 1994, so at first instinct, I'd probably find a way to prevent that. But....I'd be worried that things could change for the worse. I grew a lot as a person in the aftermath of his accident....and became more extraverted too. I'd also likely work up the nerve to actually ask Sherrie out
  12. Pearl Jam U2 Foo Fighters Audioslave That's all I can come up with at the moment. I like a lot of bands, but I'm not sure if I'd consider them my "favourites" or not.
  13. Should be interesting now that Detroit has evened it up.
  14. There name bounced around like a hot potato for quite a while between Infrogrames' acquistion and Atari closing down it's doors. It's quite the dramatic soap opera actually
  15. But Vader is called Dark Lord of the Sith at starwars.com, but he's still the apprentice of Darth Sidious. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Vader Kills Sidious At the end of the movie series thus, technically he does becom the dark lord of the sith, although this could also be debated because by killing his master Vader is actually straying from the dark side. But still in the tradition of the sith, since he killed his master, he would become the dark lord of the Sith. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that was the case, then I would doubt that starwars.com would refer to Vader as The Dark Lord of the Sith. They're not going to give him the title for killing the Emperor, although as you said his killing of the emperor was part of his redemption, not claiming the mantle of Dark Lord.
  16. But Vader is called Dark Lord of the Sith at starwars.com, but he's still the apprentice of Darth Sidious.
  17. Activision was indeed started by unhappy development studios that didn't like working directly for Atari.
  18. The shooting I was able to get down pretty good with some slider manipulation, so I didn't have a problem with that. With some creative tweaking I was able to get the game running pretty good, with average scores of 90-100 pts and realistic shooting percentages. It still sucks to hit a speedy slasher with a pass (which often isn't a lead pass, which gets annoying) and watch ANY CPU defender catch up to you and cut you off. They came from behind.
  19. I'm most familiar with the basketball games, since I love basketball. the AI in Live 2005 is quite a bit better, but I still find my teammates to be a bunch of doorknobs that don't understand keeping the floor balanced, or like to cut across for a post up while I drive to the lane. My biggest beef with 2005 is that the computer controlled teams have a speed boost. It's virtually impossible to score on the break in that game, even with speedy little guys like Steve Nash. But give the CPU Nash, and watch out! Another big beef is the defense. The CPU teams stick with their man like crazy, whereas my own team defenders have their feet glued to the floor, and trying to anticipate defense while controlling can be difficult. I'm not processing all the input and know what the computer is doing the instant he starts doing it, whereas the nanosecond I push left on my controller, the CPU defender immediately reacts. It's led to some bizarre times when I couldn't even cross the half-court line without whipping out some crazy freestyle moves to get free. Trying to just dribble the ball across the line was literally impossible. It's not my fault.
  20. Agreed. It is easier to play those games multiplayer on consoles. Here's hoping they improve the AI in the near future rather than the graphics though. The robotic nature of the AI (especially your teammates) is frustrating. Nobody ever worries about upsetting a droid.
  21. Haha, ironically, I have a game controller for the driving parts hahaha I also use it for the sports games. It made more sense for me to buy a $20 controller than to go and buy a new console just to play the odd sports game :D I will admit that trying to play sports games with a keyboard just pisses me off. It's not wise to upset a wookie.
  22. Score one for 2K Games. I guess they got the rights to ALL of Firaxis games, as they advertise Pirates on their webpage. They have some pretty big titles on their list (i.e. Elder Scrolls 4 and Civ 4), which should net them some decent capital for funding future games. Although they have had some busts too I see (Close Combat: First to Fight...ugh...I loved the old Atomic Close Combat games, especially A Bridge Too Far and its dynamic campaign...the name has been tainted!)
  23. Awww...no more Star Wars quotes??? I'll try to remedy that. I haven't owned a console since my N64/Playstation. There have been a few times I may have wanted a game and considered buying one, but I've always come to my senses before hand :D The big games like GTA and Halo and whatnot I don't like too much, because I prefer to play those types of games on the PC. The keyboard/mouse combo is a weapon from a more civilized time. Although lately I've moved away from the FPS style games...I still got Half-Life 2 (admittedly always will be a Half-Life junkie) and Doom 3 (for nostalgic reasons), but I have been playing a lot more strategy games and RPGs. They're not as clumsy or random as a blaster.
  24. You'd care monetarily if their financial woes mean the games don't get released.
  25. You'd be surprised how few 20 year olds actually have an idea of what they want to be. Many of them may *think* they know what they want to do....but many (I'd wager *most*) run into the same "problem" as you when they get further into their academic career.
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